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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. Surely it makes sense to get it in place now as hopefully with the team progressing we will get to a point where we are in Europe alot, doing well in cups and fighting for the title/top 4 again and at that point the stadium would be ready and we could get close to 60,000. Plus it's free so why not.


    the critical word here is "hopefully"


    i've been waiting +40 years TT and we've never managed it yet.......................    :undecided: :undecided:


    If they go for expansion it will have to be the mega scheme, moving the old terrace somewhere else and stuffing the University's mouths with gold - but that would be around 74,0000

  2. Most seafarers have two passports, for that exact same reason... many countries around the world, dont like seeing certain other countries stamps in your passport. Think Korea and Japan are another example.


    wrong, it's no problem at all having worked in both these countries. Entering each country is no problem whatsoever if you have the Japanese/Korean stamp in your passport.


    Aye, I'm Korean and I have about 8 Japanese stamps on my passport. No trouble whatsoever. We're all nice and friendly now.


    And if you want a real case of countries being in the wrong federation, just look at Australia in the AFC. I'm not saying that it's not a good thing for Australia/Asian football in general, but still, flying out to OZ for an away game is pretty tough.




    That's fine - they can qualify automatically for teh World Cup then..................

  3. Israel could only travel to about one country in the Middle East because the rest of them do not let people enter who either have a Israeli passport or visa. I was nearly going to be going to Israel on a visit and it would have meant me having to get a new passport, as I had to keep one passport without an Israeli stamp. This was because I would not have been able to then visit other Middle Eastern countries with an Israeli stamp in it.


    that's their problem TBH

  4. I can't beleive th e discussion about harding v Bates -


    Harding was a really good guy, hard businessman, did a great deal for CHelsea


    Bates hides behind starnge companies in offshore jurisdictions, lots of strange deals and nearly sank Chelsea - they were 4 days away from banruptcy when Roman turned up.............. 


    I'm no big friend of fat Fred's as you probably know but I beleive, on balance, he meant well and didn't do a really bad job at SJP

  5. I agree, singling out one player like that is pathetic but sadly its no suprise that it was one of our players.  FIFA are a bunch of cheating c***s who always put England at a disadvantage.



    which is why we never win owt right?


    mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif

  6. I know a couple of guys who are hard core supporters from wayyyyyyy back - one of them got me ticket for the NUFC game at the Bridge last year


    but even they say there are loads of people who don't know which side are playing in blue, that matches kick-off at a set time and last 90 minutes and you can't handle the ball

  7. In Landahn yesterday  - heard this Capital Ad


    Chelski selling seats for their next home game, rollup, rollup, fab atmosphere, great day out, bring the kids, bring anyone


    PLEASE PLEASE come............



    Bloody amazing..............................  :kasper: :kasper: :kasper: :kasper:

  8. I travel up from Nottingham for every game, i book my rail ticket about 6 weeks before the game, that way i get the cheapest option.Its a bugger always having to check the fixture list for changes, i don't trust Setanta or Sky and i expect to find changes to KO at any time. They don't appreciate the problems travelling supporters have.


    TBH they have no interest in what the supporters think - your money goes to the Club and Virgin railways


    Sky and Sentanta get their $$$ from their viewers and they will do owt they can to maximise that number

  9. I remember the old predicition league had a bonus question every week, like "first scorer" or "number of corners" or some obscure thing like "Total League One Attendance for the weekend".  Any plans to work anything like that in?


    Nope :)





    as a temporary co-ordinator of the TTTW league on eyear i can tell you the bonus questions were a real bugger - to think of, to get ones that seperated the wheat from the chaff  and actually going through 50-100 answers and having to score each one..........................



    Mind I think my best one was the Boxing Day Fixture one "how many presents did Rob W get on Christmas morning......" 


    Some clever swine got it right as well

  10. don't understand why we hate Spurs - never done us any harm, are miles away, play somedecent football, never been involved in a battle" with them on or off the pitch (tho I can remember a long run down to the Tube station at the Lane a few times) -


    must be jealousy that they're taking our place as Drama Queens #1 in the PL


    and the W Ham thing is puerly based on the current dodgy  business


    Of course Leeds or Swansea weren't on the choices................. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

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