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Kieron Dyer


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Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D


were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


Very expensive bench warmer tbh.

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Guest whizzer

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D



were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


What if he gets injured again before he warms the bench? ;)


Yeah, there is always that, but you never know when injury will strike, look at you with Owen, who would have expected him to get injured so quickly after you signed him. Also look at sp*rs, now with Berbatov injured amongst others....

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Guest elbee909

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D



were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


What if he gets injured again before he warms the bench? ;)


He might actually injure himself sitting down.  Arse-strain or something, wasn't it?

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Guest elbee909

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D



were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


What if he gets injured again before he warms the bench? ;)


Yeah, there is always that, but you never know when injury will strike, look at you with Owen, who would have expected him to get injured so quickly after you signed him. Also look at sp*rs, now with Berbatov injured amongst others....


You've signed a bit of a dud.  That is all.

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What's the fee?


In the region of £8 million. F*ckin happy days  :clap:


A profit then. Amazing.


This season gets better and better.


20% Of the profit or the sale, can`t remember goes to Ipswich but yeah its good to get our original fee back.  


Northern Monkey your hatred for Dyer is drama queen-tastic , f****** hell I don`t get on with the boy due to a prior falling out but I don`t wish him to break his legs. No one really likes him in his home town but they gave up wasting breath on slating him years ago . Will you be joining the Hammers board now to carry on the hatred, cease posting on here or find a new target ?   :lol:




Especially coming from a bloke in his 30's. :lol:



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Guest whizzer

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D


were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


Very expensive bench warmer tbh.



Who cares - were minted......


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Guest elbee909

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D


were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


Very expensive bench warmer tbh.



Who cares - were minted......



My, didn't take you long to become the poor man's Chelsea, whom I'm sure your lot had a good go at for having exactly the same attitude.

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So, to sum up:


:) :3some: :D ;) :violent :toothy: :toothy2: :thumbsup: :wave: :icon_blackeye: :icon_rr: :icon_cheers: :alien: :bunny: :evil5: :happy3: :hal: :no: :angel4: :angel4: :angel4: :fart: :happy6: :icon_compress: :angel5: :angel7: :headbang: :icon_flower: :glasses12: :hello2: :hello2: :hello: :icon_jokercolor: :blob1: :blob5: :blob3: :blob10: :blob6: :blob7: :cya: :icescream: :icon_pirat: :blob9: :bom: :glasses8: :icon_albino: :dink: :glasses9: :icon_brilsmurf: :happy1: :bootyshake: :iroc: :dog: :jerk: :icon_salut: :icon_santa: :icon_smurf: :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing1: :la: :kermit: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_sunny: :laughing4: :laughing7: :toothy12: :laughing8: :toothy3: :smileinbox: :toothy5: :sunny: :lurk: :tongue5: :sign17: :thefinger: :walk: :wav: :sign4: :occasion14: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :bounce: :banana: :banana2: :indi: :fight: :footy: :rocky: :rockyII: :band: :toke: :whistle: :boomboom: :morph: :elvis: :fogie: violence.gif

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Guest Bramble OG

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D


were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


Very expensive bench warmer tbh.



Who cares - were minted......



Like the way you think he's gonna accept sitting on the bench...fcks sake he kicked off when he couldn't play in his favoured position never mind out the team completely

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So, to sum up:


:) :3some: :D ;) :violent :toothy: :toothy2: :thumbsup: :wave: :icon_blackeye: :icon_rr: :icon_cheers: :alien: :bunny: :evil5: :happy3: :hal: :no: :angel4: :angel4: :angel4: :fart: :happy6: :icon_compress: :angel5: :angel7: :headbang: :icon_flower: :glasses12: :hello2: :hello2: :hello: :icon_jokercolor: :blob1: :blob5: :blob3: :blob10: :blob6: :blob7: :cya: :icescream: :icon_pirat: :blob9: :bom: :glasses8: :icon_albino: :dink: :glasses9: :icon_brilsmurf: :happy1: :bootyshake: :iroc: :dog: :jerk: :icon_salut: :icon_santa: :icon_smurf: :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing1: :la: :kermit: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_sunny: :laughing4: :laughing7: :toothy12: :laughing8: :toothy3: :smileinbox: :toothy5: :sunny: :lurk: :tongue5: :sign17: :thefinger: :walk: :wav: :sign4: :occasion14: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :bounce: :banana: :banana2: :indi: :fight: :footy: :rocky: :rockyII: :band: :toke: :whistle: :boomboom: :morph: :elvis: :fogie: violence.gif




So people seem happy then??

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Guest exilim

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D



were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


What if he gets injured again before he warms the bench? ;)


He might actually injure himself sitting down.  Arse-strain or something, wasn't it?


Or eye injury due to training ground pole incident, oh don't forget.. Bowyer and Dyer might get themselves injured once more!

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Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D



were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


What if he gets injured again before he warms the bench? ;)


Yeah, there is always that, but you never know when injury will strike, look at you with Owen, who would have expected him to get injured so quickly after you signed him. Also look at sp*rs, now with Berbatov injured amongst others....


If I was Curbishley I'd play 4-3-3 with Dyer and Bellamy either side of Ashton. O0

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Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D


were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


Very expensive bench warmer tbh.



Who cares - were minted......



Yes, yes you were..... :razz:

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On occassions he was class.


On Many occassions he was injured.


On all occasions he was a tosser.


On this occassion, he is someone elses problem - thank funk.


Onwards and upwards.


(P.S did WHU not once stop and think (about the players they have signed from us) - they did f*** all for NUFC)....


No - they thought, lets pay more for the players (than they paid) that will run all day but not much more.


I so hope there season finishes like its started.




I wouldn't say Dyer and Bellamy did nothing for Newcastle, they were key to us getting among the Champions League places and going on a pretty decent Champions League run. West Ham will be trying to get the best out of them obviously, and in Dyer's case keep him fit. It's a big ask but clubs like West Ham need to take some risks if they want to move up the table quickly. They should be looking at their defence as well mind, it still looks shocking.



Ok, put another way. The negatives fair outweighed the positives.  Having one prick in your team is bearable, three is asking for trouble.



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Guest elbee909

Dyer running along is just like that bit in Terminator 2, where the T1000 is all frozen - his foot and lower leg staying where it was when he tried to walk fowards, before stumbling over and shattering into many pieces.

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Guest whizzer

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D


were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


Very expensive bench warmer tbh.



Who cares - were minted......



My, didn't take you long to become the poor man's Chelsea, whom I'm sure your lot had a good go at for having exactly the same attitude.

Sorry didn't mean it like that - at the moment we- and newcastle- have a pot of money due to new investers, we are promised £40M on new players and with the purchase of Dyer we have only spent£8M, therefore we have £32M to spend. As you will be aware West Ham have never had that sort of money,

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:lol: West Ham signing more ex-Newcastle players with no end product and injury problems


Bellamy's a great player and Dyer can be handy when playing in a top team as he proved when we finished in the top5 three seasons running, which leave Bowyer who's shite and your hero Parker.


We on the other hand have replaced him with Alan Smith who's scored 2 goals in his last 50+ games, at least he gets stuck in though which should keep the Parker fanboys happy.

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Guest elbee909

Let's all say, Good Riddance!


West ham fans coming to our forum gonna start panicking :D


were not panicking, on his day he can be a great player. I think you need to get real, we only bought him as back up because Faubert is injured when he is back dyer will be keeping our bench warm.


Very expensive bench warmer tbh.



Who cares - were minted......



My, didn't take you long to become the poor man's Chelsea, whom I'm sure your lot had a good go at for having exactly the same attitude.

Sorry didn't mean it like that - at the moment we- and newcastle- have a pot of money due to new investers, we are promised £40M on new players and with the purchase of Dyer we have only spent£8M, therefore we have £32M to spend. As you will be aware West Ham have never had that sort of money,


Fair enough.  But it only goes so far, and however much money you have, you always want value for money.  With Dyer, you don't get it.  What about the other signings you've made, anyway?  The wage bill alone must be going a bit mental.

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:lol: West Ham signing more ex-Newcastle players with no end product and injury problems


Bellamy's a great player and Dyer can be handy when playing in a top team as he proved when we finished in the top5 three seasons running, which leave Bowyer who's shite and your hero Parker.


We on the other hand have replaced him with Alan Smith who's scored 2 goals in his last 50+ games, at least he gets stuck in though which should keep the Parker fanboys happy.



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:lol: West Ham signing more ex-Newcastle players with no end product and injury problems


Bellamy's a great player and Dyer can be handy when playing in a top team as he proved when we finished in the top5 three seasons running, which leave Bowyer who's s**** and your hero Parker.


We on the other hand have replaced him with Alan Smith who's scored 2 goals in his last 50+ games, at least he gets stuck in though which should keep the Parker fanboys happy.

Bellamy and Dyer are both good players. Neither are great. Smith will be handy but very different to the other two so its unfair to compare.  

Bowyer was complete wank. Parker started ok and lost the plot.

Either way we are very pedestrian in midfield. I can't abide Bellamy but he'd be handy in selective matches. So would Dyer. At present we don't have the thing they gave us when we did well - the ability to stretch and pressure teams.

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