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Toon Selling Spanish Properties!?

Guest cfhpantera27

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Guest cfhpantera27

I recieved a letter from Newcastle Utd asking me If I'd like to go to St James for a 20min presintation about Spanish Properties with Peter Beardsley and Claire Tomlinson of Skysports news!?!?!?!



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Guest cfhpantera27

I recieved a letter from Newcastle Utd asking me If I'd like to go to St James for a 20min presintation about Spanish Properties with Peter Beardsley and Claire Tomlinson of Skysports news!?!?!?!




I just hope Luque recieved the same letter!

anyone got his address i could foward it on  :rolleyes:

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Guest Gemmill

Why exactly are NUFC trying to sell Spanish properties? Freddy getting a bit bored of his overseas villas?


My sister's stayed at the Shepherd's place in Majorca.  Apparently it's fucking palatial.

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Guest nufc_geordie

I've got one like. Complimentary bar for the eveing with Beardo and Jeff Steling. The club make it siound like a 20 min presentation for the Spanish property and then a talk in but its probably more like the other way round a a free pint. I can only go, try and report back!

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Guest cfhpantera27

I've got one like. Complimentary bar for the eveing with Beardo and Jeff Steling. The club make it siound like a 20 min presentation for the Spanish property and then a talk in but its probably more like the other way round a a free pint. I can only go, try and report back!


dont fancy easy-jettin it over for a free pint  ;)

think id rather see claire tomlinson than jeff stirling

claire tomlinson + free bar + irish bloke = front page

(most likely me gettin slapped and being too drunk to care) mackems.gif

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I recieved a letter from Newcastle Utd asking me If I'd like to go to St James for a 20min presintation about Spanish Properties with Peter Beardsley and Claire Tomlinson of Skysports news!?!?!?!




i got one too! i was tempted just for the fun of stelling, but then again - they can fuck off.

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I got one months ago.  Straight in the bin.


yep yep me too..


Fatty must be getting desperate for cash if he's going to flog his spanish villa.

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