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Remy Cabella


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He's a better playmaker and goalscorer but is nowhere near as good a dribbler and is less direct. He won't shine in a team like this, it requires some form of team play.


His best work seems to come using his close control in tight pass and move situations.


Sounds like we've bought a more athletic version of Marveaux.


How much better would we have looked if we built a team around our better players for a fucking change, but no, the vindictive cunt preemptively stopped that from ever happening.

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He's a central attacking midfielder, can't just stick him on the right wing next to 10 other individuals and expect him to Ben Arfa it (he'd only get dropped if he did anyway..).


That's not to say I don't think Cabella is a very good player, I seriously doubt he scored 14 goals in 37 goals from midfield by being a bad player.  But he's just not the the kind of player to do things totally on his own.  He needs to be central, linking up with a striker and the rest of the midfield, not isolated out on the right.


But long may he and everyone else be shite while The Cunt is here, once he's gone I think some will realise we still have some very talented players.


He likes to counter attack with pace with the support of 3/4 players...Some hope of that happening under Pardew. :lol:

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There's a video of him on YT against Arsenal in the Champions League last season. It's a good video because it shows his highlights throughout the game.


Please watch that video to get a true idea of what this guy looks like when he is full of confidence. He is a very good player who Pardew has already ruined.


Ben Arfa couldn't be ruined because he just didn't listen to Pardew's horrible instructions, as it went against every fibre of his being and talent. Cabella has been Pardewed, or for better description, he has been Gouffraned.

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Guest reefatoon

What you on about you crazy loon. I didn't say I din't want him here, I just hate all the rolling around. It doesn't matter who is doing it, it isn't football man and is infuriating to watch.

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I'm just being silly. Noticed form his France clips that he had that in him, so it hasn't surprised me. I more concerned with the fact that all his other attributes from his time in France have been eradicated. As usual we are left with the worst of the player.

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There's a video of him on YT against Arsenal in the Champions League last season. It's a good video because it shows his highlights throughout the game.


Please watch that video to get a true idea of what this guy looks like when he is full of confidence. He is a very good player who Pardew has already ruined.


Ben Arfa couldn't be ruined because he just didn't listen to Pardew's horrible instructions, as it went against every fibre of his being and talent. Cabella has been Pardewed, or for better description, he has been Gouffraned.


:lol: I'm glad I didn't see that video when he signed.


Can't wait to see him vs Arsenal in a Pardew team. :suicide:

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That video is incredible. Only saw it for the first time recently. I was heart broken  :lol:


That player is completely unrecognisable already. How sick was he in that game?! My goodness.


He was a bit selfish, but I would have been delirious imagining him and Benny tearing shit up.



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I look at Cabella and he has all the attributes of a player who would be a success at 15 of the 20 Premier League clubs.  Ours isn't one of them until Pardew is gone.  Once Pardew is gone, the squad we have is perfect for him to play in creative rolls, rotating with other attacking midfielders like De Jong.  It just takes getting a manager with any attacking intent whatsoever and this guy will shine.  I doubt he's got Ben Arfa's ability, but I'd bet he'll be a good player in his own right.  If Pardew stays then he'll probably amount to nothing but a few visually pleasant bits of skill that don't lead to anything.

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i watched that video clip and i thought he seemed to be on his arse a lot of the time even there, i hope he learns to stand up a bit more, don't like watching players go to ground with the slightest of touches

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