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Remy Cabella


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With Cabella and de Jong out; surely, surely there's some little voice at the back of his head, twisting, taunting... "ben Arfa might be useful right about now..."


Hope the cunt chokes on the bile from the effort of suppressing that nagging little voice.


Someone will surely bring it up at the next press conference. Wanna watch the fucker squirm

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He's a central attacking midfielder, can't just stick him on the right wing next to 10 other individuals and expect him to Ben Arfa it (he'd only get dropped if he did anyway..).


That's not to say I don't think Cabella is a very good player, I seriously doubt he scored 14 goals in 37 goals from midfield by being a bad player.  But he's just not the the kind of player to do things totally on his own.  He needs to be central, linking up with a striker and the rest of the midfield, not isolated out on the right.


But long may he and everyone else be shite while The Cunt is here, once he's gone I think some will realise we still have some very talented players.

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He's a better playmaker and goalscorer but is nowhere near as good a dribbler and is less direct. He won't shine in a team like this, it requires some form of team play.


His best work seems to come using his close control in tight pass and move situations.


I'm confused, who is?

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