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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Confidence and belief. Where's it gone?
  2. Last kick of the game Err aye? What's your point like? Do you think it shouldn't count, or something? Mere disappointment a draw was a better result for us surely :roll: :roll:
  3. No, we're not. Unless you think we should give up like. If we're in the bottom 3 after 38 games we're knacked.
  4. Last kick of the game Err aye? What's your point like? Do you think it shouldn't count, or something? :roll: I think his point is probably just that it's lucky to score with the last kick of the game.. :roll: Why is it lucky?
  5. Top player, Carr. Can't see the problem. Should play him up front if we have to, could do a great job anywhere. Model pro'. Great player.
  6. Last kick of the game Err aye? What's your point like? Do you think it shouldn't count, or something? :roll:
  7. WOOP! WOOP! ANOTHER BORING ALERT!!!!!!! bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif gay.gif tongue.gif blueyes.gif bluebigrazz.gif You're getting me mixed up with BooBoo... should I take that as a compliment? No, I'm not. I know I'm copying what the idiot posted, I'm applying it to you anarl, like.
  8. you could have had safer stadiums, and razzamatazz, without having to sit and pay the huge increases in prices. There is a place for standing areas in all grounds, with controlled capacities, and accountability of fans among the top clubs. Sky was only doing what was business, in reality it is the rulers of the game, and their greed, and weakness, which has allowed this to happen. Except for Fat Fred who is of course completely blameless in the greed department. WOOP! WOOP! BORING ALERT!!!!!!! bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif
  9. WOOP! WOOP! ANOTHER BORING ALERT!!!!!!! bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif gay.gif tongue.gif blueyes.gif
  10. OMG, the Board will be slaughtered for that idea by the wankers who call them worse than shite. Ironic, eh.
  11. Thompers http://www.westegg.com/unmaintained/carnegie/win-friends.html
  12. Find that appealing? You're on fire tonight! Thanks. It's not easy dropping to the standard of yourself and your friend booboo.
  13. WOOP! WOOP! BORING ALERT!!!!!!! bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif :winking:
  14. WOOP! WOOP! BORING ALERT!!!!!!! bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif
  15. :yawn: Same old boring and obvious shite.
  16. gay.gif Backs to wall 'bloke', as we all know already. How old are you, again?
  17. Andy I know you aren't a dimwit like Mick, Boo boo and the rest of the wankers. Owen is quality player. To have a chance of winning anything a club needs to sign quality player AND have a qualilty manager. Chelsea flattered to deceive for years until Abramovich finally pumped in the millions. They also needed the right manager. Macbeth will talk about finances above all else, he'll use a debt to further his agenda and he'll want to highlight that as much as he can, so if the club is in debt for £17m and we signed Owen for £17m he'll use that because it looks good. The fact is, Owen is quality. We needed a replacement for Shearer and we signed a player who can fill his boots. That's a great signing imo. The £17m that WAS wasted was without any shadow of doubt on Boumsong and Luque, what was also wasted was the money on Parker and Emre, players we didn't need. What would have been the reaction had it been mooted we were after these players but the Board blocked it on the basis they considered ( as I do ) that we didn't need them? Wouldn't have been good, would it? Selecting players to be signed is the remit of the manager and the manager alone. Souness selected these players for the club and the Board backed him, which is all fans can ask from a Board. Had those players and other Souness signings done the business not many would be slagging the club off. Think about it and don't blindly follow the idiots is all I ask. The bottom line is that problem is and was the waste of millions by Souness, an appointment made by the Board and an appointment that is a massive error. That is all there is to it. It's not about consistent mismanagement by the Board and/or about the Board being shite. It's about one crap appointment. I'm certainly not following anyone, and I hope it doesn't come across that way, I'm just trying to find some middle ground between the two camps that seem to develop over every important issue on here. In all honesty a lot of the time I find myself finding things on both sides of the divide that I can agree with and honestly that's the only way I'm ever going to get a true picture of things. I can't accept that you and NE5 are right 100% of the time in everything you say, much like I can't for Mick or Macbeth. For example, you've just claimed that the board's only real error came with the appointment of Souness and the subsequent millions thrown his way (a pretty monumental F***-up, by all accounts), but I have to point to previous errors of the regime that have boiled my piss in equal measure. (Robson's sacking, the Gary Speed issue, the "Bowyer Summer" and the NOTW scandal - to name some.) Everyone makes mistakes, mind. However, by the same token I appreciate the finer points of what Shepherd has done for us as well... like you said, Robson proved to be a quality appointment and took us on one fantastic Champions' League campaign and one great UEFA Cup run, all under the stewardship of Shepherd and we've retained our Premiership status under his rule while spending large sums of money on players and improving the ground/training facilities immeasurably and we've had some fantastic games that I'll never forget. Freddy as a chairmen surely isn't as bad as he's made out to be. NUFC as a club has the makings of something pretty special and admittedly a lot of that is down to Fat Freddy, I do get extremely annoyed with him sometimes, but I also get that way with the players and the manager - it's part and parcel of his job, he takes the flak and I get over it when the good times come along again. Right now I'm in two minds over the takeover business because a part of me can't help but feel that we're not achieving our potential and we've done everything else BUT change the board, if you know what I mean? I would support a complete board/staff overhaul if I knew things would be run the way I think they should be... but, of course, I could never know that. There are so many things that go on at the club that embarrass me and I can't help but point the finger to the big chief because of them, because the buck ultimately stops with him. Maybe it's better the devil you know, though. Belgravia could come in and absolutely rape us, ripping the soul of the club out in the process. At least Shepherd is a Geordie and he probably does give a toss about how we do, he has some personal investment in us because he's from here. He has already taken us to some heights... so who's to say that he can't take us the whole way to a trophy if given some more time? But I can't help but feel that takeovers are the current "trend" and due to what has happened at Chelsea, Spurs, Portsmouth, Villa, Man Utd and West Ham (all have seemingly improved since being bought, to varying degrees) then we think that if it happens to us we'll go the same way. That's why so many people are eager for him to go because of the difference takeovers have made elsewhere. Basically, I don't blame Freddy for everything, but I do tend to think that NUFC, for our size/potential, leave a lot to be desired and that he is at the root of a fair few of our problems, but again he's also there to take credit for the good things as well. Urgh, I suppose I'm trying to say I'm not entirely sure either way! Andy That's a superb post, mate.
  18. Andy I don't know if that was directed toward me or not and I have to go, so I can't spend too much time going through your post, but I will later. I just want to say that the biggest problems in the team after the departure of Bellamy and Robert was up front. Shearer was a spent force well before the end of last season, we did need to replace him, we should have replaced him sooner than we did. Signing a quality striker was absolutely essential, as we've seen this season.
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