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Newcastle United 2-1 Cardiff City - 05/11/16 - reaction from page 11


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Reading back through jogged my memory.  Was definitely good to see that we are working on different corner routines.


Agree with those about fans getting restless, due to retaining possession.  It's strange, as when we were doing it earlier in the game, the fans seemed to applaud it.  Then, when we tried to kill the game and run the clock down and fans seemed to want us to hoof it forward and a lot of them started shouting and jeering.  Reminded me of the Pardew days, when fans would get upset and anxious when we tried to pass it, but hoof aimless punts up field from the likes of Williamson and Simpson.

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Agree with many here, did enough for 3 points but second half was a poor performance.


First time Shelvey has been man-marked, something we could definitely see more often and I'm amazed no manager has thought of that until now. He was a lot quieter than normal as Kieron Richardson was his shadow for 70 mins until he went off.


Mitro's hold up play wasn't up to his usual standard, thought Bamba had a good game against him. Would've suited Gayle more to stretch them in behind 2nd half especially. Having said that, great composure for the assist from Mitro.


Other points of note; Dummett improving all the time IMO. He made a good chance for Mitro 2nd half. Clark brilliant again - Rafa mentions the balance added by having a left footed CB and it really noticeable being at the game. The fact Shelvey was man marked allowed a CB to step out of defence more often and Clark is better with the ball than Lascelles, he played really well again.


Final thing, if the ref gives the blatant handball in the build up I think the tone of posts would've been more like 'comfortable 2-0, but average 2nd half'. We still did plenty to win the game and only had one scare when Noone hit the post. 1st half was dominant though.


Leeds away be a good test. 2 weeks of training with Rafa could be a blessing, last 2 wins have been closer/more edgey than we've hoped for.


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Guest palnese

There's some extended first half highlights on Cardiff's youtube channel. Shelvey's heel flick, man. Oozing quality and confidence. In a fairly dangerous area as well.

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There's some extended first half highlights on Cardiff's youtube channel. Shelvey's heel flick, man. Oozing quality and confidence. In a fairly dangerous area as well.


Christ those commentators are bad. Horrific accent as well.

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Everyone said Perez was s****. :lol:


He was. :lol:


It was easily the worst I've seen him play for us. Was constantly second to the ball against sluggish Championship tripe.


there was also the collapsing to the ground at the slightest nudge.

stay on yer feet, ayoze - there's just no need.

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