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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Whether he's played out wide before doesn't really matter. The guy himself has said that Pardew is playing him in a role he's never played before.


    It stinks, like.


    A: the tactic is shit, defensive and needless most of the time

    B: the manager isn't given the right player to actually enforce it, whether or not it's shit, defensive and needless


    Not that I'm excusing his failure to do the basics in the last two games. He's been fucking ghastly.


    Spot on as usual Mr Yorkie :thup:

  2. Despite the strange fawning love they always seem to have for managers, chairmen, owners, no matter how bad they are (party with Marty, Paolo's revolution etc, etc) even they must be starting to realise that in their predicament Tony "the charver" Pulis would have been a better choice than the egotistical Gus "the poo" Poyet  ?


    Sunderland - like Newcastle are a difficult team to manage. Place & Pulis are a great fit. Palace would be delighted to have 5 consecutive years in the Premiership playing hoofball - despite producing some very talented footballers.


    Sunderland on the other hand..... make otherwise decent managers (based on previous jobs and current jobs MON & Bruce are decent) look terrible.


    Agree with all of that except that Bruce and MoN are good managers. O'Neills Villa were shocking to watch with their one dimensional football, and Bruce's myth is only perpetuated by his media muckers.


    We'll get beat off West Ham tomorrow, and that'll be us gone. To be honest I'll be relieved when it's over, then we can start clearing out the utter shite that's been infesting our club for the last 5 years. If we have to suffer more than one season in the Championship, then so be it. 


    You have signed a shit load of players the last two windows haven't you? How many do you think will stay?

  3. If we were going to go out in the summer and look for a more consistent version of Ben Arfa, I'd be all for it, but we know from the fact Pardew likes Gouffran & Sissoko what will happen. :(


    The thumpings we have had this season we will go 4-5-1 with 5 defensive midfielders.

  4. Kammy - I had a good chat with 'Pards' yesterday, who's promised never to make that same mistake again


    Fucking hell Pardew man, this kind of thrashing is the norm now, it wasn't a one off, it's a constant mistake that happens again and again you fucking greasy faced useless cunt.


    He says shit like that every time we get hammered, its his "I'm never drinking again, honest! Oh it's Gary's birthday next week? Okay after that I'm never drinking again, seriously!".

  5. In the season and a half before signing for us he scored 24 goals in 57 appearances for Bordeaux.


    :thup: Most of the journos before he arrived commented on how much he improved since being put up front, but ignore that...


    Ronaldo has already been told this but seems to have a very short memory, I suppose the 500 punches to the head per sparring session will do that.


    Nah, Ronaldo just knows 73 goals in 299 games isn't quite 1 in 2.


    I thought the word 'striker' would have been enough but next time I will try and be a little more specific for those (you) who seem to struggle with comprehension :)

  6. In other news, quite a coup getting Professor Green to play in sundo....he's clearly thrilled to be there


    Quick stop off in the toon now off to Sunderland, then back to quite possibly my favourite city outside of London, Newcastle.





    That could be the twitter account of every away fan that ever stayed up north after a Sunderland game.


    Never heard of someone staying in Sunderland after a match or just in general.

  7. 19/03/11 Stoke (a) 0-4

    01/05/11 Liverpool (a) 0-3


    03/12/11 Chelsea (h) 0-3

    10/12/11 Norwich (a) 2-4

    21/01/12 Fulham (a) 2-5

    11/02/12 Spurs (a) 0-5

    28/04/12 Wigan (a) 0-4


    07/10/12 Man Utd (h) 0-3

    29/12/12 Arsenal (a) 3-7

    30/03/13 Man City (a) 0-4

    14/04/13 Sunderland (h) 0-3

    27/04/13 Liverpool (h) 0-6


    19/08/13 Man City (a) 0-4

    04/12/13 Swansea (a) 0-3

    01/02/14 Sunderland (h) 0-3

    08/02/14 Chelsea (a) 0-3

    12/02/14 Spurs (h) 0-4

    25/03/14 Everton (h) 0-3

    29/03/14 Southampton (a) 0-4


    At least he's making us harder to beat.


    Shit! We should probably be a bit more defensive.

  8. In the season and a half before signing for us he scored 24 goals in 57 appearances for Bordeaux.


    :thup: Most of the journos before he arrived commented on how much he improved since being put up front, but ignore that...


    Ronaldo has already been told this but seems to have a very short memory, I suppose the 500 punches to the head per sparring session will do that.

  9. Hang on, he made 2 great saves. Doesn't mean it was a fantastic performance by any stretch of the imagination.


    Nope but some of the comments in the Krul thread after it was confirmed he was injured are cringeworthy as fuck.


    He's 2nd choice for a reason, he will always look a little rusty starting so few first team games but as always some will go way over the top about his ability or lack of. He is an adequate back up keeper.

  10. Give Souness as long as we've given Pardew and the same invincibility and he'd win easily. Pardew is a huge cunt too though.


    As much of a cunt as Pardew is, Souness inherited a class squad and was given a fuck load of money to improve it. It will take a hell of a bad spell for anything to top my despise for that prick.

  11. He must be so confused. We were so fucking awesome when he first joined. Then we've been dog shit ever since.


    Works both ways if we are being honest.


    He hasn't been playing much and we've still been shit this season.


    But when he has been played he hasn't done himself any credit. I feel desperately sorry for him today but he's not been brilliant in the majority of the other games after his first half a season.

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