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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. He has no experience at all


    The record of top class players as managers is not very good


    Strikers especially tend to be unsucesful  (I exempt Brian Howard Clough of course)


    Players going back to their old clubs also have a poor record


    I'm not sure he's a great man manager either


    Lets face it - if you looked at the whole of the TV punditry and you HAD to choose a mangaer from amongst them it would that smart arsed Scotsman

  2. Parky clearly just on the wind up in this thread like.


    When someone disagrees he either insults their intelligence or misrepresents their view.




    You'd think the people agreeing would be more embarrassed once NE5 started agreeing with him.  :rolleyes:


    no. I have quite clearly been correct for a long time, and I'm dead pleased parky is correct too.


    And, if the end result of todays events is the club showing real ambition with their own appointed manager, I fully expect to see quite a lot of u-turns from those of the more conservative persuasion - probably the same people who oddly wanted the old board so "splash the cash" all the time, meaning they have done a 360 degree circle of u turns.



    i'd like to see cash being splashed if we can afford it (ie ashley spending like abramovich)


    i'd not like to see cash being splashed if we cant afford it (ie racking up unsustainable debts)


    This si a very very valid point...........  the use of Other People's Money is always wise.........

  3. for me the damning fact is that you couldn't tell which team was a struggling Championship team bought for washers and which was a a very expensive PL side


    Too many long clearances, very little accurate passing, a dreadful left back, no-one picking up attackers at corners


    Sam has had 6 months and we are actually WORSE in some ways than we were under Roeder - he had the excuse that all he had to hand was bairns

  4. Mike Wrays Wonderfull spreadsheet allows you to calculate the toughness of the opposition played so far and to come


    needless to say we have by far the toughest to come  of any team in the PL  :kasper: :kasper: :kasper:

  5. Constantly playing a very promising left winger at left back in a team with a with an appallingly poor defensive record will make them succeptable to a move to another, sucessful team. 


    exactly - I can see Arsene thinking..........  neat player, french, young , can play anywhere down the left side............ 

  6. Anyone hear those two ...."ladies"........... on 5Live last night ???


    Screaming and gibbering like fishwives


    It's all a conspiracy against the "best supported team in the country"  with a masonic group of linesmen and refs getting their own back on Roy Kean............... 


    Made my Christmas................................    :celb: :celb: :celb: :celb: :celb: :celb: :celb: :celb:


  7. what you forget LLO is that he might have to deal with some of the people he's run rings around in the past - and I can assure you they'll see him starve in the gutter rather than help him


    So far this hasn't touched the club - principally because we already have a load of decent finance in place negotiated by Fat Fred - the problem might come if we want/need to roll it over or increase it


    He also will have trouble getting decent managment - the word is out that he wants to run the shop himself and so all he'll get are creeps and brown-nosers - and that is the first step towards disaster

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