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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. Most english mangers are good players who move up - as players are some of the stupidest people on the planet it means most English managers have an IQ of  around 80


    They have no education and bugger all training, especially in things like finance, man managment etc etc


    When they start to fail and flail the fans turn on them and they are out


    A lot of the Yuropeans are better educated and certainly better trained







  2. ben talking to the frogs at Arsenal most likely - they ALL put on weight and muscle when they go there - must be something in the air..........  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  3. "as voted by supporters" - well I never got a vote and neither did all the people who are now deid


    As far as I can see from all the folk I've ever talked to who watched at SJP since WW1 our list is:-


    1,   Hughie


    2.    Milburn


    3.   Shearer


    4.    McCracken or Scoular



    5.    Len White



    and the best keeper still plays there



    Not Tony Green or Pedro?


    green was ok but "great" - i think not


    pedro .... tough call, probably would make an all time XI but not really top 5


    and I never saw Hughie, Mcracken or Milburn play in a competitive match - I can say that people who saw Hughie, Milburn, WHite and Shearer ranked Hughie best


    and, as I said they all reckon thet Given is about the best keeper we've ever had

  4. Drove to an away game for the 1st time yesterday and the journey home was too much like hard work.  Taking my 12 year old daughter to Wigan and before yesterday intended to drive. On the way home i thought to myself "back page for wigan". Reading this i just can't make up my mind. Really don't want to have to put up with a coach load of charvas. Are all the buses like that or is it just pot luck each game?


    go by train - there are direct one or one change (normally at Brum ) i use them for business all the time

  5. Funny that a club the size of ManU don't have one of their own ................   maybe some ditty from Morrisey perhaps???


    Loathe Man United though I do - and I really do - I have to say their away support is the best in the country imho. They also have a far wider range of songs than anyone else.


    And it genuinely makes the pit of my stomach turn to pay those wankers any compliment.


    but you can only sing "I get no kicks from champagne..." so many times

  6. its sooooooooooooooooo  sad...................... 


    Personally I've always thought "I'm forever blowing bubbles" was always a very odd choice for a team song but at least the 'Ammers HAVE a song and they SING it.........................


    Funny that a club the size of ManU don't have one of their own ................  maybe some ditty from Morrisey perhaps???

  7. Leazes Terrace is one of the cities most beautiful streets, and there's no way they would be allowed to move them to expand SJP.


    I wouldn't be in favour of that at all, we need to remember the club's links and roots in the city - we wouldn't serve those by trying to demolish one of the town's best assets.


    And I really can't see Mike Ashley telling his thugs to set fire to a street full of inhabited flats!




    It's just an old terrace - quite reasonable and its a pity so many were done away with building "the venice of the North" but you could move it a few hundred metres and no-one would be any the wiser

  8. What you might see is Blatter and FIFA agreeing to support the G14 so as to put Yuffa in its place


    With a bit of luck we'll finish up like Boxing  - NUFC might even win the World Parky Football Association CL......................... 

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