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WHU Vs Sheff Utd - Illegal London club wins.


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So it finally sorts itself out. An appeal to be heard by an arbitration panel on Monday to decide if they punishment was fitting.


My personal opinion is that it wasn't, and they should of been docked points. The FA must take further action imo, but would the go as far as relegating a team out of season? Maybe a point deduction for this season, could they do that? Easiest thing is to rule that it was the correct decision but imo that is being very weak and Sheff Utd will not stop until they've been compensated (i know he says he'll leave it there, but he honestly thinks he'll be re-instated, if it goes against i can see fan pressure taking them further than this), they'll go as far as they can, its best if its sorted out now for footballs sake.


Add to that WHU fans calling for NUFC to be relegated due to the Quest investigation makes me hope these fukers rot in Championship hell.





McCabe expecting redemption


By James Pearson -  Created on 17 Jun 2007


Sheffield United plc chairman Kevin McCabe is expecting The Blades to be reinstated back into the Premier League on Monday.


An arbitration panel is set to discuss whether West Ham's lofty fine was the correct decision after being found guilty of third-party ownership over the signings of Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano.


The South Yorkshire side have been adamant for much of the off-season of the injustice of their relegation from England's top-flight and have fought vociferously against The Hammers' initial punishment.


However, should Monday's decision go against The Blades then McCabe has conceded that the club will accept they will begin the new season in the Championship.


"I expect a reversal of the decision made when the tribunal opined in April," he told Sky Sports News. "I'd like to believe Sheffield United will be reinstated into the Premier League.


"The first decision was wrong. It should have been a points deduction and not a monetary fine, and if that is the case then reinstatement for a club that's not broken the rules should take place.


"If the arbitration were to go against us, and we firmly believe it won't, then we have to accept that next season sees us in the Championship.


"The fixtures are nothing to do with Sheffield United. The Premier League issued the fixture list. That was their prerogative whether to issue them before or after the arbitration."





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Unknowingly breaking the rules is usually at least a 3 point penalty yet deliberately breaking the rules and then lying about it is a fine and nothing else. West Ham should have been and still should  be docked 3 points that would send them down.


Simple as that as far as i'm concerened.

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Guest optimistic nit

Someone remind me about what happened at Boro when they got points deducted?


they had the flu, but the prem didn't let them swich the game, so didn't show up iirc.

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Could this play a part?


Football in Brief: Probe into Sheffield

Last Updated: 11:45pm BST 16/06/2007


Sheffield United are being probed for allegedly breaking the same transfer rule as West Ham, it was reported last night.


United are battling to get West Ham thrown out of the Premiership for their involvement in the Carlos Tevez affair but now the Blades are under investigation into one of their own dealings.


The Premier League have demanded to know why the Yorkshire club stopped one of their former players, Steve Kabba, playing against them after he had gone to join Watford - which may amount to third party interference.



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Guest optimistic nit

hopefully not. i say let sheff u stay down and dock west ham 10 pts this season bluyes.gif

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Could this play a part?


Football in Brief: Probe into Sheffield

Last Updated: 11:45pm BST 16/06/2007


Sheffield United are being probed for allegedly breaking the same transfer rule as West Ham, it was reported last night.


United are battling to get West Ham thrown out of the Premiership for their involvement in the Carlos Tevez affair but now the Blades are under investigation into one of their own dealings.


The Premier League have demanded to know why the Yorkshire club stopped one of their former players, Steve Kabba, playing against them after he had gone to join Watford - which may amount to third party interference.




They fucked McCabe good and proper on Sky Sports News over that.

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Its more workable for WHU to be deducted next season.


This is all I expect to happen. Assuming you mean deducted points. ;)


Its what would make sense, and if they were docked 10pts for next season i doubt either team would appeal it now, WHU would be just happy it wasn't last season, and Sheff Utd couldn't suggest a harsher punishment should be handed out.



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Guest Magpiecn

Or do what they did to Juve, relegate them and dock points for next season.[/dream]

Then good luck to Parker. ;D

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Haha, I wonder if he'd hand a transfer request in. West Ham would probably argue that they've already started buying for the Premier League, but didn't Juve sign Bojinov only for them to be relegated?


Also season tickets sold at EPL prices (If they have started selling already)


I think that would be there major argument against a relegation.



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Haha, I wonder if he'd hand a transfer request in. West Ham would probably argue that they've already started buying for the Premier League, but didn't Juve sign Bojinov only for them to be relegated?


One paper today says he didn't ask for a release clause because he's so sure of them keeping their Premiership status.

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Haha, I wonder if he'd hand a transfer request in. West Ham would probably argue that they've already started buying for the Premier League, but didn't Juve sign Bojinov only for them to be relegated?


Also season tickets sold at EPL prices (If they have started selling already)


I think that would be there major argument against a relegation.



I'm sure the counter argument would be they get to see 4 extra home games so the prices would be the same more or less anyway.

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Guest optimistic nit

was i right about the middlesbrough thing btw? i was like 8 at the time, but i'm pretty sure thats what happened.

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was i right about the middlesbrough thing btw? i was like 8 at the time, but i'm pretty sure thats what happened.


Yeah they were supposed to play Blackburn but a viral epidemic took out most of the squad, think Robson claimed he was minus 20-odd players. Boro claimed that the league had given them permission because they could prove that they couldn't field 11 fit players, but they ended up being deducted three points soon after the event and that took them down in the end.

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Its more workable for WHU to be deducted next season.


This is all I expect to happen. Assuming you mean deducted points. ;)


Its what would make sense, and if they were docked 10pts for next season i doubt either team would appeal it now, WHU would be just happy it wasn't last season, and Sheff Utd couldn't suggest a harsher punishment should be handed out.




Doesn't make that much sense to me to be honest and I think Sheff Utd would most definitely appeal against it.  No matter how harsh a 10 point deduction next season is they would argue it wasn't a relevant punishment.  Given that the infringement happened last season and the outcome of that infringement was that West Ham stayed up when they would otherwise have been relegated.  If the FA did admit that points need to be deducted then the only thing that makes sense is to relegate West Ham and reinstate the team immediately below them.

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