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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. I seem to remember that the dollar has collapsed this year against  the Euro no? 


    And AUstralia - another degree or two of global warming and they'll all be living in Dubai style enclaves along the coast begging for water

  2. back in the 60's NUFC free kick just outside the box at the Gallowgate end, wall formed, long discussion (I have a feeling B Arentoft was involved) between 4 forwards (those were the days eh?)


    All back away in different directions, whistle blows, #1 runs in and jumps over the ball , # 2 runs in and so does #3 - who misses his kick but connects with #2 who is kicked straight up in the air and lands in serious pain as does the kicker who mis connected.


    Defensive wall collapses to the floor in hysterics, ref is seen wiping his eyes, trainer on - crowd enraptured


    As the ball hadn't moved the whole thing had to be retaken and was blazed over the bar into Felling


  3. Sidwell is absolutely pathetic. He's had one good season and cashed in on it. I'd hate to see us sign someone without any sort of ambition whatsoever. He is the exact type of player that we should be avoiding - no quality and hungry for money. No thanks.


    unlike 99% of the posters on here you mean???

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