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Allardyce to try Dyer at Right Back..?


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Guest sittingontheball

If Dyer isn't disciplined enough to play right wing without drifting inside all the time, the chances are slim that he'll make a good defender.  It might work this time against the "one bank of ten" Estonia are proposing, but that's a one off.


If SA tries it, I hope it works. There's nowt like being proven wrong in a positive way. 

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I can see it happenning in a 5-3-2/3-5-2 type setup, but not sure if it could work in a normal 4-4-2.


Dyer might not be a monster tackler, but he can certainly track back with pace and hassle his opposing winger. If he's committed to trying it out I would say go for it - whether or not he's on 80K a week is beside the point. Better paying 80K a week and using him than not.


I would still rather see us bring in a quality specialist RB though, obviously.

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Guest BillyRay Valentine

if dyer's up for it, don't see any reason why it can't work. he's played there before so its not as if he doesn't know the basics. he's got the most important attributes of pace and skill, tactical discipline can be learnt fairly quickly under a decent training regime (something allardyce is renowned for) and as far as tackling goes i don't believe this is as vital as some people make out. the majority of todays most sought after full backs are not particularly solid defensively. rather they are pacy, skillful players who's game is based on attack being the best form of defence against the oppositions winger/fullback.


granted dyer's a bit of a tool, but he appears to have got his act together last season and love him or hate him, it can't be ignored that he is one of our more effective players. as was mentioned previously in this thread he's been a bit of a jack of all trades for us through no real fault of his own, so having a manager give him a very clear idea of his role for newcastle may yet be the making of a clearly very talented player.

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Guest Northern Boys Love Gravy!

I cant see it happening to be honest, like you said, he's not exactly the best tackler ever.... he would just get barged off the ball

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So lets get this straight.


Allardyce is seriously considering trying Dyer out at right back, and told Dyer so.


McClaren discovers that Allardyce plans to do this, and then just suddenly decides that it wouldbe a brilliant idea.


What a genius that McClaren is, totall his own man, unreliant on others ideas.

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if dyer's up for it, don't see any reason why it can't work. he's played there before so its not as if he doesn't know the basics. he's got the most important attributes of pace and skill, tactical discipline can be learnt fairly quickly under a decent training regime (something allardyce is renowned for) and as far as tackling goes i don't believe this is as vital as some people make out. the majority of todays most sought after full backs are not particularly solid defensively. rather they are pacy, skillful players who's game is based on attack being the best form of defence against the oppositions winger/fullback.


granted dyer's a bit of a tool, but he appears to have got his act together last season and love him or hate him, it can't be ignored that he is one of our more effective players. as was mentioned previously in this thread he's been a bit of a jack of all trades for us through no real fault of his own, so having a manager give him a very clear idea of his role for newcastle may yet be the making of a clearly very talented player.


Agree with much that is said here. He has never really fitted into a set position and this could be the one for him. He would certainly have the 'engine' to function like a modern full back, lets hope he has the defensive attributes.

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Guest alex

I think it's worth a shot tbh. There was some mention of Robson trying it but Dyer probably spat his dummy out as there was no way he was going to displace Gary Neville at the time.

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Interesting to see if Big sam can make this work. As has already been mentioned, the going forward part should be fine/fantastic its the tackling, passing and being back their when he should be which will be interesting.


Next Season:













Milner (deserves to start i know)





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O ye of little faith ... how dare thee doubt the Allah'dyce.


Leave him be. This is the kind of thing I have been looking forward to. A manager who might actually have ideas that are even more far reaching than the fans ideas.


How anyone can whing about this without waiting to see how it works, should it even happen is beyond me. I know you are all just dying for Glenn's ingenious pick the most senior players irregardless of anything, tactical nous.




Or on the other hand, he's committing the cardinal sin of management - playing people out of position.


I'm an Allardyce fan, very much looking forward to the future under him, but bloody hell, don't go on like he's superhuman.


Look ... I'm sure Sam didn't just make this decision on a whim, but due to some analysis he has done on Kieron Dyer. Therefore, I see no harm in him trying this, especially if Dyer is enthusiastic about it. There is no way anyone can be certain it won't work. Sam has all of pre-season and some friendlies to give it a test run anyway.


You talk about Dyer being played out of position, the thing is though, he has no position! So how can you be played out of what you aren't in? You dig?





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Guest Triglett

Hasn't Dyer got in a massive strop about playing out of position in the past?


I imagine he'd get slaughtered at RB. I don't really understand it - he's completely lightweight, doesn't have a defensive bone in his body, and doesn't really make the best use of his strengths. You're effectively curbing his attacking instincts. Much better off further up the pitch, IMO.

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Tell you what Sam has some gynormous ones ... first Barton and then Dyer at right-back?!


You have to at least admire the guy for doing it his way, and that is exctly what he is doing.


I'm intrigued by this because I am sure that the idea of Dyer at right-back has come about due to something they have noticed by tracking him or analysing his game through one of his special methods. Sounds like Dyer is up for it too and if he has indeed been sold on it then it must have been a prettu impressive argument put forth for this change.


This is all very different for us as it's been a while since we had someone thinking out of the box, but it's what we have been demanding and I must say it is really going to make next season interesting at the very least.


Exactly the point!!! Im glad we finally have a manager who will try things to get the best out of ppl rather than conform to opinions and ideas of those around him, as well as the media etc..


Sam Allardyce deffo has big balls....and will prove it at NUFC. Whether that works out for us or not is not the issue. The important thing for me that someone has finally come in to try something different at this club.


Dyer at RB isnt even that outrageous an idea. As has been said, he has the stamina and pace to keep up with anyone. Sam's big challenge will be to instill the discipline in him to make sure he's bothered about defending for the 90 should we need him to. Otherwise we will have some attacking threat down that right flank at long last.


And now for Baines..

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Guest Ridzuan

I dont like the idea of putting Dyer at right back.Although he is a lightweight just like Solano is,he is unable to defend well which will make the move a very risky one.His strength is running forward with his fast speed and to attack the opponent team and in order to make full use of his abilities,he has to play in the middle or in the attacking role just like he did for us this season though I prefer him playing in the middle more.

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Guest alex

Another thing is that if this works it sorts out the right-back spot for a while with Solano, Taylor and Carr also being able to play there. Not that I'm a fan of Carr but he's ok back-up given the size of our squad. It means we can concentrate on getting a left-back and centre-half in.

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Another thing is that if this works it sorts out the right-back spot for a while with Solano, Taylor and Carr also being able to play there. Not that I'm a fan of Carr but he's ok back-up given the size of our squad. It means we can concentrate on getting a left-back and centre-half in.


I think SA already has enough to worry about in terms of bringing ppl in. If he can worry a bit less by sorting out one of our problem positions from within, then he will go for that. Means less headache, and less money spent, and putting to good use one of the most talented players at the club. Really hope this works, as it would be ingenius. I've always thought personally that fullback is the most important position tactically on the field of play. Dyer is a clever footballer who shouldnt have a problem adapting to the role.

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Guest nufc_geordie

To be honest I would rather have sold Dyer and kept Parker, putting Parker at right back. I was saying last season that for all of Parkers downfalls he has the attributes of a decent tenacious fullback like Gary Neville.

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Guest alex

To be honest I would rather have sold Dyer and kept Parker, putting Parker at right back. I was saying last season that for all of Parkers downfalls he has the attributes of a decent tenacious fullback like Gary Neville.

He's not a £7million right back though, is he?

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Personally I've come round to thinking Dyer's best position is on the subs bench, to be thrown on against tiring opposition if we need a late goal.  I also suspect he'll spit his dummy out if he has to play in defence for long, it's not exactly going to pull the birds is it?


I'd be happy if this came off but I can't help but feel that if he's really on £80k p/w, we'd be better off selling Dyer if there's no place for him in central midfield (if anyone will take him that is, given his wage demands and injury record).  Also given his age I wonder how much longer his pace will last and there's not much more to his game imo.  I'm kind of indifferent to whether he stays or goes but on balance I'd rather have a proven right back, so long as he's not short fat and Irish.

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Guest BillyRay Valentine

i see dyer in the ashley cole mould (although not even our kieron comes close to that butt monkey in terms of irritation levels). both have similar attributes and both started out as very attacking players and if that fool cole can do it surely dyer can too. another good point mentioned was england. dyer may spend most of his time in cuckoo land but he must be painfully aware he'll only be a bit part in englands midfield for the near future, yet right back is most definately up for grabs. far as playing in our midfield goes, well he's played all across the park and in the last 8 years or so has yet to convince anyone he belongs there.

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Guest Triglett

Cantget a good right back for £3m without a very competent foreign scouting network.


Allardyce has been linked to loads of randoms from all over the world since he's been here. I'm sure he has targets from his Bolton days he can bring in. There's even a few players worth noting in the lower leagues - McShane is a very decent player and would probably be available now West Brom failed to win promotion. Mears too, but Derby won't sell cheaply. Even Billy Jones, FM legend and utility man, looks to be on his way out of Crewe and could do a better job at RB than someone like Dyer.

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KIERON DYER could play a surprise role for England tomorrow night — as a right-back.


And it is a position Dyer may play for Newcastle next season.


Dyer, 28, has been an attacking midfielder for most of his career.


But he had spells at right-back for Ipswich and made his England debut there against Luxembourg in 1999.


He may not start in defence in Estonia but Steve McClaren sees it as a useful option.


Dyer could use his pace to overlap David Beckham down the right-hand side.


Not a cat in hell's chance he'll play RB for England imo. Really hope we get shot personally.


BBC are also running the story



Kieron Dyer could be handed the right-back slot for England's Euro 2008 qualifier against Estonia on Wednesday.


The Newcastle midfielder would replace Jamie Carragher, who played there against Brazil but is set to switch to partner John Terry at centre-back.


Dyer played at right-back on his England debut in 1999.


England coach Steve McClaren has hinted Liverpool striker Peter Crouch will play alongside Michael Owen in attack.


And McClaren must decide whether to stick with Nicky Shorey at left-back or recall the fit-again Wayne Bridge.


Bridge has been suffering from a hip injury that kept him out of Friday's 1-1 draw with Brazil at Wembley.


England captain Terry came through a training session with no ill-effects after going off with a tight hamstring in the same game.


And McClaren seems likely to pick Carragher over Ledley King to play alongside Terry against Estonia, with Phil Neville another option at right-back.


Dyer, who made his England debut at right-back against Luxembourg in 1999, will get the nod if McClaren goes with an attacking line-up.


Owen Hargreaves is injured so Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard look set to continue in midfield, supported out wide by Joe Cole and David Beckham.


While in attack, with Wayne Rooney suspended, Crouch could replace Alan Smith, who struggled to impose himself at Wembley.


McClaren said: "I said before the Brazil game that wasn't necessarily the team for Estonia.


"We'll have to look at certain things and digest it and it may be different from the line-up for the Brazil game."


Estonia will be without full-back Raio Piiroja, who will miss the game through suspension.


Piiroja was expected to start in Tallinn until Uefa contacted the Estonian FA to inform them the defender, who plays for Fredrikstad in Norway, was not available.


The 27-year-old has been shown four yellow yards in the qualification period although he thought two had already been wiped out when he served a ban for being sent off in October's clash against Russia.


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Guest nyscooby

How the fuck is a skinny runt like Dyer going to be any use on the back lines??


Nobby has done well, but only survived an embarrasing season due to his quick feet and vision on the ball...


Proper players in proper positions...


Please, lets hope we dont have another season of experimental position playing like we just had....


Cause we might as well have kept GR.

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Guest alex

How the fuck is a skinny runt like Dyer going to be any use on the back lines??


Nobby has done well, but only survived an embarrasing season due to his quick feet and vision on the ball...


Proper players in proper positions...


Please, lets hope we dont have another season of experimental position playing like we just had....


Cause we might as well have kept GR.

It's hardly unheard of for full-backs to be on the small side. And I see Roeder more as 'clueless' than 'experimental'.

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Guest nyscooby

Clueless, true, but our 5 year old lass has more meat on her bones than he does, fragile doesn't describe the lad...


How many tackles will he get in before his ankles give way?

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