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Up top in a 4-4-2?

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I had just come on here solely to say that Smith is the best foil for Owen out of all our strikers, assuming he adopted a similar role for us.


It merely depends on whether you think he should play. I think so, as when fit, he is a proven consistent scorer, and was unlucky tonight against one of the best international centre back pairings around.

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Guest black n white

owen viduka to start replaced by ameobi martins on 60  to 70 mins.....

at this stage in the transfer market ....and current injuries


def     taylor  capacca rozenhal enrique


mid      milner barton geremi nzogbia


                      owen  viduka


ameobi martins smith butt............ O0

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owen viduka to start replaced by ameobi martins on 60  to 70 mins.....

at this stage in the transfer market ....and current injuries


def     taylor  capacca rozenhal enrique


mid      milner barton geremi nzogbia


                      owen  viduka


ameobi martins smith butt............ O0


good team that, but sub barton off for smith as hes injured, and i can't see martins not playing..

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Guest black n white

owen viduka to start replaced by ameobi martins on 60  to 70 mins.....

at this stage in the transfer market ....and current injuries


def     taylor  capacca rozenhal enrique


mid      milner barton geremi nzogbia


                      owen  viduka


ameobi martins smith butt............ O0


good team that, but sub barton off for smith as hes injured, and i can't see martins not playing..


left emre out of the mix...who i rate and would start before smith...........

sure barton is back in training in 4-5 weeks and he would be first choice for me ..4 4 2

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Not a lot to choose between the options, but I voted for Owen - Shola.


Viduka looks very unfit and in need of a shock to the system. If Shola had played like he did on Saturday, this board would be heaving with people demanding that he gets the boot, not complaining about 'the service'. I don't doubt his talent with the ball at his feet, and facing the goal, but he needs to work harder for those opportunities.


Smith is tempting but he now looks very slow and has difficulty holding the ball up as a striker. I'd see his future in midfield.


With Owen and Martins you have two finishers, and I don't think that can work as a combo. Owen plays with more intelligence, so I went for him.


But Allardyce's 4-3-3 looks progressive to me, and ultimately I'd like to see him bring in the player or players to make that system work to its optimum.



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If 442, Shola and Owen with Martins on the RW v boro.


Viduka is tired/ineffective at the moment.


At the start of the season i'd have said viduka and Owen


Can Amrtins cross the ball? Cos he can only sometimes control the fucker.


No on Saturday's evidence.

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If 442, Shola and Owen with Martins on the RW v boro.


Viduka is tired/ineffective at the moment.


At the start of the season i'd have said viduka and Owen


I'd be very surprised if Owen starts on Sunday. If we were to play 4-4-2 it wouldn't be a shock to see Shola and Martins line up; they looked as though they had the makings of an understanding in the few games they played together at the start of last season.

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If 442, Shola and Owen with Martins on the RW v boro.


Viduka is tired/ineffective at the moment.


At the start of the season i'd have said viduka and Owen


Can Amrtins cross the ball? Cos he can only sometimes control the fucker.


No on Saturday's evidence.


In fairness, i can't see Allardyce playing a 442 anyway.

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