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Alan Pardew


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He's went for it in the past and we've looked like a semi-competent side until we've fallen on the wrong side of a 4 goal thumping or we've lost a few player to injuries, then he reverts back to normal.

He has an attacking appetite that's easily curbed.
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"We were playing with same shape that we had in the team two seasons ago and that suits us well,"


Absolutely impossible to play it again until now of course. :lol:




Think people forget we played Ba and Cisse in 4-4-2 last season even though we'd been very good with Ba on the left side on a front 3. So Pardew had the players for a half season last year but didn't do it. Then Ba left anyway.


Anyway, Hopefully Remy isn't as precious!

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He's went for it in the past and we've looked like a semi-competent side until we've fallen on the wrong side of a 4 goal thumping or we've lost a few player to injuries, then he reverts back to normal.


If he can keep this mentality up and have the team playing as coherently as they did today over the course of the season then fair enough, he has no excuses not to.



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I see both sides here. It'll take a lot more than just today to prove these are his intentions, but on the other hand, it would have been very easy for "typical Pardew" to have brought Taylor back in to try and combat Benteke's strength, and recall Tiote since he's been a first teamer for 3 years now.


It wouldn't have been easy at all, he knows what people thinks about certain players as he hears the reaction to his substitutions. 


I think we'll learn more in the coming weeks, especially if we lose a game.

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If Remy or HBA get crocked it'll be back to the flat 4-4-2 shite and/or Sholatown.


When really the likes of Gouffran and Marveaux should be brought in and the system should stay the same.


Don't agree about Marveaux. His one and only position should be as a number 10 in a 4-3-3. He goes missing when out wide.

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"We have a real attacking mode at the club and that's the type of offensive side I want to put out, but I have been unable to do so really since Demba Ba left.




Lying bastard had Ba last season but didn't go 4-3-3.

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Yup Pardew can't help but talk crap at every opportunity..... i also fail to see why we couldn't have played the 433 with Gouffran-Cisse-Hatem.


But oh well as long as he keeps to it this time i couldn't care less what has happened in the past.


Also we couldn't play M'biwa centrally because of not having Ba, we couldn't play Anita and Sissoko centrally because we didn't have Ba.

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Been saying for awhile but we have a far stronger team now than the one that finished 5th except for Ba.


When u think in the 433 we had simpson, williamson, r.taylor, guthrie and jonas all playing  regularly. Now we've added debuchy, mapou, anita, sissoko, remy and gouffran. Far more suited players to 4-3-3.


shame we had to suffer the abomination that was last season but if we keep the core of this team fit, then I'm excited again.

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As long as the lineup/system picked today was because he has recognized that it's the best lineup available and the right system that has our best players in their best positions, then kudos to Pardew. If he sticks with this team, we'll do well, and if we can get Cisse back in form (or if one of Gouffran or Remy can play in the number 9 role with the other wide, and Cisse benched) then we'll be a dangerous team more often than not. Everything relies on Ben Arfa remaining fit though.


But I can't quite shake the suspicion that his thinking today was along the lines of "we're away from home, Villa are playing 3 in the middle, I'd better stick another CM in there to stop them overrunning us with that extra man". I.e. a continuation of the cowardly "pander to the opposition" mentality. If it's this, then we'll switch back to 4-4-2 as soon as we're up against opposition who e.g. pose a threat down the wings, probably with Jonas back in the side to protect one of the flanks. Or he views this as an away formation, so when we're at home and opposition teams look to hit us on the break, Pardew will try to counter this/outsmart them by sticking two strikers up front, flat 4-4-2, keep the shape, and have the team get the ball forward quicker, which roughly translates to no movement and lots of optimistic hoofs.


Would be amazing if he's learnt his lesson from 11/12. I could live with the fact that he doesn't have a clue how to coach/train players into passing and moving with a degree of proficiency if at the very least he sticks with a team and system that picks itself.

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Foolish to say that Pardew has suddenly become a transformed manager because of today's result - we have had false dawns at Villa before, winning there last season and in 2011/12 when we played the best football of that season during that game..for some reason we seem to have a bit of an Indian sign on them at Villa Park or maybe they are rabbits for our set-up.


That is not to take anything away from the performance today because it was a deserved win over the 90 mins. For me, the biggest difference seems to be the overall fitness and movement in the players so maybe the fitness coach coming in has made some difference to that.


Pardew asked to be judged over the Fulham and W Ham games, then changed the criteria to the next 8 games......we shall see, but I will not make a decision on the side until Christmas. It will take a great deal for me to change my views on the manager.

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difference at the moment, for me, is that we're now treating the ball like it's ours not the other teams...we're no longer relying on kick and rush to get us goals and that will serve us well going forward...it's very harsh but i wonder if he's been studying how liverpool play under rodgers a little bit after the reaming they gave us?


we should have been playing like this all last season too and that is nothing but pardew's fault, but i think it's time to let that go now...he's not doing anything special or doing anything that people haven't known we've needed to do for a very long time, but fuck it anyway he's doing it so fair play and i hope he sticks with it


key for him will always be a heavy defeat, which we're likely to get at some point, or a few injuries which might see him revert to fearball...personally i don't see the point, that failed last year so we'd be much better served by sticking to this way of playing come what may and take defeats on the chin


promising start from the silver fox :thup:

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Foolish to say that Pardew has suddenly become a transformed manager because of today's result - we have had false dawns at Villa before, winning there last season and in 2011/12 when we played the best football of that season during that game..for some reason we seem to have a bit of an Indian sign on them at Villa Park or maybe they are rabbits for our set-up.



The difference between this season and last season which encouraged me, was after Villa came at us for 10-15 minutes last season after half-time, we shat ourselves and became negative. The first-half performance was arguably better than yesterday's. Yesterday though, we kept going and kept the ball for good periods and looked threatening for the 90.

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