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Chopra Hat-trick


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the day we sold him was the day we gave up any chance of winning the title again.


That's a joke, right?  :o


Anyhow, you certainly can't blame the club for selling Chopra. We wanted to keep him, but the lad wanted to leave.


Can't blame him really either, it's looking like the best move of his career so far.


Here's to Chopra making it big and us buying him back for 15 mil in five years time.  :thup:

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the day we sold him was the day we gave up any chance of winning the title again.


I wouldn't go as far as that although it did make our chances a lot slimmer, no wonder Roeder is struggling.

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Kamara on Chopra's Hat-trick "One of the best of all time"




Its good like, but we all know CK gets a tad excited in life.


Anyone seen it yet?


Doesn't matter what level the goals were superb.


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I remember reading that Roeder ws straight on the phone to Chopra just after Owen had his injury in the World Cup. Apparently he had yet to sign for Cardiff but had gave them his word. Probably did the right thing to tell him to fk off, as when the big guns would have came back he would have been left out again.


Good to see him back among the goals again


here's a link


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We always knew he'd be a decent-to-good Championship player. That's his level.


He got a premiership recored tbh..  :lol:


I wouldve kept him with us,at least he is better then Ameobi and Rossi..



Any c**t woudl be better than that pile of shite Ameobi. And Rossi? He'll be a good player in a few years. Us getting him when we did, then not using him properly, just highlighted what an idiot Roeder is.


Can't agree more..

chopra is not and will never be a prtemiership quality forward.


Huh? Neither of them were saying he was.

if he's not a prem player why was roeder an idiot for letting him go


You didn't really read that one through, did you.

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You hope Cardiff make to the prem?  ???


Have you ever been to Ninian Park?


I've been, I spent the full game with my back against the wall at the back of our end while Welsh tossers spent 90 minutes throwing rocks off peoples heads from a bastard tree camp.


When an old bloke complained to the police he was told to stand at the back to avoid them. :idiot2:


We came out of the ground to find the buses had windows put out and they were parked in a field opposite the main entrance, we were bricked as we walked to the train station.  We were ambushed half way to the station, we stood our ground and the cowards ran away and started throwing bricks again from a distance.


Yellow bastards.


well abck in the 60's and 70;s we had a hell of series of run ins with Swansea of all clubs


and of course both Leeds and I understand Reading have real trouble with Cardiff supporters

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