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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Depending on his current contract length I would try and get him on a season long loan in the summer. Half a season is no time to judge a player, just bump the Debuchy thread from last summer to see how their attributes (or apparent lack of) are highlighted to ridiculous lengths.

  2. Not a clue why Chelsea would want to sell Lukaku. Jose must know something we don't.


    That he's not the best striker around? We all know that, he's worth more to a smaller team than he is to Chelsea. He just doesn't have that ability on the ball to fit into a very good CL side.


    drogba didn't have a great ability on the ball when mourinho persuaded him to sign for chelsea.


    He had pretty good ability bumming us when at Marseille.

  3. Borini is on loan, probably some fee involved though. Can't believe he is still only 22 mind. Might be worth a punt if Liverpool don't want him and he is available at a decent price. Not exactly prolific but looks a decent player.

  4. I think they will now go down, although why the mackems on here want that to happen I do not know. You can get rid of dead wood/the crap without getting relegated you know. Unless you come straight back up you could spend many a fruitless year down there. In Jan they should have bought a goalscorer, or someone capable of scoring, even if it was someone in on loan. There is a distinct lack of goals in them where as the others seem to have that, i.e. Cardiff and even West Brom. I can't believe we lost twice to these mind, f***ing Pardew wants shot with s***!


    I think it's just because it's easier to clear out the deadwood, mercenaries don't like to hang about in the Championship and there'll be a few clauses in there to get rid of others you don't want to keep. However you do need a nucleus of players that can be your backbone, players with the desire to fight for the cause that can cut it in the championship which is a whole different beast to the Premo, not sure where that's gonna come from with them.





    Yep, spot on.


    I don't see the passion the likes of Nolan, Raylor, Harper etc.. gave to the side or the youngster (Colback is fucking off isn't he?) that is going to take the league by storm.



    Everything was better yesterday, even his general play was much improved.


    Made some good attempts and ended up scoring when given some decent deliveries, funny that.


    Delivery is a 50/50 thing, if Cisse didn't move like he did (which was class btw) then Ben Arfa's ball would have just been a decent shot that went wide.


    When your strikers fail to get on the end of stuff/time their runs properly it is too easy to say the service wasn't there. We saw this with Martins after his initial good run then he started spending most of his time outside the box or marked by 4 players half a foot taller than him.


    We are currently playing with 2 players who aren't really wide players and 2 full backs who aren't going to create much but we managed to provide enough service to get a few goals. The strikers need to do their bit.


    It wasn't a shot from Ben Arfa IMO. Cross all day.


    I agree but if Cisse hadn't got on the end of it then it probably wouldn't have been much past the post so would have been 'a chance'.


    Cisse timed it perfectly, its what he needs to do more often then he will get more chances so we can stop blaming our lack of productivity and making excuses why Remy etc.. are magicing up goals from nowhere.


    Yeah I agree, thought he was excellent overall tbh, good hold up play and made some brilliant runs. Hopefully a turning point for him


    I only saw the highlights, he did a lot of very good things, also some pretty bad. If he didn't score that goal I reckon I would have been livid with him at the end with the chances he didn't take.


    Definitely looked more old Cisse tough, I can forgive missing sitters if he scores and gets us points.


    Everything was better yesterday, even his general play was much improved.


    Made some good attempts and ended up scoring when given some decent deliveries, funny that.


    Delivery is a 50/50 thing, if Cisse didn't move like he did (which was class btw) then Ben Arfa's ball would have just been a decent shot that went wide.


    When your strikers fail to get on the end of stuff/time their runs properly it is too easy to say the service wasn't there. We saw this with Martins after his initial good run then he started spending most of his time outside the box or marked by 4 players half a foot taller than him.


    We are currently playing with 2 players who aren't really wide players and 2 full backs who aren't going to create much but we managed to provide enough service to get a few goals. The strikers need to do their bit.


    It wasn't a shot from Ben Arfa IMO. Cross all day.


    I agree but if Cisse hadn't got on the end of it then it probably wouldn't have been much past the post so would have been 'a chance'.


    Cisse timed it perfectly, its what he needs to do more often then he will get more chances so we can stop blaming our lack of productivity and making excuses why Remy etc.. are magicing up goals from nowhere.

  7. As others have said, I really don't think Sunderland have the players for relegation. Doesn't help they have practically signed a whole new squad in the last 12/18 months.

    They do that every summer. Setting alight the transfer window and all that.


    And even if they stay up they'll need a whole new team, AGAIN. There are perhaps 3 reasonably good players in their team and they don't even fucking own two of them, major investment is needed once more as they can't generate that kind of money by selling the dross they have atm. I'm curious as to when Ellis Short will reach the point where he says 'you know what, this clearly isn't working, no you can't have loads of money to waste on shit players again.'




    Seems worse this season. Last season they had Sessegnon, Mignolet and Rose (loan).


    This season they have Borini (loan) who despite probably being their best player isn't exactly a goal machine. They are in real trouble. They don't have a single player I would have near our first 11 this time around.


    Edit: Forgot Johnson tbf but I wouldn't put much faith in his long term form.

  8. Everything was better yesterday, even his general play was much improved.


    Made some good attempts and ended up scoring when given some decent deliveries, funny that.


    Delivery is a 50/50 thing, if Cisse didn't move like he did (which was class btw) then Ben Arfa's ball would have just been a decent shot that went wide.


    When your strikers fail to get on the end of stuff/time their runs properly it is too easy to say the service wasn't there. We saw this with Martins after his initial good run then he started spending most of his time outside the box or marked by 4 players half a foot taller than him.


    We are currently playing with 2 players who aren't really wide players and 2 full backs who aren't going to create much but we managed to provide enough service to get a few goals. The strikers need to do their bit.

  9. As others have said, I really don't think Sunderland have the players for relegation. Doesn't help they have practically signed a whole new squad in the last 12/18 months.

  10. I do actually agree with Ronaldo about the massive impact those two made. My point is Souness made his position clear from the off, Pardew got Ben Arfa playing better (imo) then decided to fuck around with him and eventually drop him which for me makes it worse.



    Ignoring the Gouffran stuff because I love him (plus I think he is playing out of position) I agree. I would start Ben Arfa every game without doubt. It isn't his quality I doubt, I just think he has a long history of being quite a difficult character and isn't quite as good as some believe.


    I suppose we will see how others in the game rate him by where he ends up. If others rated him as highly as some Newcastle fans I reckon he would have already moved on.


    Just can't help but feel he is doing himself an injustice.


    Pardew is doing a shite job with Ben Arfa, other clubs showing an interest in him or not doesn't change that.  Ben Arfa isn't doing himself justice and he never will if he's not playing games.


    I completely agree. I actually think it is worse than the Souness vs Robert/Bellamy stuff.

  12. http://www.thefa.com/news/2014/mar/hillsborough-kick-off-tribute-210314

    As a mark of respect and remembrance for those who lost their lives as a result of the Hillsborough stadium disaster in April 1989, all FA Cup, Premier League, Football League and Football Conference matches taking place on the weekend of 11-14 April will kick-off seven minutes later than originally scheduled.


    The match at which the disaster took place, The FA Cup Semi-Final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest on 15 April 1989, was ended six minutes after kick-off, at 3:06pm.


    The first FA Cup Semi-Final on Saturday 12 April between Wigan Athletic and Arsenal will now kick-off at 5.07pm with a minute of silence between 5:06pm and 5:07pm.


    The following day, Sunday 13 April, will see Hull City v Sheffield United begin at 4.07pm with a minute of silence between 4:06pm and 4:07pm.


    In the Premier League, Football League and Football Conference, matches due to kick-off at 3pm on Saturday 12 April will now kick off at 3:07pm, with the minute before kick-off (3:06pm to 3:07pm) seeing a period of silence observed at all grounds.


    Fixtures kicking-off at other times on Friday 11, Saturday 12, Sunday 13 and Monday 14 April will observe the same etiquette with matches starting seven minutes later than originally scheduled.


    Not to sound disrespectful by why is this happening? Is there any significance to this year and Hillsborough?

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