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The thread about how we should play


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I don't like this "keeping them happy" Should play what's best for the team and club, if a professional can't understand that and be rotated then somethings wrong.


It's not football at school for kids where everyone get minutes every game..

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Guest BooBoo

I don't like this "keeping them happy" Should play what's best for the team and club, if a professional can't understand that and be rotated then somethings wrong.


Ba can piss off if he's going to get the hump because he's asked to play in a position that doesn't suit him.

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I don't like this "keeping them happy" Should play what's best for the team and club, if a professional can't understand that and be rotated then somethings wrong.


It's not football at school for kids where everyone get minutes every game..



I feel Pardew is restricting the team in an attempt to keep Ba happy.

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Man utd have rooney and van persie. What did they do today? instead of going 4-4-2 and playing both they dropped rooney and kept the system.  Now agree with that or not but just because we have two quality strikers doesn't mean they have to play every game together. Rotation would be healthy especially with our small squad.

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4-3-3 can easily become 4-5-1. personally I'm pleased that we have a go at top teams by playing 2 Dembas


Pleased that we play two players that don't click? Or show any kind of signs of working in a partnership..

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4-3-3 can easily become 4-5-1. personally I'm pleased that we have a go at top teams by playing 2 Dembas


Pleased that we play two players that don't click? Or show any kind of signs of working in a partnership..


That we don't park the bus and instead try and be positive

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4-3-3 can easily become 4-5-1. personally I'm pleased that we have a go at top teams by playing 2 Dembas


Pleased that we play two players that don't click? Or show any kind of signs of working in a partnership..


That we don't park the bus and instead try and be positive


Just cause you go with only one striker doesn't mean "park the bus" or that it's negative.

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4-3-3 can easily become 4-5-1. personally I'm pleased that we have a go at top teams by playing 2 Dembas


Pleased that we play two players that don't click? Or show any kind of signs of working in a partnership..


That we don't park the bus and instead try and be positive


Just cause you go with only one striker doesn't mean "park the bus" or that it's negative.


Maybe not - but i was saying I'm glad we don't and are not.  I think we should pick our formaation a/c to the oppostion (like last year).  It worked then, it didn't today.  Chelsea were really good first half - we played okay but got beat by a team wwho have just spent 80m quid.  I'm disappointed sure but no need for the relentless negativity from some

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This was our 3rd most difficult game of the season - and we done alright.  No need for all the wet gussets at all


Me personally, i think there is some positives from this game, but playing the Dembas in a 4-4-2 together isn't one one of them. I don't base this on the game we just played.

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I've said this a few times but if Pardew is letting Ba dictate where he does or doesn't play then it's really worrying. I can't imagine it though, Pardew seems quite strict and authoritarian (his treatment of HBA last season for example).


I can't imagine Pardew would risk the hard work he's put in so far just to keep one player happy.

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4-3-3 can easily become 4-5-1. personally I'm pleased that we have a go at top teams by playing 2 Dembas


Playing 2 strikers doesn't really mean "having a go" though, in the first half i wouldn't really call how we were playing "having a go"


We did in the 2nd half sure, but the first half we looked like we came for a 0-0

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4-3-3 can easily become 4-5-1. personally I'm pleased that we have a go at top teams by playing 2 Dembas


Playing 2 strikers doesn't really mean "having a go" though, in the first half i wouldn't really call how we were playing "having a go"


We did in the 2nd half sure, but the first half we looked like we came for a 0-0


PArds said we were brave.  I think in formation and personnel we were.  First half we didn't play for 0-0 we just got outplayed by a good team and didn't start too well.

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Ben Arfa's starting position in a 4-4-2 doesn't enable him to use his end product often enough as he imo has to start his mazy runs from too deep and unfortunately it's a bit too much to ask, even from him.

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I think it's ridiculous to suggest that we play 4-4-2 just because of Ba. Pardew has been brilliant enough that we shouldn't be criticizing him after we lost 2-0 to a pretty much guaranteed top 3 team. And it's not like 4-4-2 has always been awful for us. I trust Pardew 100% what ever formation he decides to go with. This season has lasted a week now, calm down everybody.

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Ben Arfa's starting position in a 4-4-2 doesn't enable him to use his end product often enough as he imo has to start his mazy runs from too deep and unfortunately it's a bit too much to ask, even from him.


I'd add to that Cabaye today was looking to pass over 3-4 opposition players heads and land the ball on a 5p piece in order to get us in on goal. If we work the ball to him further up the pitch it's a pass between two defenders on the deck.

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