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Sam Bent on Daz - Mirror piling up the strikers...


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Guest exilim

TBH, i think leroy lita is much better than Nugent.


But leroy lita and bent, which one would you take? Maybe Lita will turn to be harewood the 2nd.

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Guest elbee909

I get where people are coming from when people compare his price to Thierry Henry's, but at the same time it's a little over-simplistic.  Thierry Henry is approaching 30, Bent is what, 22; Bent's only seriously a target for other EPL teams who've all had their coffers boosted by TV money, so there are multiple buyers, hence a price hike - whereas Henry wouldn't have gone to anywhere but Barca.  If anyone thinks we should have gone for Henry as he's cheaper than the money they're talking for Bent then I can only say, get your head out of the clouds, the two situations are markedly different.

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Henry will be 31 at the end of next season, he's not going to become any better, and most likely his game will drop.  Bent is seven years younger and probably hasn't even peaked yet.  Plus all his goals and performances as yet were for Ipswich and Charlton.  With some better service he can only be more successful.

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