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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Unless the balls generally move a lot quicker in Holland than over here there is no problem with his ability in striking a ball, obviously this will become his 'thing' though now.

    It will be until he hits a few hard shots on target. So far the two or three shots he has had have been piss weak.


    Our lead heavy balls foil another strikers ambitions :(

  2. The decision on whether NUFC buy Luuk de Jong or not will presumably be based on his performances during this loan period and not on how he did in the Netherlands over 2 seasons ago. People have said it's harsh to judge him this early in this team but NUFC have to. If Luuk de Jong doesn't start scoring goals I highly doubt NUFC will buy him. People may think it's tough for him to prove himself in this team but Remy has. Luuk de Jong had a season and a half to prove himself in at Borussia Mönchengladbach and he failed. I expected to see more of an impact from him than I've seen so far. He's playing for a contract. First and foremost a striker is judged on goals. He hasn't looked like scoring yet.


    Some players hit the ground running, some don't. Half a season to impress in a new league when you have barely played recently and the most creative player has left is going to be tough.


    If Remy was ours or I knew we were going to get in a proven goal scorer I would probably take a punt as de Jong looks an intelligent player with a good touch but we are severely lacking goals so :dontknow:


    Not sure we will get what we need LDJ or not tbh.

  3. Buh. By-the-numbers 'team takes early lead then it's backs against the wall' first halves do nowt for me. Not that it's been a concious gameplan by Arsenal; Spurs have done well since going behind.


    Second half set up fairly well though.


    Have you got bored of normal worlds and just make them up now? :lol:


    Buh and guh make regular appearances in my daily vocabulary.



  4. Buh. By-the-numbers 'team takes early lead then it's backs against the wall' first halves do nowt for me. Not that it's been a concious gameplan by Arsenal; Spurs have done well since going behind.


    Second half set up fairly well though.


    Have you got bored of normal worlds and just make them up now? :lol:

  5. cisse should start against CP, perfect chance to get a goal and gain som confidence. Armstrong to come later - and not shola!




    He did alright towards the end of last season when he had a run in the team. Scored some goals that probably kept us up.


    Yeah he's mint tbf. Kicked the ball at the keeper yesterday which shows at least he is dangerous as well.

  6. Said from the start it is pointless trying to asses a player based on a 6 month loan. I doubt we would have spent the £6m or whatever it was on Debuchy based on last seasons form and I reckon most would have thought we dodged a bullet.


    We only have own one striker that I have any confidence in scoring and he is playing babysitter for the full backs.

  7. Aye, at least there is some power.


    Looks miles better than Adam Campbell.


    :lol:  FFS.


    Clearly a WUM, man... at least I hope :lol:


    Campbell written off already would be pretty impressive :lol:

  8. There is nothing as boring as a which city is the best night out chat. Newcastle is a pretty horrific night out tbh, apart from a handful of places. Same as every city across the UK. If you're into clubbing, things can differentiate wildly and there are better cities, but for drinking, by and large most places have the same shit bars, crap drinks and awful music, regardless of location. Bah Humbug.


    Not sure about that, even most mackems accept Newcastle is the better city don't they? I don't know of anyone who has gone to an away game at Sunderland and not stayed in Newcastle.

  9. It's fine Cajun, if you don't understand continue with your day. 


    But you're talking absolute bollocks?


    Please explain why Campbell got 3 caps even though black people aren't allowed to captain the national side? Were the whitehoods away on a BNP rally at the time so the liberals snuck him the armband?

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