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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. We had Colo, Krul, Enrique, Nolan, Carroll.


    All would still walk into their squad let alone the Championship. Who have they got realistically that will be of any benefit?

  2. Remy not wanting to play for us is the key difference.


    We're talking about the lad who f***ed off at the first chance :lol:


    Did he 'fuck off' or was he pushed?


    Mind you having seen what Ashley is like at first hand and close up I'd have wanted to 'fuck off' too.

    Moot point really. We wont be spending this type of money in the near future anyway.


    Loanees, swaps or frees all the way.


    If he didn't want to leave he wouldn't have but I really can't be arsed to get into this debate again :lol: Lets just say he didn't seem overly gutted.

  3. If we are going to persist with Bassett Pardew then surely it would make sense to give him the target man he so clearly needs and of that kind of player,  there is no better than Andy Carroll in this country anyhow.


    The sort of money it would take to get Carroll (wages and fee) we could probably get Remy who would be a lot better signing imo.

  4. I'm still not overly sold on him, physically he is a beast and can dominate any defender but the technical side of his game isn't the greatest not to mention his injuries and lifestyle.




    The technical side of his game's not the greatest says Gouffran's no.1 fan.



  5. Pardew's ideal (realistic) team would be something like this -




    Debuchy Willo Colo Dummet

    Sissoko Noble Tiote Jonas

              Gouffran Carroll




    He has already loaned out Jonas and hasn't played Gouffran upfront even when we have really struggled for centre forward.


    Stick Gouffran in for Jonas and an extra man in midfield.

  6. As time has went on it is becoming more clear to me that the reasons why Barton and Nolan were shipped out was not because they disagreed with Ashley but in the training ground they stood up to Pardew.


    Sure Barton praised Hughton/Pardew, they were shipped out because they wouldn't agree to Ashley's bonuses, or lack of them. It was Ashley they stood up to and got flogged for it.


    Barton praised Hughton, not Pardew. Even recall a post-match interview where he said it was the team spirit Hughton had installed in them that made them win, not Pardew.


    Sure he praised him in the interview i seen not long ago when talking about leaving Newcastle, and he was certainly mentioned him with praise on Twitter recently. Think it was around the headbutt situation. Barton has seemingly only had problems with Ashley and others at board level in terms of why he left.





  7. Looks an intelligent player tbh, just not scoring which isn't a surprise with how we set up. I wouldn't be eager for us to spend what is likely to be our entire transfer budget on him but if we were a relatively normal team with a half decent manager I think he would be a good addition.

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