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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Starting:


    @NUFC: #NUFC v @SouthamptonFC (4-2-3-1): Elliot; Yanga-Mbiwa, Williamson, Coloccini ©, Haïdara; Anita, Tioté; Sissoko, Ben Arfa, Gouffran; Cissé.


    It would be nice if Gouffran was given licence to play up front for a change instead of left back or in midfield.






    Well he is supposed to be a striker by trade.


    I thought you decided after that one cup game (which we always try our best to win) he wasn't up for it? :lol:


    I still don't think he's going to get many goals tbh, but he should be given the chance to prove the doubters wrong.


    He's scored about 3 times the amount Cisse has this season from midfield so you never know... Apart from one game where we have basically admitted we didn't give a fuck I don't see how anyone can conclude he isn't a goal scoring forward.

  2. Starting:


    @NUFC: #NUFC v @SouthamptonFC (4-2-3-1): Elliot; Yanga-Mbiwa, Williamson, Coloccini ©, Haïdara; Anita, Tioté; Sissoko, Ben Arfa, Gouffran; Cissé.


    It would be nice if Gouffran was given licence to play up front for a change instead of left back or in midfield.






    Well he is supposed to be a striker by trade.


    I thought you decided after that one cup game (which we always try our best to win) he wasn't up for it? :lol:

  3. Find it really strange how Wullie has constantly defended Cisse for the last 18 months but Gouffran has a shocker in one game so shouldn't be in the side :lol:


    To be fair to Wullie, Gouffran has had more than one shocker.  Personally, I'd rather see Gouffran through the middle with Cisse on the bench.


    I just don't understand how angry he has been since the last game when Cisse has had many, many more shockers since that initial run but he will defend him to the death.


    As you say Gouffran has been played out of (his best) position. It is amazing how he has gone from player of the season a few months ago to a fraud and absolute shit now.


    Gouffran is a good player who usually works very hard, but he will naturally get tired the amount of games he plays and the job he is wrongly given to do. He will have shockers the same as any forward who is asked to babysit a full back for most of the game.

  4. Starting:


    @NUFC: #NUFC v @SouthamptonFC (4-2-3-1): Elliot; Yanga-Mbiwa, Williamson, Coloccini ©, Haïdara; Anita, Tioté; Sissoko, Ben Arfa, Gouffran; Cissé.


    It would be nice if Gouffran was given licence to play up front for a change instead of left back or in midfield.






    Haidara  :smug:


    :lol:  I'm happy about it too tbh. (Haidara probably have a shocker now)


    Same as Dummett they both need time, it will be typical but still depressing if Haidara is labelled as shit etc.. after about 5 games.


    They are relatively young lads with little game time, some posters (not you) really don't learn. 

  6. If Nile Ranger or Titus Bramble had the slightest hint of intelligence they would have been far better players but that interview is exactly why I normally avoid reading the shite that comes out of his mouth.


    Lallana, Walcott etc.. may be smart as fuck but there have been plenty of 'thick' players who have been exceptional footballers. I doubt Pardew understands the difference between intelligence and football intelligence. Woodgate by all accounts was practically a man-child mentally but his footballing brain really was something else and he would see stuff long before the attacker even tried it.

  7. I don't think anybody gives a shit about nationality as long the players come from a good standard of football with a good mentality. It's imperative we buy an accomplished CB or two with PL experience this summer, though.


    The problem is who? Really struggle to think of any decent centre backs who will leave their current club for us or a club who will take what we offer.


    Very much doubt this will be a popular decision but I would still love Lescott here, ridiculed at mega-rich Man City but if he was playing every week here I reckon we would love him.

  8. Some posters are just very keen to get in first with an extreme opinion so that they can then say how right they were if it happens.


    Dummett is learning his trade in a team that's already gone on holiday. Let's give him a bit more than 10 games, aye? It's okay if he turns out to be nothing more than steady, he doesn't have to be a world beater.



  9. A class above, really?


    He put one a plate for Anita but did very little else from where I was sitting, spent most of his 35 minute appearance wandering around.


    Spent most of his 35 minute appearance trying to make things happen, running at them, taking them on, winning corners and just trying to do something positive.

  10. I do get very annoyed with some of his offsides but yeah that last one he did nothing wrong. IF it was offside it was very marginal and that is the sort of offside I don't mind a forward getting caught out in as he is gambling rather than just running like a moron.

  11. Depending on his current contract length I would try and get him on a season long loan in the summer. Half a season is no time to judge a player, just bump the Debuchy thread from last summer to see how their attributes (or apparent lack of) are highlighted to ridiculous lengths.

    Getting him on loan would be a waste of a squad place.


    Please bump this September 2nd.

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