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Scott Parker is ....

Crumpy Gunt

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I thought picking the team to accomodate him was the wrong thing to do today, but fuck it, I was wrong. He was excellent and we were excellent.


Fucking hell your in a good mood, You pissed or something?


Yes, but that's nowt to do with it. :D

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I wish. 5 cans of Strongbow maybe.


I never had you down as a strongbow drinker Wullie.


Lovely stuff. What would you have said was my tipple?


I'm not sure really, just not Strongbow :?


What do you think of Magners?

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Magners is canny, but I don't see the fuss. I don't see it as that different to most types of cider, despite lager drinkers often opting for it.


And Dave is right, the pear stuff they sell in Wetherspoons is BEAUTIFUL.

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Magners is alright cos they've got it everywhere now as it's a fad. And I prefer bottles to draught so it's a logical choice. I don't mind that Sirrus stuff by Strongbow, but it's sweeter than Magners.

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Magners is canny, but I don't see the fuss. I don't see it as that different to most types of cider, despite lager drinkers often opting for it.


And Dave is right, the pear stuff they sell in Wetherspoons is BEAUTIFUL.


I prefer Magners as it leaves me feeling less bloated, Stowford Press is by far the best cider out there though IMHO.

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Magners is canny, but I don't see the fuss. I don't see it as that different to most types of cider, despite lager drinkers often opting for it.


And Dave is right, the pear stuff they sell in Wetherspoons is BEAUTIFUL.


I prefer Magners as it leaves me feeling less bloated, Stowford Press is by far the best cider out there though IMHO.


Never had that, I'll have to look out for it. Cider tends to be shunned by the offers in the supermarket, apart from Strongbow, which is why I tend to stick to that in the house.

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Getting back on topic.


You were saying, HTL?


Any reason in particular why you aim this toward me, failing to include the dozens of other posters who probably think he's worse than even I think he is?


My thoughts are documented and have been for probably over 12 months now. I think Parker is average. There have been times he's looked worse than average and this season he's looked shite. What has been consistent throughout is that his partnership in a 4-4-2 with Emre does not work. This being the main focus of my point about Parker that you and others seem to have either missed or don't understand. This combination being poor is obvious imo.


I look forward to your counter argument, or some clarification of the point of your post above. As it stands, given the number of people who think Parker is over-rated against the number of times only I am mentioned in this thread after he scores a goal, I'd say it suggests a number of people are obsessed by me.  bluelaugh.gif


Well I have to disappoint you all, I'm already spoken for and she's female.  blueyes.gif


Thanks in advance and a Merry Christmas to you all.


A reminder is here, for those who need it. Looks like at some point I thought he was better than average, putting it all down to the combination with Emre. I must have been drinking.


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After the business with the fans, he had to change.  He seems serious now and well fired up to win.  Not bad traits for a captain.    With a run of games where we are taking points, he should improve his game as well.

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