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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. Given is the best keeper we've ever had fullstop


    he;s one of the 3 players (+ taylor & the Zog) we could actually sell


    th eproblem is and always has been the non existent defence and the crap mid field in front of him


    to blame the keeper when you play  the people we have (Bramble, Hughes....) in front of him is just stupid

  2. I don't particularly dislike them - they've never done us over big time, they win nowt (like us), they don't have a mad manager, or a Russian Zillionaire, they try and play decent football, their fans are a lot quieter than anything out of Manchester or Merseyside, they wash , you can just about breathe the air there......


    Admittedly I've had a couple of interesting runs ahead of the mob from the ground down to teh station but Hey!  I needed the exercise - and they're nothing like Millwall or Chelski or....anyone in Glasgow in the violence stakes


    So why are they on so many hate lists?




  3. I've watched the goings at SJP since the 50's


    I have to say that FFS was the second best (which doesn't mean to say I liked him) CEO we ever had - Hall pre-plc was obviously the best


    - which doesn't say much for teh rest of course


    Jury is still out on Ashleigh - he might sell us the yanks in 2 months time.............

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