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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Mercurial talents are what make football great, man.


    Some do themselves a favour (Zlatan), some don't and end up at clubs well below the level they should be at.

    But football is about entertainment, especially when you support a mid table team with no chance of winning the league, and I would rather watch HBA play 1 good game in 5 than watch Gouffran or somebody like that who will work hard and score the ood goal. And the reason why is that I know that if I see Ben Arfa play on a good day or even if he does one outstanding thing in a game, that I'll remember that performance or thing and still be talking about it in 5 years time, while if Gouffran scores a goal tomorrow, I will have forgotten about it in a few weeks.


    Ignoring the Gouffran stuff because I love him (plus I think he is playing out of position) I agree. I would start Ben Arfa every game without doubt. It isn't his quality I doubt, I just think he has a long history of being quite a difficult character and isn't quite as good as some believe.


    I suppose we will see how others in the game rate him by where he ends up. If others rated him as highly as some Newcastle fans I reckon he would have already moved on.


    Just can't help but feel he is doing himself an injustice.

  2. I can understand people not liking Ben Arfa as much as I do; I'll always have my favourites and I'll admit I can go to lengths to defend them.


    But the treatment, on the whole, of the bloke is beyond argument. It's a complete joke. Aye he missed a sitter at Norwich but was the best player on the park by some distance. Then the Mackems happened (again), where everyone was terrible, including him. At least from what I saw of it.


    He's always at the top of the list when it comes to there being a reactionary 'things must change' drop. It's ridiculous.


    It's pointless him being here, like. I really wonder what he thinks of his time here, deep down. I wonder how much he regrets it. Embarrassing.


    Agree with most of this and have said many times Pardew seemed to get the best out of him then decided to fuck about with it so the blame lies with him.


    I do have concerns about Ben Arfa's temperament though. He's 27 and hasn't to my knowledge been at a club where there haven't been problems and he has fallen out with the manager. Even that Clairefontaine documentary thing had him kicking off. He seems a little precious/needy/will perform when he wants to rather than having the will to perform every game.


    He is obviously a special talent but I can't help but feel he is a bit Anelka like in his belief of his own importance.



    The same Anelka who's scored well over 100 Premier League goals, aye? :pow:


    Special talent + temperamental bastards are fucking everywhere and have been since the dawn of the game. Some work under decent managers and have successful careers.


    No doubting Anelka's talent, it still hurts we didn't push the boat out rather than get Owen but as with Ben Arfa, Anelka could have had a much better career if he and his agents (brothers iirc) didn't start being silly, he signed for Bolton fucking Wanderers when he should have been in his prime ffs! :lol:

  3. I can understand people not liking Ben Arfa as much as I do; I'll always have my favourites and I'll admit I can go to lengths to defend them.


    But the treatment, on the whole, of the bloke is beyond argument. It's a complete joke. Aye he missed a sitter at Norwich but was the best player on the park by some distance. Then the Mackems happened (again), where everyone was terrible, including him. At least from what I saw of it.


    He's always at the top of the list when it comes to there being a reactionary 'things must change' drop. It's ridiculous.


    It's pointless him being here, like. I really wonder what he thinks of his time here, deep down. I wonder how much he regrets it. Embarrassing.


    Agree with most of this and have said many times Pardew seemed to get the best out of him then decided to fuck about with it so the blame lies with him.


    I do have concerns about Ben Arfa's temperament though. He's 27 and hasn't to my knowledge been at a club where there haven't been problems and he has fallen out with the manager. Even that Clairefontaine documentary thing had him kicking off. He seems a little precious/needy/will perform when he wants to rather than having the will to perform every game.


    He is obviously a special talent but I can't help but feel he is a bit Anelka like in his belief of his own importance.


  4. I wouldn't get too disheartened, the whole Jenkinson part of the article was -


    Jenkinson is believed to be a target for Newcastle, who would be keen to take the 22-year-old to St James’ Park on a season-long loan deal.


    Seems like the standard guff you get in press speculation just to add a few words to the article. Wouldn't burn your Debuchy shirt just yet.

  5. However, Ben Arfa could start the fixture on the bench.


    “I need weigh it up with everything else,” Newcastle manager Alan Pardew told the Gazette.


    “Hatem needs to deliver. I’m concerned with his assists and his goals. He needs to produce for us.


    “The last few games he’s played, there weren’t as many as there should have been. But I think his confidence is better, and I hope that part of it improves.”


    Joint top assists in the PL for us.


    Pardew doesn't understand top.

  6. It should be a fairly straightforward process -


    Ashley - Confirms the budget available then keeps his nose out of it.


    Pardew & Scout/s (Carr) - Decide on what players the squad needs, this doesn't mean what players we can just get on the cheap then worry about where they fit later.


    Scout/s (Carr) - Looks for players he thinks are suitable for the squad needs and will fit into the budget.


    Scout/s (Carr) - Reports back to Pardew with the players he thinks will fit the various criteria.


    Scout/s (Carr) & Pardew - Watch the players a few more times so they can agree/disagree.


    Then those they agree on we try and purchase, this is where it falls down though as we don't seem to have anyone to negotiate. The last bloke in charge of this was a useless moron who failed in both incoming and outgoing transfers.

  7. I can see Sammy being an Andy O'Brien type, living with his parents well into his 20's and driving some banger to work.


    No doubt someone will mention his Bugatti and the fact he has just bought a £3m mansion :lol:

  8. No replacement for JFK mean this simpleton will be more involved in any incomings. We dodged a bullet with Bent and can see dross like him being peddled our way.



    Are you genuinely suggesting Kinnear going will have a negative effect on our transfers? :lol:


    Pardew will have the same involvement as ever "Yes Alan, I have made a note, we will come back to you on that".


    Yeah, I definitely said that....


    So what exactly were you saying? To me it read pretty obviously that Pardew would have more involvement in transfers and we would sign dross, apologies if that wasn't what you meant when you said


    No replacement for JFK mean this simpleton will be more involved in any incomings. We dodged a bullet with Bent and can see dross like him being peddled our way.




  9. No replacement for JFK mean this simpleton will be more involved in any incomings. We dodged a bullet with Bent and can see dross like him being peddled our way.



    Are you genuinely suggesting Kinnear going will have a negative effect on our transfers? :lol:


    Pardew will have the same involvement as ever "Yes Alan, I have made a note, we will come back to you on that", we weren't signing dross before Kinnear came in and signed no-one (permanently) after he did.

  10. The odd youngster is given a chance in cup competitions that we freely admit we aren't that fussed about then given the blame when we inevitably go out.


    Seems like a winning formula to me.

  11. I think my apathy is at an all-time high for this match. I obviously hope we win and I think we should. But if we don't I'm not sure I'm bothered at all.


    I've barely given a second thought to us losing to the worst team in the league last time out. :undecided:


    Don't think I felt anything after the Fulham game and I get excited/disappointed with friendly results :(


    We must be the only club in football that doesn't have any ambition at all, I mean teams like Wigan with their shite turn outs and annual fight to stay up at least could believe the club wanted to do something. We have been told in no uncertain terms we are aiming for absolutely nothing except survival, in fact we are actively trying to avoid things like winning cups or qualifying for Europe because it costs too much, ffs! :(

  12. Don't really see the point in free tickets. Surely the club make basically the same money if the seats empty. What's the point in pissing of your paying fans on the off chance one for the FTM's might buy an over pieced burger?


    More people buying food and drink, better support for the team?


    Edit: Just read the end of your post :lol: surely they must make a fair bit from the food, drink, programme sales etc..? That being said from the amount of plastic bags on the pitch most take their own.

  13. cisse should start against CP, perfect chance to get a goal and gain som confidence. Armstrong to come later - and not shola!






    well - thinking a bit long term - then cisse should have game time every match until end of season. Remy will leave, armstrong too young, shola will stop (fingers crossed) and de jong i do not know about yet - plays well, but has hardly been close to scoring yet...


    Cisse can maybe gain confidence and become a good player for us or maybe keep his valuation in the market.


    Without cisse we will have to sign 3 quality strikers in the summer....anyone who believe that will happen????


    If he doesn't have a huge turnaround in form we need 3 quality strikers in the summer anyway.

  14. It's been going for nearly 2 seasons now, were we trying to flog him in summer 2012?


    I would rather start next season with Gouffran up front, obviously we need more strikers but that doesn't mean we should persist with Cisse unless his form improves sharpish because he offers nothing.

  15. Amazing that a confidence player like Cisse has played shit since the summer and that debacle and when the club have been trying to peddle him ever since.


    He was average the season before as well.


    And still kept us up with average last minute goals.


    Shola contributed to us getting seventh under Roeder with a little run of goals.


    Good for him.


    So what is your point?


    The truth is after his amazing first half season Cisse has been abysmal, he had a small spell last season where he got a few goals and that certainly helped us stay up but on the whole he was shit, like he has been this season when given the chance.


    When he doesn't score he offers nothing, he has scored a pathetic amount since the start of last season so what is the point in him playing? Because he "looks a threat"? :lol:


    My point was pretty evident in my original post. Undermining a confidence player isn't going to work well.


    Plus, more than anything, as it stands he's our only striker with any of form first team football under his belt next season. But aye, fucking him off is a much better idea given our transfer record. We'll sign 3/4 strikers nee probs.


    More excuses, maybe if he didn't kick off over a sponsorship deal he might have started the season with a full pre-season under his belt but then the hand full of games we made him played out wide already destroyed him right?


    He is useless at the moment and has been for quite a while. I know we probably won't replace him but what is there to replace? A player whose only contribution is goal scoring but he isn't scoring goals?


    Would rather give a youngster a chance or play 5 in midfield.

  16. Amazing that a confidence player like Cisse has played shit since the summer and that debacle and when the club have been trying to peddle him ever since.


    He was average the season before as well.


    And still kept us up with average last minute goals.


    Shola contributed to us getting seventh under Roeder with a little run of goals.


    Good for him.


    So what is your point?


    The truth is after his amazing first half season Cisse has been abysmal, he had a small spell last season where he got a few goals and that certainly helped us stay up but on the whole he was shit, like he has been this season when given the chance.


    When he doesn't score he offers nothing, he has scored a pathetic amount since the start of last season so what is the point in him playing? Because he "looks a threat"? :lol:

  17. Amazing that a confidence player like Cisse has played shit since the summer and that debacle and when the club have been trying to peddle him ever since.


    He was average the season before as well.


    And still kept us up with average last minute goals.


    Shola contributed to us getting seventh under Roeder with a little run of goals.

  18. We're clearly trying to put Cisse in the shop window

    unfortunately I don't think he could hit a shop window right now.


    Maybe if we replaced Wonga with 'Closing down, everything must go' we could get rid and he might up his game a bit?

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