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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. Using Mike Wrays wonderful spreadsheet you can calculate how tough the opposition is you've faced so far ... and to come


    It shows that Citeh & the Smogs opponents so far this season have an AVERAGE of 15.8 points


    We are at the other end of the table - our opponents to date have an average of 11.5 points - which is almost 2 points less than the next easiest run so far which is Arsenal


    Our opponents to come have an average of 15.68 points = 1.5 points a game better than the dross we've played to date





  2. lastseason teh guys who do the stats in the Times showed that with most teams their away performances are worse because they go expecting to defend whereas at home they come out attacking


    Seems to be all in the mind


    I guess we left our attacking instincts in gatesheid yesterday

  3. Lack of hotel rooms, lack of meeja facillities are the offical reasons


    plus it tends to go to more glamorous locations - and if your team ain't winning in Yurop there is no chance


    They can sell (or give to sponsors) another 40,000 tickets at Wembley - if we were in the CL Final I'd know which ground I'd rather it was held - the BIGGEST

  4. A couple of questions for anyone whose been before. Can you get a beer in the away end ?and does the pub at the station allow kids in with an adult ?

    Thanks a lot.



    See everyone else for beers - there are some bars OUTSIDE the gates but hide your scarf


    the Pub at the station doesn't serve kids inside I think - but across the road are a couple of decent places (one is called the something Club but its a decent bar) and the new Malmaison across the street has a cafe (expensive)


    If you come out of the Station turn left - opposite the RailAir buses for Theifrow - that way there are a lot of pubs..........    in desperation the Old Town Hall (2 minutes) that way has a bar with sitting outside as well

  5. Last season there were 2 buses waiting outside the away end and were quite quick to get back to the station.

    Can you remember the service number?


    Its signed for the MadStad - and all the Reading fans in the queue are a bit of a giveaway




    The concourse is effectively Reading's Bus Station so there are buses going everywhere but its very clear which are the ones for teh game





  6. I dont think Drogba will want to move here or any other Premiership club for that matter.I think hell be off soon,maybe not as soon as January but during the transfer window after that and he probably going to join Inter or Milan.


    nice avatar Ridz! 

  7. A Liverpool supporter in the office went there last season and said they were bloody dreadful - bossy, no humour and when the crowd got narked as they wouldn't open a couple of closed gates at the away end they turned very nasty and stared stopping people from getting in at all - and I've heard simialr from others -


    the fans are OK but there seems to be some folk who think just because they've reached the PL they must be IMPORTANT



  8. There is a regular bus shuttle straight to the ground from right outside the Railway Station - there is a big pub with outdoor seating as part of the station and you can see the line from there - bus every 5 minutes


    Trouble is you need to leave the centre a good 45 minutes before the game - Reading were notorious last year for only having a couple of gates and some seriously officious stewards for away fans


    Getting BACK from the ground can be a nightmare - not enough buses and no taxis - my mates there reckon its as fast to walk - or at least walk over to get a local bus to the east of the ground


    if time is tight pre book a taxi and get them to collect you a few minutes walk from the ground is my suggestion - plenty of trains to Landahn - one about every 10 minutes - make sure you get a nonstop to Paddington - the stoppers take up to an hour


    Someone was saying they are going to open a railway station at the ground in a couple of years but that don't help us this year


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