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Journal reckons nearly everyone is leaving

Guest smoggeordie

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Guest smoggeordie

Out of the whole squad, i'd be desperate to keep:


Given, Krul, Solano, Taylor, Milner, N'Zogbia, Martins, Owen... the rest can go.


Add Nicky Butt to that and I agree.

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Guest rosstoon

Good call getting rid of the s****.


Bad news on Parker.


And if anyone wants to test our resolve on Dyer, they're more than welcoem to! My resolve would last about 4 seconds.

Its getting longer then. You must be changing your tune about him!!!

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In the kingdom of the utter shite, the very very average man is King. Or something.


He's an average player, no doubt, but thanks to the obvious culprits, averageness is something we now need to aspire to. He'll never be a great player, and he'll never contribute much, but at least he's not Parker.

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Out of the whole squad, i'd be desperate to keep:


Given, Krul, Solano, Taylor, Milner, N'Zogbia, Martins, Owen... the rest can go.


Add Nicky Butt to that and I agree.



Yes i'd clear out everyone apart from them as well although i'd be prepared to cash in on Martins if it meant bringing in Bent or Ashton.

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Lad on another site who has in the past been absolutely spot on with his info is saying Roeder will go in the summer and Big Sam will be the man. Shepherd apparently had harsh words with Roeder post City match and is aware he has 'lost' the dressing room.


Whatever, who'd be a skunker eh?


I have already heard this and have said a bit about it after the Man City game. The amount of players that are going or Roeder wants to go along with the views of other players being shite on here would leave us with too many to buy. Souness already tried to buy a whole team to make up for his lack of managerial ability, it failed then and it would fail again. Roeder has to go first.

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Guest Sniffer

allardyce will spend about three years or so building a team that will have little or no hope of posing a serious  challenge for a champions league spot. We'll always be in with the also rans.

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If we sell all the players mentioned in that article we will go down. We can't afford to replace them all with similar or better players. If Glenn is still in charge it is his job to try and take this club upwards and that will involve getting the best out of some of these players whether he likes it or not. If he doesn't think he can do that then he shouldn't have ever taken the job.


Worrying times.

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Everton being interested in Parker could be an interesting one. If they were, and bearing in mind how much England Internationals get over-valued maybe we could throw in a couple of million as well in an attempt to pick up Arteta - someone who could add a bit of class to the midfield.

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If we sell all the players mentioned in that article we will go down. We can't afford to replace them all with similar or better players. If Glenn is still in charge it is his job to try and take this club upwards and that will involve getting the best out of some of these players whether he likes it or not. If he doesn't think he can do that then he shouldn't have ever taken the job.


Worrying times.


There is nothing to get out of Shambles, Moore, Babayaro and Carr, though.

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allardyce will spend about three years or so building a team that will have little or no hope of posing a serious  challenge for a champions league spot. We'll always be in with the also rans.


This the same Allardyce who has got BOLTON up there in and around the champions league spots despite spending a hell of a lot less on his squad than others? We have probably spent more in one summer than he has since he has been at Bolton.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

allardyce will spend about three years or so building a team that will have little or no hope of posing a serious  challenge for a champions league spot. We'll always be in with the also rans.


This the same Allardyce who has got BOLTON up there in and around the champions league spots despite spending a hell of a lot less on his squad than others? We have probably spent more in one summer than he has since he has been at Bolton.



exactly. He'd shit a brick if we gave him any money, and probably go and bid for Henry

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There is nothing to get out of Shambles, Moore, Babayaro and Carr, though.


Agreed, but replacing Duff, Emre, Parker, Dyer and maybe Solano?


They might not be flavour of the month but try replacing that lot on a tight budget. Bearing in mind our need for a whole new defence and Roeder's "patient" movement in the transfer market.


Dyer and Solano espescially have been two of our best players this season. Best of a bad bunch maybe, but clubs who sell their best players usually end up in trouble.

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Bent or Ashton, fk me no thanks!!

Building a team around Parker ?? cash in on that fker would be more like it.












This is why that article is a load of utter s****, total bollocks!!

Its pure kidology from the club, trying to make them fight for their futures, a media spark up their arses, it won't work anyway but at least it gave the Journal a story for today.

We have a mega weak squad as it is and some will be leaving, but if you think loads will be goping then your nutts, how much do you really think Fred will spend? around £30 mill if we are lucky, and thats just to strengthen what we have now, a mass clear out would take £100 mill to rebuild. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!

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There is nothing to get out of Shambles, Moore, Babayaro and Carr, though.


Agreed, but replacing Duff, Emre, Parker, Dyer and maybe Solano?


They might not be flavour of the month but try replacing that lot on a tight budget. Bearing in mind our need for a whole new defence and Roeder's "patient" movement in the transfer market.


Dyer and Solano espescially have been two of our best players this season. Best of a bad bunch maybe, but clubs who sell their best players usually end up in trouble.


Duff shouldn't be first choice, so no problem.

Emre has proven v inconsistent, in fairness.

Parker is very average.

Dyer is also very average, produces very little.

Solano should maybe stay as cover, but he'll likely be past it as a first team player.

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Duff shouldn't be first choice, so no problem.

Emre has proven v inconsistent, in fairness.

Parker is very average.

Dyer is also very average, produces very little.

Solano should maybe stay as cover, but he'll likely be past it as a first team player.


They still need replacing if you sell them.

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Duff shouldn't be first choice, so no problem.

Emre has proven v inconsistent, in fairness.

Parker is very average.

Dyer is also very average, produces very little.

Solano should maybe stay as cover, but he'll likely be past it as a first team player.


They still need replacing if you sell them.


Yes, they do. And seeing what tehy actually provide us, that wouldn't be too difficult.

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Duff shouldn't be first choice, so no problem.

Emre has proven v inconsistent, in fairness.

Parker is very average.

Dyer is also very average, produces very little.

Solano should maybe stay as cover, but he'll likely be past it as a first team player.


They still need replacing if you sell them.


Yes, they do. And seeing what tehy actually provide us, that wouldn't be too difficult.


Do you:


a) believe the club has enough money to do that? (on top of replacing the whole back four)


b) believe they are capable of finding better players?


Or do you accept that we could sell them on the cheap, throw loads of money at trying to replace them, and end up with a similar or worse bunch of players and even bigger debts?


The sensible thing to do, in my view, would be to keep the likes of Dyer, Solano, Parker, Emre, even Duff, and throw our money at the defence. I really think people are overreacting about some of our players. Bring in a top manager and you'd soon be raving about players you thought were average because they'd be played to their strengths, coached in a system which works. I remember when Hughes was 'a good utility player' and Bernard was 'quality'. Those were also the days when we were devastated to finish 5th. We had a good manager then. It's not that hard to finish top 6. Spurs, fair enough they've spent heavily and have quality around the pitch, but take a look at Reading and Bolton and ask yourself, honestly, how many of those players are better than average? You may say Dyer is an average player but he played nearly every game when we finished 3rd. Good managers get the best out of these players. Hughes and Bernard have done nowt since they left. We know the potential of Dyer, Duff, Emre to perform, I'd rather keep them and get a good manager in.

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Do we really need to sell all the players people say we do?


Was the squad not worse than this in the summer before Bellamy/Robert were signed?


We're never going to be 100% satisfied with our players, but surely selling them all/trying to replace them isn't the sensible way to go about it - especially when it's Roeder doing the replacing. Most of them aren't half as bad as people make them out to be.

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Guest NSMagpie

Out of the whole squad, i'd be desperate to keep:


Given, Krul, Solano, Taylor, Milner, N'Zogbia, Martins, Owen... the rest can go.


That's my choice too, but I'd try to keep Parker and, if his health is OK, Dyer, too.

Parker is not my favourite player, but if he's not absolutely resolute about leaving, it's sometimes better sticking with what you already have.

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Would definitely take Big Sam!


Is Big Sam really big ?


His head is.



A statue erected in honour of Big Sam by the locals.

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