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The thread about how we should play


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I've said it before but I think we've got enough about us in midfield, to not need Tiote as an automatic starter anymore, at least not for most home games. Anita was an excellent defensive midfielder for Ajax and I think that's where he'll be most effective for us. Cabaye can do the box-to-box role and Marveaux can be the number 10. There's a lot of intelligence and tenacity in that midfield, enough to get the better over a lot of teams.


Tiote is still an incredibly useful player for us, but he's better in certain types of matches.


I'd go:


Debuchy  Taylor  Colo  Santon


                Anita  Cabaye





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Tiote's form site reason we need to sign m'Vila. Protection for the back 4 but class on the ball.


Thats another point, teams leave Tiote because they know he won't do any harm..... if we had a b2b or DM with skills it would not only help us defensively but give more space to the likes of Cabaye, HBA etc etc because they know they can't just focus on 1 or 2 players because others will effect the game.


Another reason why Remy will help a lot because HBA has been the only real threat and teams know this so they just ignore the others and focus on him.



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Debuchy Taylor Coloccini Santon


Anita Cabaye

Ben Arfa Cisse Remy


Would be interesting.


It's what we should do. It's what should work. I just hope Pardew doesn't find a way to fuck it up.


That first eleven is almost on par with Spurs best XI.

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The problem is that it´s not just about a good formation. We need to install positive thinking, passing and movement. We can´t have a manager standing at the side line a shouting "get long" all the time.


I´m not even kidding. But is it one man that can make that team play crap so is it Pardew.

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I asked this before on another thread - but in the 4-2-3-1 formations that have been suggested, where does the cover come from for Debuchy and Santon?  I have seen a few people suggest that Ben Arfa shouldn't be wasted tracking back, but I think in 4-2-3-1 the 'wingers' have to track back.

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Guest tollemache

Ah go on then. Once again, a la Ancelotti:



                Two   Blokes
Debuchy                       Santon

           Anita          Tiote


       Ben Arfa


No reason to hit it long when you have two playmakers in the middle and fullbacks able to get forward with so much support.


Alternatively, play Ben Arfa as the number 10 with whoever we sign to play alongside Cisse alongside Cisse, and Marveaux as backup.

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Interesting article on 4-2-3-1.  Actually raises some relevant concerns re my post above about how it can be exploited.




Any system can be exploited, there is no bullet proof system with no weaknesses if there were then everyone would use it.


The idea is to have an idea how you want to play( style and mentality wise) and then buy the players to fit that style and mentality into a system which suits the way you want to play.


Unfortunately Pardew doesn't know how to.... A. Fit the players he has into a system B. Fit the players he has into a style of play and mentality he wants to employ


You can't have a system without the style of play and mentality fitting otherwise it all falls apart, in fact just one thing being wrong will lead to it not working kind of like a jenga tower if you take one piece out then its likely to fall down.


This season Pardew hasn't got one of those things right which is shown by the disjointed and overall just shit performances.

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I am aware that there is no perfect system.  That much is obvious.


My point is that many people had/have advocated the adoption of a 4-2-3-1 formation but seemingly aren't expecting the wide men in that formation to track back, despite articles such as the one I have posted explaining how important it is.  I was discussing this with a Spurs season ticket holder the other day and he says that both Bale and Lennon are fantastic at tracking back and do it willingly (admittedly in a 4-4-2 formation).  In either a 4-4-2 or a 4-2-3-1, every player has to put in a decent shift defensively.  It is a not a waste of talent, but just something that is required.

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I am aware that there is no perfect system.  That much is obvious.


My point is that many people had/have advocated the adoption of a 4-2-3-1 formation but seemingly aren't expecting the wide men in that formation to track back, despite articles such as the one I have posted explaining how important it is.  I was discussing this with a Spurs season ticket holder the other day and he says that both Bale and Lennon are fantastic at tracking back and do it willingly (admittedly in a 4-4-2 formation).  In either a 4-4-2 or a 4-2-3-1, every player has to put in a decent shift defensively.  It is a not a waste of talent, but just something that is required.


More aimed at the article than yourself mate.... also i agree Barcelona are a fine example of where ability combined with work rate can take you.

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Tottenham are showing if you play it the right way, 4-4-2 still works.


And have the wingers to make it work.




Not sure why it couldn't work with Marveaux left and HBA right. I know it means a bit more defensive duties but we're not asking them to be work horses, just follow their full-back. Solano wasn't great defensively but he did a job. Get someone like Gomis to partner Cisse and it could work.

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I said this in another thread.


I´m starting to feel that the only way we are going to win matches is to play 4-4-2 with long ball at Shola and a hard working midfield with Jonas. It hurts so bad to say that. But I think that the only chance we have. We can´t, Pardew can´t, win in another way.
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