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Scottish Mag

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Posts posted by Scottish Mag

  1. The intriguing possibility has emerged that the Shearer appointment is linked to a new investor iin the club and he's been persuaded to take the position by someone other than Ashley and Llambias. The events of the coming days will doubtless prove or disprove that theory.

  2. Anyone seen the supposed list of players Man City are chopping, Sky had a well educated guess, and in Schemeichel Elano and Fernandes, I really would be putting bids in.


    Do they fancy playing in the fizzy pop league?

  3. I think some of you are giving Ferguson too much credit. If he has the opportunity to twist the blade on us, he'll do it. Remember the 6-2 home loss and him pointing his finger up at his strikers telling them that he wanted ANOTHER goal (after 6!). He rested players from the league cup final for OUR game. He will put out a full strength XI and try to run up his goal difference as high as possible and use us as a message to the league. ... at least that is his plan.


    When our players actually show true spirit and the supporters stay behind the team we get a result here. I don't really care what the score, is but I want thsoe two things - effort and support. If we have them then we have a good chance at minimising the damage. BTW - for me real caring about this game/ showing spirit means treating this as the Derby game on steriods... if you can't beat them by using skill then bashing the f*ck out of them and, if need be, getting carded or even sent off for the cause. I want real determination and anger that would scare and frighten them.


    Such a small thing to ask and I know I wont get it.


    Aye that would really help our run in... :kinnear:

  4. I hate True Faith now, used to think it was a decent fanzine now it's the same old rubbish.  I always thought the whole point of supporting your team was to support them through thick and thin regardless of who's playing or in charge, obviously they don't.


    Regardless of what you think of the fanzine I don't get how you can say they obviously don't support the team?  Why because they are critical of the shambles of whats going on?  That does not make them any less of a supporter...


    1st year:His games played (11) was s**** his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

    2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - s****!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

    Last seasons top goalscorer.

    This year leading the charts.


    He needs to go, his time is done here.



    Another way to look at him is his cost to us.


    Conservatively estimating his wage as £100,000 per week, plus the transfer fee, minus the compensation from the FA comes to a total of around £33million for his services.


    He's played something like 68 games for us in all competitions (excluding friendlies) & scored 30 goals.  Not a bad return in terms of goals to games.  But...


    £33million / 68 games = £485,000 per game

    £33million / 30 goals = £1,100,000 per goal


    That's just s***.


    Well spotted it has not worked out & has been expensive if only I had of known that. I like your He's played something like I was expecting a ball park figure but you nailed it with 68.


    Stats can be twisted to whichever way you like though.


    But if we are going by your logic, lets have a look at the current set up attempt in Xisco


    Conservatively estimating his wage as £25,000 per week for roughly 7 months, plus the transfer fee (4.8 million?), comes to a total of around £5.5million for his services.


    £5.5million / 4 games = £1,375,000 per game

    £5.5million / 1 goals = £5,500,000 per goal


    Go Team Ashley... :celb:






    that doesn't work fucknuts  ???, you need to reduce the transfer fee pro rata for how long he's been here so far vs the length of his contract


    owens almost seen his contract out so hoying it all together works, xisco not even a season so it doesn't




    Resorting to insults, I didn't think that was allowed on here...



    1st year:His games played (11) was s**** his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

    2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - s****!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

    Last seasons top goalscorer.

    This year leading the charts.


    He needs to go, his time is done here.



    Another way to look at him is his cost to us.


    Conservatively estimating his wage as £100,000 per week, plus the transfer fee, minus the compensation from the FA comes to a total of around £33million for his services.


    He's played something like 68 games for us in all competitions (excluding friendlies) & scored 30 goals.  Not a bad return in terms of goals to games.  But...


    £33million / 68 games = £485,000 per game

    £33million / 30 goals = £1,100,000 per goal


    That's just s***.


    Well spotted it has not worked out & has been expensive if only I had of known that. I like your He's played something like I was expecting a ball park figure but you nailed it with 68.


    Stats can be twisted to whichever way you like though.


    But if we are going by your logic, lets have a look at the current set up attempt in Xisco


    Conservatively estimating his wage as £25,000 per week for roughly 7 months, plus the transfer fee (4.8 million?), comes to a total of around £5.5million for his services.


    £5.5million / 4 games = £1,375,000 per game

    £5.5million / 1 goals = £5,500,000 per goal


    Go Team Ashley... :celb:





  7. The levels of incompetence of this lot does not even suprise me anymore.

    I have no doubt Joe will be there man next year. Hes the only one stupid enough to act as the footballing front man for their incompetence.  :sadnod:



    It's not stupidity on Kinnear's part, quite the opposite.


    He has no business managing a Premiership club, he'd basically be an average sort of manager in the lower divisions truth be told, and deep down he probbaly knows that. In his wildest dreams he can't have imagined he'd ever get the chance to manage a Premiership club again, and he'll hang on for dear life to the opportunity as long as he can.


    If that requires he tow the line and do what he's told by the guys in charge, not a problem. I reckon he'd suck Llambias off to keep the job if that's what was asked of him, because once he's gone from Newcastle he'll never have a job like it again.




    Don't be silly. "Team Ashley" know what they are doing, remember JFKs better than Cappello...

  8. Question for Happy Face.


    Do you think Gordon Brown did a good job when he was in charge of the economy?


    Spend, Spend, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend (etc etc).


    Now the s*** has hit the fan due a lack of foundation to the spending and we have to take a hit in terms of spending for a while. Its not pretty but we will come out of the other end in a better long term position than we went into it.


    Ring any bells closer to St James Park?


    No, I don't think Brown did a good job.


    I don't think Shepherd did either.


    Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy.


    We need to spend our way out of it.


    Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both.


    However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities.


    Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good.


    I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway.


    The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this.


    the more he leaves it, the longer it costs to get back. It's just more proof in my eyes that he hasn't got a clue, or doesn't have the desire. I don't accept that rebuilding means creating a situation whereby your best and most important players want to leave the club for career reasons and ambition, this tells you pretty much everything.






    When you say "best and most important players" I take it you mean the singular Shay Given.


    We got an exceptional deal for Charles N'Zogbia. For the first time in years we have a player who can get a corner past the first man in Ryan Taylor, and we scored from a corner too, something not seen in eons with Newcastle. We definitely seem to have got the better deal there.


    Who else has left that you can name as a "best and most important player"? Not James Milner, most people where whinging about him last season, and £12 million is a steal for him too.


    Michael Owen? How he is meant to score from the physio's table is beyond me. If we replace him with a competent and fit striker we will be laughing again.


    I was never Milners biggest fan but what good is that 12 million when it was not reinvested and we are left with Duff playing on the right wing.


    I didnt think he was a worldbeater but we would be a hell of a lot better with him on the park than having 12 million in the bank.

  9. Very different circumstances from last time he was in charge, hopefully he can keep us up, would prefer a proper manager like.


    Exactly.  This is not like last time (although we're not out of the woods yet). But the situation is more under control than the last time that Hughton was thrust into it. Situation is not perfect, but better than last time.


    I do wonder if they are NOT hiring a proper manager, so that they can start afresh during the summer without an incumbent in the way.


    That's the only explanation that makes sense.


    They'll leave it until the last minute, make what they'll describe as a generous offer for a quality manager the Friday before the season gets going.


    Then when they're rebuffed they'll flounder around, shocked, and eventually hire Kinnear again and vow that everything was done to get the best manager they could.


    Aye thats the only offers we will be putting in...


    I have been saying for a while now that I don't think its any coincidence that our last two managers have been appointments that meant having to pay no compensation.

  10. had it man, jesus put f***ing Wise in charge, get Roeder back, anything but this clueless wimp


    He may be a poor manager but that is simply because he isn't one. He hasn't asked to be in charge of the team, and I think your being harsh with that description of him. It's not his fault he's had to cover for our ill/stroppy/banned managers when they've pissed off. Hughton seems to work so f***ing hard for this club, he's been employed doing caretaker care quite a lot, it seems to be just him and Kinnear doing training, and he seems to be getting a raw deal. Has he complained? Has he hell, he's gotten on with the job.


    I agree with the fact he's poor at managing the team, but now he's broken his duck, and also with Calderwood on board (managerial experience, albeit at a lower level) I'm not as pessimistic as some.


    Regardless of what division we're in next season, Hughton deserves a f***ing massive bonus and a medal.


    I consider the guy a bit of a coward tbh, could have exerted himself and really made a go of it first time round but instead said he really didn't want the job after the Hull game and had the team playing like they didn't give a s***. It took Kinnear absolutely laying into them at HT against Blackburn to get them playing with conviction when in reality Hughton should have been doing it for weeks


    Do you honestly believe the reports of Kinnears "magical" teamtalks?

  11. Forgive me if I'm blundering amateurishly in to a china shop whilst dressed like a bull - I'm an ignorant outsider - but surely, surely the appropriate thing for Ashley to do right now would be to send that f***ing anachronism on legs Kinnear back to whence he came, and appoint Steve Bruce.


    Leave aside all the s*** about him being a Geordie (and, quite frankly, who f***ing cares, it has ZERO relevance), but he's got a f***ing good record, and is more than a little bit tasty in the transfer market.


    If he is interested in giving him the job he should just use some of the money we have got from the recent sales to get Bruce and maybe he will get us out of this mess, as I have no confidence JFK will...

  12. Keane back to Spuds apparently confirmed - leaves the door open for Bent to move?


    You would think so.  I will not be surprised if we pull of a deal for him once the Keane deal is done.

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