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Tactics / Players needed next season


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Janmaat      new CB      Colo    Haidara



          De Jong              Sissoko


new wing                                  Perez

                        New CF


Sell Cabella, he's too lightweight

Sell Obertan


You have Anita, Saylor, Lascelles and Dummet for back 4 cover

Anita, Colback and Abeid for CM cover

Riviere, Gouffran and Aarons for wide cover

Cisse and Riviere for CF cover


I think with any type of defensive philosophy, Colo can be adequate or better.  We need physical, fast CB to pair with him.  Someone along the lines of Douglas a couple of years ago.


The new wing should be a more physical guy who can put in a cross or make a diagonal move into the box


The new CF should be Austin but only if he really wants to be here.


The idea being we should be looking to get more people forward.  De Jong to stay back while Sissoko crashes the box. The AMR can cross or enter the box from wide with short square passes.  Perez is the silky guy who finds space and receives to shoot or pass.  Haidara (or a more experienced WB can overlap).  Tiote protects the back and recycles possession through the middle.


We have some good pieces but we've not had a cogent system for them to play in.  Everyone has just kind of vaguely defended.  Defended what, I've not been sure.


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I don't think Colo's good enough anymore, too many lapses and I think Cabella may have struggled in his first season, but the coaches he was working under he was never going to achieve too much. I'd give him another season, unless a very good offer comes along.

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Maybe Colo is done but in his defense if I had to play with the donkeys that he has this past season I'd have lapses too.


Admittedly, I can't stand Cabella. I think he goes to ground too easily. The club needs to establish more of a physical presence in the box and it's not coming from Cabella.  Cabella still has value though.  I'm sure he'd get a good price from a Ligue 1 club.  Reinvest that money.

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Colo doesn't have 'lapses', though. He's consistently outmuscled and outthought by his opponents, and that's when he is putting effort in.


I do worry a little about Cabella, mind. I look at all the small-statured players who've been successful in the PL and they've all had outstanding attributes that protect the weakness from exposure - pace, intelligence etc. Cabella doesn't.

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I am fairly confident we won't lose too many important ones as there has to be a belief internally that we'd be selling low on almost all of them and if they think highly of McClaren they might be seeing big money in their future.

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I hope that Cabella stays. He has shown that he really can play well in this league (not many times i admit). I just don't understand how some people write him off after his first season in a new league where we've been absolutely s*** overall. Playing hoofball mostly instead of fluid possession football with lots of movement. When things don't go well confidence drops, and when you get benched for players like Obertan/Sammy/Raylor etc. it doesn't help. Yes he's lightweight at times, but it doesn't matter much if we have the ball a lot and play well. He played really well against City and Chelsea for example.


I refuse to write him off. I really do hope it works out for him here. I still have belief in him. I also think he's more suited to drift around in a more central position. More of a playmaker in a advanced position than a winger. In a central position he has a lot of different directions to go after he receives the ball which he doesn't have out wide where he easily gets stuck (especially when there's poor movement around)

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I'd say it's the spine of the team that needs most attention. I'm not confident about any of our CBs, although if he can get his head together and he has a strong partner, Colo can still raise his game. Big 'if' though.


We need a decent anchor man in central midfield. Anita isn't strong enough and Tiote isn't technically good enough.


And up front, two more strikers please. Cisse doesn't offer enough. Riviere might improve, but if I had to make a call now, I'd say he's just too clumsy. Ayoze has been a revelation, but you need three decent options.

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It all depends on how much Fatty is prepared to spend. We are capable of spending £60m plus due to previous lack of investment, money in the bank and the new TV deal. In the unlikely scenario we are going to pay some decent wedge for once I would go something like this based on who we have been linked with:


CB - Van Dijk

CB/LB - Mings

AM - Wijnaldum

Winger: Thauvin or Ince

CF: Austin

CF: Berahino (unrealistic but would sell Cisse and Tiote as well as the other deadwood)


Never going to happen.

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We've been linked with him before, i can't see it happen but i would love it if we signed Jetro Willems. Him and Janmaat as fullbacks would be amazing. (can always dream)

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We desperately need two strikers and two centre backs, a creative but feisty midfielder and cover for janmaat. With this and no sales of our decent players I would be well satisfied.

We need to sell Gouffran, Obertan, Willo, Riviere, fat goalkeeper and possibly one of Anita or Abeid (I would shift anita)

My team, with reserve players in brackets, would be:

---------------------------Krul (Darlow)-----------------------

Janmaat (New)---Van Djik (lascelles)----Dummet (Colo)-----Haidara

--------------------Sissoko------------New MD (Colback)-------

Perez-----------------------De Jong-----------------Berainho (New)

-----------------------Austin (Cisse)------------------------

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This almost entirely depends on what our 'genuine' ambition is for the coming season. If it's to finish somewhere around 11-15th then we only need 2/3 players on a small outlay. The squad we have now with a semi-competent manager should see us achieve that with such additions. If our aim is as Ashley says to have a go at the top 7/8 and the cups then the squad needs gutting and 6/7 players coming in, two centre backs, a creative central midfielder, a winger and a striker as an absolute minimum.


Ideally we'd also sign a left back, another winger and another striker but by that point we'd be talking nearly £70/80m in transfer fees alone, and if history is to go by regarding our transfer calculations (i.e. Signing in fees and wages included) then we're talking an astronomical amount of money.


This talk of giving up on Cabella seems ludicrous too, the guy's been managed by two tactically fuckwitted dinosaurs who couldn't implement a passing style of play with the Spanish national team! I'm hoping De Jong can have the impact we all hoped he would as he's clearly an intelligent player, we just need to find players to play in and around him which is where I think the likes of Aarons/Cabella/Perez will flourish. With De Jong on the pitch I'd like to see us sign a striker that has good movement and can play off the shoulder, in the ilk of Berahino if not him as I think he's out of our reach.

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If rumours are anything to go by then we're looking for 2 strikers and only 1 CB. As 2+2 seems to be asking for too much i would rather go with 1 new striker and 2 new CB. I'm fucking sick of seeing us conceeding silly goals left, right and centre. I cannot see us going 4-4-2 anyway, and not many of our players are suited to this either...

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Somebody mentioned Shawcross the other day which would be my choice


Cost well over £15m, unfortunately. We'll never pay that for someone approaching 30. I agree, though. He's as good as we could possibly get and he's the type of CB we've needed for over a decade.

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Sissoko cannot ever play CM/DM in a midfield 2. Never ever ever.


Yes he can, that was his natural position before Alan Pardew used him as a #10.


He's the ideal box-to-box midfielder in a 2 along with a purely defence-minded cover. Tiote on form would be perfect really.

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Sissoko cannot ever play CM/DM in a midfield 2. Never ever ever.


Yes he can, that was his natural position before Alan Pardew used him as a #10.


He's the ideal box-to-box midfielder in a 2 along with a purely defence-minded cover. Tiote on form would be perfect really.


That pairing would be an absolute car crash man, who the hell provides the passing/creativity. The days of a pure box to box midfielder being effective in a 2 are long gone.

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With Sissoko you have someone that is more than capable of driving the ball out of his own half and providing support to attacks while Tiote stays back to cover. The passing/creativity side can go to the other 3 players who are behind the strikers, that's their job.

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That's exactly how you end up with broken teams that cannot string a performance together to save their lives. That's like saying all goals should only come from the striker. The best teams are intelligent, fluid and have multi-dimensional players complementing the one dimensional ones. 


Sissoko has one high level skill, which is recieving the ball near the half way line with space to run into ahead of him. To do this, he needs to have less defensive responsibility, and that can only come from playing furthest forward in a midfield 3. If you take that one skill out of Sissoko's game, he is a rank average premier league midfielder.

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To have Sissoko as your furthest midfielder forward is exactly how you can't score goals. Apart from running with the ball in the middle of the park he is suspect as soon as he gets into the final third of the pitch. You can't play him as a #10 and let him roam out wide because he can't cross a ball to save his life (unless Yohan comes back and he starts sliding in those cut-backs again...) and in the centre he's not great in the air despite his size not to mention his awful shooting ability, he generates plenty of power but there's no accuracy or composure in that sector of the field. The reason - he's never played there before until Pardew took over and used him that way so some people are under the impression he was never a solid B2B deep lying midfielder who started the team moves.


That's how he played at Toulouse, that's how he plays for France and that was why Liverpool and Spurs were sniffing around when he was playing in that position. His ability is not to pick out a superb 40-yard pass like what Fabregas does for Chelsea or Cabaye used to do for us, his talent is picking up the ball and breaking with pace and power to get the moves going.


The best teams are intelligent' date=' fluid and have multi-dimensional players complementing the one dimensional ones[/quote']


I agree with this part, but to do this we need to revamp the full team and pinpoint top players to be able to assist in that kind of formula/strategy. With the current hierarchy in charge this will never happen, so we need to play to the strengths we have now and try to build on them as best we can.

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