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Rupert Murdoch interview on Sky One soon


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talking about how Sky Sports has changed football according to the Guardian: http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2103894,00.html


While it can't be denied that Sky's coverage has revolutionised and changed football for ever(most likely).  Does anyone think it's acctually for the better?


I have to say that I can't really comment as I only started following football in the 95/96 season, so Sky was already in place with the Premiership coverage, howver I do reckon that even from then Sky's money has changed the face of the game and that the money now in the game is reaching sickening levels, especially in wages to players, and transfer fees.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

ruined the game tbh


nowadays you just buy success, it's not a sport anymore but a business

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There's no doubt whatsoever that the quality of coverage is way, way better than it was pre Sky. ITV had the live rights and used to show a game every now and then when they could be arsed.


My beef with Sky is that they focus almost entirely on the big clubs of the day. Understandable, but fucking annoying. Oh, and when they pay that much money for the rights, they expect football to be their bitch, which is why you'll find yourself watching your team playing Bolton at 5.15 on a Saturday evening, and why the fixture list is largely meaningless.




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ruined the game tbh


nowadays you just buy success, it's not a sport anymore but a business


Other than Chelsea, no British team has purely bought success in recent years. Man United's best team ever had a strong, home grown backbone.


You're right on the general point though, it is a business, we're customers nowadays, not supporters, we're the last consideration, the lowest in the food chain.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

ruined the game tbh


nowadays you just buy success, it's not a sport anymore but a business


Other than Chelsea, no British team has purely bought success in recent years. Man United's best team ever had a strong, home grown backbone.


You're right on the general point though, it is a business, we're customers nowadays, not supporters, we're the last consideration, the lowest in the food chain.


Blackburn. Leeds


to prove the reverse, Villa :lol:

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There's no doubt whatsoever that the quality of coverage is way, way better than it was pre Sky. ITV had the live rights and used to show a game every now and then when they could be arsed.


My beef with Sky is that they focus almost entirely on the big clubs of the day. Understandable, but fucking annoying. Oh, and when they pay that much money for the rights, they expect football to be their bitch, which is why you'll find yourself watching your team playing Bolton at 5.15 on a Saturday evening, and why the fixture list is largely meaningless.


I vaguely remember their coverage.  As I remember Grimsby Vs. Sunderland being on ITV way back when alongside a few other Divison One games, I can't even recall the score, just remember watching it.


I also agree about the big clubs coming first while Sky just shove the lesser games (Reading Vs. Someone last season) to god awful times like 12pm on a Sunday.



Sorry Dave, I've just got the forum favourited and so skip straight past the main site.  No offence to the contributers like.

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Sorry Dave, I've just got the forum favourited and so skip straight past the main site.  No offence to the contributers like.


Ditto. There's some decent stuff there though. :thup:

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Murdoch needs a bullet in the head.


And I say that as avowed pacifist. I'd line him,  Bush, and Cheney up against a wall within hours of the beginning of my regime. :)


'Avowed Pacifist' ?? Reminds me of the old saying ;'If you're not a Socialist at 18 you've got no heart - if you're still one at 28, you've got no brain.....''



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Murdoch needs a bullet in the head.


And I say that as avowed pacifist. I'd line him,  Bush, and Cheney up against a wall within hours of the beginning of my regime. :)


'Avowed Pacifist' ?? Reminds me of the old saying ;'If you're not a Socialist at 18 you've got no heart - if you're still one at 28, you've got no brain.....''




You will die like a pig when the revolucion comes.

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Murdoch needs a bullet in the head.


And I say that as avowed pacifist. I'd line him,  Bush, and Cheney up against a wall within hours of the beginning of my regime. :)


'Avowed Pacifist' ?? Reminds me of the old saying ;'If you're not a Socialist at 18 you've got no heart - if you're still one at 28, you've got no brain.....''




and if you still believe that saying at 38 you've probably got neither

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i'd say it was about right in the beginning, when sky first kicked off as they kept most of the games 3pm saturday and moved one game to a sunday 4pm and then the odd game to monday 8pm


plus they showed some of the normal tuesday/wednesday night games


once they pushed beyond that it started to go wrong, the advent of PremPlus was the nail in the coffin in my opinion


anyway just part of a wider move towards the americanisation of everything - look at skynews these days compared to what it used to be at the beginning, it's now just basically cnn combined with the sensationalism of the sun...

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i'd say it was about right in the beginning, when sky first kicked off as they kept most of the games 3pm saturday and moved one game to a sunday 4pm and then the odd game to monday 8pm


plus they showed some of the normal tuesday/wednesday night games


once they pushed beyond that it started to go wrong, the advent of PremPlus was the nail in the coffin in my opinion


anyway just part of a wider move towards the americanisation of everything - look at skynews these days compared to what it used to be at the beginning, it's now just basically cnn combined with the sensationalism of the sun...


Sorry, got to take exception to that last bit. Murdoch is not an Americanizing influence. Au contraire.


I'll give you fast food and the gratuitious use of the letter zed, but the aesthetics of Sky and the Murdoch media empire are most definitely not American.  US sports fans experienced the same bewildering overhaul of sports television when Fox (Murdoch) acquired the rights to American football.



And FoxNews --- CNN + Sun sensationalism and rightist agitprop-- is also quite un-American and unprecedented. We've never had a television channel that is essentially the propaganda organ of a political party. Unprecendented and quite un-American.

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Guest Nappy Rash

Is it for the better?


Is this question for real?  bluelaugh.gif


The PL is arguably the best League in the World these days (nailed on for me), the only downside is it attracts lots of mercenaries as within a season they are all multi millionaires, even the average ones. Managers just need to be more thorough in their purchasing of players.


Next season could be the best PL season ever, West Ham spending like its going out of fashion, Villa have loads of cash, Ratpool were meant to be launching a spendathon to contest the title, even Birmingham might be taken over by a bloke worth more than Roman.


Not to mention we, ourselves may be in a fantastic position soon.


It was getting pretty boring with the top 4 being the same every season and everyone outside it being pretty much the same, inconsistent and / or crap but with the new windfall and all the new ownerships it promises to get even better.


Certainly beats The Match once in a blue moon on a Sunday when I was a kid watching us get trounced off Liverpool 4-0 every fuckin time we were on.


Although I miss Midweek Sports Soccer and Sportsnight  :'(

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i'd say it was about right in the beginning, when sky first kicked off as they kept most of the games 3pm saturday and moved one game to a sunday 4pm and then the odd game to monday 8pm


plus they showed some of the normal tuesday/wednesday night games


once they pushed beyond that it started to go wrong, the advent of PremPlus was the nail in the coffin in my opinion


anyway just part of a wider move towards the americanisation of everything - look at skynews these days compared to what it used to be at the beginning, it's now just basically cnn combined with the sensationalism of the sun...


Sorry, got to take exception to that last bit. Murdoch is not an Americanizing influence. Au contraire.


I'll give you fast food and the gratuitious use of the letter zed, but the aesthetics of Sky and the Murdoch media empire are most definitely not American.  US sports fans experienced the same bewildering overhaul of sports television when Fox (Murdoch) acquired the rights to American football.



And FoxNews --- CNN + Sun sensationalism and rightist agitprop-- is also quite un-American and unprecedented. We've never had a television channel that is essentially the propaganda organ of a political party. Unprecendented and quite un-American.


so you don't see that the development of skys "monday night football", "super sunday", "the clash of the titans" (or whatever tag line they give any man u game each week) has been directly influenced by american sports tv coverage?  i do


as for the link to cnn/skynews what i'm talking about is that they started as a serious news channel to rival the bbc and i used to like it, then they slowly started to let the cnn style "ticker news" creep in that allows them to gloss over real stories - when do either cnn or skynews really report stories in depth?  unless it's about iraq of course


as for the sensationalism of the sun i wasn't saying that was an american influence, i was patently pointing out that the link there is murdoch rather than the usa....the point remains about skynews mirroring cnn's style

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The ticker thing... didn't exist on CNN.Sorry, that monstrosity came from Sky/Fox.  ESPN took it from Sky / Fox as well. It is CNN that has taken to apeing Fox, not the other way around.


As far as Monday Night Football etc. goes--- all sport coverage was relatively sedate until Fox bought the rights to broadcast the NFL. Thoroughout the 1970s and 80s. NBC had the AFC games, CBS had the NFC games, and ABC had the Monday night games. Then Fox bought CBS's lot of Sunday games and EVERYTHING changed. It all went way over the top.

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Newcastle played 38 games in the Prem last season. How many of those games did you walk away from thinking 'that was quality' by either side?


Man U v Chelsea gets blanket coverage, hyped to fuck weeks in advance by the SKY cocksuckers - what are your thought on these games? Enjoy the 'classic' inaugral Wembley Cup Final did you?


Yes Man U can play some decent stiuff on a regular basis, Chelsea are pure graft. Liverpool hit it long to good effect and Arsenal try to play a beautiful game and that sadly lifts them all above everyone else. It's our own Clubs total mismanagement that stops us usurping at least 2 of those four.


90% of Premiership football is plainly run of mill and mundane being played by a vast number of teams who know there place before a ball is kicked.


It's overhyped shite to be fair. And that's why Murdoch gets fuck all off me.

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I'm not keen on the 'good old days' of football in the 70s and 80s, violence and racism isn't my bag at all. As for the silly cash which rules the game today, an inevitable result of popularity in a capitalist world.




Murdoch is a c*** though, but that has nothing to do with football. I'm sure I had a point when I started typing.

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