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Scottish Mag

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Posts posted by Scottish Mag

  1. I'm actually getting a sick feeling in my stomach from worrying over transfers............jesus christ, the stress this club puts you under at times


    Why?  Yes I know some new signings (providing they add something to the team) would make us a stronger side but if for whatever reason we don't get the additions is it really doom and gloom?  Take some of last seasons results under Keegan along with the start this year.  Yes we won't be challenging for 4th but are the teams around about us really that much better and we still have Martins, Viduka, a fully fit Michael Owen and Barton to return.


    As long as the club show progression over the season and climb the table it will be a good start I will be happy and then we can build on from there...

  2. i am very happy with the way the club is being run at the moment. my only qualm around mid july, was that it seemed that ashley wasn't willing to spend a large amount on a player, but we spent 10million on a defender, so now if feel that the money will be spent if he can find someone to spend it on.



    the market has been slow this year.


    Agreed plus its also been a crazy transfer window with the fees being banded about however you cannot win with some.  Players like Crouch, SWP, Johnson etc have become available but at what price and at what salary yet many of those who will complain that we have not purchased these types of players are probably the same people who criticise the transfer policy we have been using in recent years which has seen many other players coming from the top 4/5 on huge salaries only to see in their performances that they are in fact players on the way down, contributing little to the team yet taking a small fortune out of the club season after season. 



  3. Thats just it with exception of possibly a defender and a central midfielder the problem is not so much the numbers its the lack of quality (seeing as most would gladly see the likes of Duff, Smith, Shola, Geremi etc) out the team.  The reality is until we can get rid of these big earners it just doesnt make sense to continue to add more and more numbers to a pool of players until we can offload some.


    The striker situation is probably the best example where we have 5 or 6 if you include Carroll on the books yet I don't think you will find many people who would argue that we are crying out for a new one.  As supporters we often want to overlook things like this as our concern are results but in reality it makes no sense at all until we can shift some of the wasters that we are not going to see wholesale changes as the salaries our pool of strikers pick up a week must be ridculous..

  4. Another one we allegedly were interested in meaning the club had identified where they believed we needed to strengthen and were looking to try and make a quality addition but outwith their control the player does not want to come.  But that won't stop the snipers claiming that Ashley, Wise etc are doing fuck all....



  5. I cannot wait until the transfer window closes then perhaps we can just get behind the team and focus on the season ahead.

    After the past 3 results the forums have been full of optimism and quite rightly so IMO but give it until the next morning and there are many people pushing the panic button “OMG WTF!!!! We have not signed no 1!!!!”


    We have bid for the likes of Woodgate, Aimar and Modric and if rumours are to be believed have shown an interest in the likes of Gomis, Turan, Inler, Warnock etc.  And with the way the club has been conducting their transfers this season, who really knows what other players we have attempted to sign.


    So these transfers haven’t come off, what else can the club do?  Yes we can all see that by adding a couple of quality players we could have the start of a half decent side but in reality no one knows just how hard they are working behind the scene to ensure they make those additions and what an impact the likes of having no European football and our recent finishes are having...


    Yes I will be disappointed if we do not sign anyone else however look at the positives. We are finally playing some decent football again, (whilst its early days) we have added what appears to be 4 good players without spending an obscene amount of money.  We are investing in our youth set up and scouting network ensuring that we are planning for the long term as well as the immediate future and of course this is all being led by the enthusiasm of Kevin Keegan.


    Keep the faith lads...


  6. Always knew it was going to be a disaster signing him. The sad thing is, I'd rather have Alves or Mido over him.


    Viduka was crucial to us staying up last season and will play a huge part again this year when fit.  As for Mido surely you are having a laugh...

  7. Whilst I am far from his biggest fan I am pretty pissed off he has waited until now.


    It forces our hand to sell rather than having an unhappy player on our books and with very little time to find a replacement.  If he really wanted to go why has he waited until now to hand in his request.




    Aston Villa: Just as good in attack, worse in defence. Will win plenty of games and score plenty of goals albeit with inconsistent results. Look to be better than Everton, but have they done enough to hold off other clubs?



    How are they worse in defence, yes Mellberg left but they have brought in Cueller, Young and Shory as well as bringing in a better keeper in Friedel...

  9. I`ve watched a fair bit of the Argentine league lately and a couple of players of I`ve been impressed with have been (not saying we need them)


    Damien Escudero (River Plate) - attacking left sided midfielder that can play just off the front man


    Diego Valeri - skilful winger who plays for Lanus.


    Diego Buonanotte - River Plate

    Playmaker but looks Madrid bound


    Neri Cardozo

    Pacey winger and good dribbling skills, and creates a lot of chances for his team


    Fabian Assman - keeper for Independiente - I know we dont need a keeper but what a name :D


    Would that be Damien Escudero who played for Velez (not River Plate?) and was just bought by Villarreal and loaned out to Real Valladolid

  10. Anyone that bought this seasons ticket for cup games received their refund yet ??


    Nope and I have an email from the Box office that says this:


    "We are aware that those supporters who have already renewed may have paid more than the new prices, if this is the case a refund will be automatically issued during July."


    I'll wait until this week's fiasco is sorted before chasing this up.


    I still await my £115 refund too. They originally said July, then early Aug', and now it's anybodies guess when we get the money back.

    Grateful to be paying less next season however, and the view from my new seat is just as good.


    I got a refund cheque from them today....

  11. £70million on THAT.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    They might make mid-table this year. Might. 12th maybe.


    £70,000,000. :lol:


    £70 million in 14 months, and we get abuse for throwing money away.  Did Keane not spend a fair whack the season they got promoted too?

  12. Blackburn have signed Santa Cruz's brother, Julio, on a three year deal and Fulham have signed a keeper called something like Zuberbuhler on a 1 year deal according to SSN.


    you mean Julio Cruz? Argentine international?


    No he means Julio Santa Cruz, Roques Paraguayan brother...

  13. We should make a move for Cueller now.  This exit has cost them millions and he might not even be as keen to stay with no European football now....


    I reckon we could do with a few more centre backs.


    Aye well if Terry has the same bad luck he had last season I guess you could do with the cover....

  14. Wow ... if all this Spurs stuff is true then they are taking one hell of a risk, as they are essentially revamping their whole midfield and attack with players who are all unaccustomed to the premier league.


    And still no DM ...


    Risky game they're playing and it could all go up in flames.


    Lets hope so...

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