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GR has been fooling us

Guest toonchina

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Guest toonchina

The manager always says he will never complain about injuries which I believe is his choice way to distinguish himself from the ever-moaning Souness.But again and again,Roeder laments injuries as if it was the reason for our dismal season.However,I believe lots of NUFC fans would know that when we kept losing games at the start of the season,we had a relatively complete squad whereas when we started to pick up points in December and January,there were a dozen players out!And now,several players having returned,we find ourselves in the lowest mood of the season!


Conclusion:Roeder has been fooling us.But FFS is successfully fooled by him!



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Guest Saint Andy

we all know this.


"now i'm not going to blame injuries, but we do have a first XI out....."



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Guest toonchina

The formula is:more injuries,more points;less injuries,less points.so weird...


As you say,we only agree with GR's selection when there are only 11 players fit...


But GR is still trying so hard to fool the fans.Who can save this pathetic arrogant guy?...

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Guest Knightrider

Nowt wrong with mentioning the injuries like he has, he hasn't used them as an excuse like Souness did, but realises they have indeed had a huge and negative effect on our season and more importantly his ability to train and develop a team to any kind of system and consistency, which is 100% correct. You have to also remember he isn't pointing this out willy nilly to hide behind, just answering repetitive questions from reporters 5 times a day. All managers have stock replies.

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Nowt wrong with mentioning the injuries like he has, he hasn't used them as an excuse like Souness did, but realises they have indeed had a huge and negative effect on our season and more importantly his ability to train and develop a team to any kind of system and consistency, which is 100% correct. You have to also remember he isn't pointing this out willy nilly to hide behind, just answering repetitive questions from reporters 5 times a day. All managers have stock replies.



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Guest toonchina

When we lost to Fulham at home,the starting line-up was:Given/Carr,Moore,Bramble,Ramage/Duff,Parker,Emre,N'Zogbia/Ameobi,Martins.On the bench were Butt,Solano and Sibierski.


Did injury play a part in this pathetic result?Apart from Babayaro(tbh,I believe Ramage is no worse than Baba),all Roeder's first choice players featured in that game.


Again,when we lost to Bolton at home,the starting line-up was nearly the same apart from Harper in for Given and Solano in for N'Zogbia.


Given's absence was the reason the outfield play was so poor in that game?


They are only 2 examples.There are still a lot more.So GR's habit of blaming everything on injury is absolutely nonsense.


PS,I hope people don't blame every bad result on Owen's absense.Otherwise,we should have surrendered before the season started.


BTW,I clearly remember at the start of the season Roeder said he was happy with the squad and confident of a top 6 finish.But now,he's moaning that this is not his team!

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I wouldn't describe Roeder as pathetic and arrogant at all, me old china.


Roeder always comes across to me as a person who *thinks* he is far more eloquent than he actually is. One result of this is that in interviews, he tries too hard, and manages to come across as many things, one of which is arrogant.


Whether he actually is or not is a different matter.

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Guest Knightrider

I wouldn't describe Roeder as pathetic and arrogant at all, me old china.


Roeder always comes across to me as a person who *thinks* he is far more eloquent than he actually is. One result of this is that in interviews, he tries too hard, and manages to come across as many things, one of which is arrogant.


Whether he actually is or not is a different matter.


I think that's his self consciousness kicking in, something that I've become very aware of in him, I also get the impression he's a self conscious person from various books I've read that have mentioned him for whatever reason. No bad thing to be, aware of yourself and things that is, but inless you have the mental strength to brush off any self doubts and the doubts of others, that self consciousness will unravel him before too long.

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Guest Knightrider

He tries to be arrogant to conceal his self doubt and lack of confidence


I don't think he tries to be arrogant, Roeder arrogant? Nah, I just think he tries to be this assertive and assured manager, and is failing badly at it. I always got the impression with Roeder dating back to when he was manager of West Ham, as someone who looked a bit lightweight and its obvious he has been working hard on that image.

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Guest Sniffer

He's somebody who is out of his depth at Newcastle but pathetic and arrogant? Not at all.


Although that might be an apt desciption of some of the people on this forum. :laugh:

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Guest toonchina

As I said,he TRIES TO BE arrogant.He said,'nobody could have done a better job than me.'Isn't that arrogancy?When Mourinho complained about Terry's injury,GR said he couldn't help gigglling.When talking about Redknapp and Allardyce,he said he doesn't like their transfer policy.When talking about O'neil,he questioned his courage.....


Hasn't he been trying to be arrogant?Maybe another word would be more appropriate? :tongue:

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Guest Knightrider

As I said,he TRIES TO BE arrogant.He said,'nobody could have done a better job than me.'Isn't that arrogancy?When Mourinho complained about Terry's injury,GR said he couldn't help gigglling.When talking about Redknapp and Allardyce,he said he doesn't like their transfer policy.When talking about O'neil,he questioned his courage.....


Hasn't he been trying to be arrogant?Maybe another word would be more appropriate? :tongue:


Opinionated or arrogant? I'd say the former.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

isn't this thread totally irrelevant? I seem to remember people cottoned onto this fact ages ago. Although I guess news is censored in China...

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Guest toonchina

isn't this thread totally irrelevant? I seem to remember people cottoned onto this fact ages ago. Although I guess news is censored in China...


I believe arrogancy is the right word to describe this guy. :clap:


Yeah,there's censorship.But as you can see,I can visit this site.So I can visit other sites in England as well.


I refer to GR's lies in this thread because he is talking about injuries more and more frequently after the defeat at AZ.At the mean time I find that The Journal doesn't conceal their disgust at GR's excuses any more.However,Chronicle's Alan Oliver is still a loyal servant to GR.

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Whoevers fault it is it isn't Roeders. As he has just stated, nobody could better him.

It is not his fault that the players (those not bought buy him) are shit. He can't work with these players, just as he couldn't work with players at Watford, West Ham or wherever.

A man of Roeders quality can only work with "proper players".

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