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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. it's like i'd rather have my leg sawn off (fred) as opposed to my head sawn off (ashley) plenty given the choice between the two would rather have fred whilst thinking all in all it's a pretty shitty choice. It's hard to believe that even after everything that has gone on under Ashley you and others are still coming out with idiotic tripe such as the above. To be more accurate it's any of: Ambition as opposed to no ambition knowledge of the game as opposed to no knowledge of the game someone who cares as opposed to a cockney market trader in it for all he can get Take your pick, they're all valid. Fred is a massive step up from the wide-boy. I just hope if it happens it happens in time, because Ashley is going to take this club down at least another division if he stays much longer, he may even totally destroy the football club. No doubt you'll still be trying to convince yourself that regular European football is no better and that Fred is just the same... no doubt you;ll remember that in freds last 10 years we finished below half way 6times. 3 times in his last 3 years if that was a guide as r=to the way we were going. he sure had ambition but that ambition got us to the point where in my opinion the banks wouldn't have bankrolled us anymore and we needed the banks just to make ends meet. yes ashley fucked up......doesn't mean fred was doing well for us. Change the record, ffs. I've heard it all before, it's like you're stuck in a loop. Ashley has no ambition and knows nowt about football. Fred is a better bet. End of.
  2. What's it going to take for some people to get that we're not going to be put into administration? One more time: The point of going into administration is to protect yourself from your creditors. We have only one major creditor, his name is Mike Ashley. Why would Mike Ashley want to protect Mike Ashley from Mike Ashley? As far as I'm concerned the absolute duty of an administrator is to get as much back for the creditors as possible. So what does that mean? It means selling off the whole shebang, the players, facilities, knocking the stadium down for some other development for which money may be paid, the whole lot going into the pocket of Ashley, the bloke people wanted 'cos he was better than Fred. He could hardly just go ahead and do it off his own back with the club a going concern. creditors ? guess who that is. Well there's a bloody big clue in my post. Are you pissed, or is your head up your arse, or something? Can't you read, man?
  3. it's like i'd rather have my leg sawn off (fred) as opposed to my head sawn off (ashley) plenty given the choice between the two would rather have fred whilst thinking all in all it's a pretty shitty choice. It's hard to believe that even after everything that has gone on under Ashley you and others are still coming out with idiotic tripe such as the above. To be more accurate it's any of: Ambition as opposed to no ambition knowledge of the game as opposed to no knowledge of the game someone who cares as opposed to a cockney market trader in it for all he can get Take your pick, they're all valid. Fred is a massive step up from the wide-boy. I just hope if it happens it happens in time, because Ashley is going to take this club down at least another division if he stays much longer, he may even totally destroy the football club. No doubt you'll still be trying to convince yourself that regular European football is no better and that Fred is just the same... What about those who'd rather chance their arm with someone completely different? Yeah, Ashely was someone completely different, wasn't he, mate. At this point in time, with the club in a huge downward spiral, it really needs someone with experience who knows the business and who knows what they're doing. There are are still no guarantees, given the state of the club now that should be obvious, but I'd rather go with someone known to have been there before and who has brought some ambition and degree of achievement to the club than some unknown entity who may know less than you and me about the real business of running a football club. Individual choice. If that's what you want that's upto you. I couldn't care less what others want, tbh. I had enough of the rabid types who wanted rid of the most ambitious Board in 60 years to be too much bothered what some others want now. Basically, if after all that has happened some people are still unable to appreciate what the previous Board brought to the club they are beyond any kind of rational thought on the matter.
  4. What's it going to take for some people to get that we're not going to be put into administration? One more time: The point of going into administration is to protect yourself from your creditors. We have only one major creditor, his name is Mike Ashley. Why would Mike Ashley want to protect Mike Ashley from Mike Ashley? As far as I'm concerned the absolute duty of an administrator is to get as much back for the creditors as possible. So what does that mean? It means selling off the whole shebang, the players, facilities, knocking the stadium down for some other development for which money may be paid, the whole lot going into the pocket of Ashley, the bloke people wanted 'cos he was better than Fred. He could hardly just go ahead and do it off his own back with the club a going concern.
  5. it's like i'd rather have my leg sawn off (fred) as opposed to my head sawn off (ashley) plenty given the choice between the two would rather have fred whilst thinking all in all it's a pretty shitty choice. It's hard to believe that even after everything that has gone on under Ashley you and others are still coming out with idiotic tripe such as the above. To be more accurate it's any of: Ambition as opposed to no ambition knowledge of the game as opposed to no knowledge of the game someone who cares as opposed to a cockney market trader in it for all he can get Take your pick, they're all valid. Fred is a massive step up from the wide-boy. I just hope if it happens it happens in time, because Ashley is going to take this club down at least another division if he stays much longer, he may even totally destroy the football club. No doubt you'll still be trying to convince yourself that regular European football is no better and that Fred is just the same...
  6. It has to be said that given the plight the club is in due to Ashley anyone who doesn't want to see Fred back at the helm is a nutcase. It seems some still haven't learned a thing. What is it going to take for some people to get it? Administration?
  7. Thats just it though Ashley is not going give Shearer the job he wants to sell so he wont be doing any deal with Al, all we can do is hope the club sell fast and at thos pont I really don't care who buys it as long as its done fast. That's what a million Newcastle fans some know-nowts said 2 years ago. The same fans know-nowts were over the moon when they heard a billionaire was the new owner. The same fans know-nowts have just seen us go down for only the 5th time in 117 years. Corrected for accuracy.
  8. Interesting problem for you that. You dislike the club being run by someone with ambition and you dislike the playing side being managed by someone with talent. Given your comment can it be assumed you think Ashley/Kinnear is better than Shepherd/Keegan?
  9. As soon as Ashley put this in the hands of the banks he was taking a sideways step from handing Shearer the job. It's a kop out of the highest order and I think we need to start looking at alternative choice managers, though for the life I me I don't know where to start. Joe Kinnear probably. Ashley and Llambias are deluding themselves if they think any other half-decent manager won't say exactly the same as Shearer regarding what's needed to rebuild. Then again, someone like Kinnear will probably say nothing of the sort. What makes you think Ashley wants to rebuild? Administration looks more likely to me.
  10. If someone, or group, takes over the club I'd expect them to have their own ideas of who should be manager if they're planning on showing ambition (ie...putting some cash into it) If it was me who was rich enough to take over the club and throw millions at it I probably wouldn't be automatically appointing Shearer.
  11. Can't see how, like. Just add up what was spent on players during his time as manager and deduct the amount that came in from selling players during his time as manager. I've done it before (it's in my sig) but I just checked it again. £7.65m. Do you think he spent more, or less than that? 7 649 999.99p I'm sure that difference would be important to Fat Ash. Big difference really, 7649999.99p = £76499.9999 I thought it was 1p, like. Nah, a 1p difference would be either £7649999.99 or 764999999p Nah, £7,650,000.00 £7,649,999.99 = 1p What's the difference between: 7649999.99 7 649 999.99 Nothing. There is a big difference when it has a pound in front to when it has a pence at the end though. Thank you. For giving you a different answer to a different question. You're welcome I guess. Don't mention it. I hope the OP takes note.
  12. Can't see how, like. Just add up what was spent on players during his time as manager and deduct the amount that came in from selling players during his time as manager. I've done it before (it's in my sig) but I just checked it again. £7.65m. Do you think he spent more, or less than that? 7 649 999.99p I'm sure that difference would be important to Fat Ash. Big difference really, 7649999.99p = £76499.9999 I thought it was 1p, like. Nah, a 1p difference would be either £7649999.99 or 764999999p Nah, £7,650,000.00 £7,649,999.99 = 1p What's the difference between: 7649999.99 7 649 999.99 Nothing. There is a big difference when it has a pound in front to when it has a pence at the end though. Thank you.
  13. Can't see how, like. Just add up what was spent on players during his time as manager and deduct the amount that came in from selling players during his time as manager. I've done it before (it's in my sig) but I just checked it again. £7.65m. Do you think he spent more, or less than that? 7 649 999.99p I'm sure that difference would be important to Fat Ash. Big difference really, 7649999.99p = £76499.9999 I thought it was 1p, like. Nah, a 1p difference would be either £7649999.99 or 764999999p Nah, £7,650,000.00 £7,649,999.99 = 1p What's the difference between: 7649999.99 7 649 999.99
  14. I've been supporting the club for 41 years and I know we've only ever finished in the top 5 for 3 seasons in a row ONCE in all of that time. It happened previously between 1948-1951, so it's the best you've seen as well. I also know for sure that during those 41 years the only time the club has shown any ambition to do anything on the pitch was the period from 1992 through to the departure of the last Board. Nowt personal, but to suggest a return of the ambition of the previous Board is a backward step, implying it would be worse than Ashley is ridiculous imo.
  15. Keegan didn't abandon the club, he was forced out by Ashley. Had this argument before, he walked out on us. Not for the first time either. Well, all your current effort means is you've failed to learn anything from this previous argument you had assuming someone of intelligence tried to get the obvious into your heed. Fact is, any manager worthy of the name is not going to be happy without control over which players come in and which players go out. The club is in my blood but I'd walk away if I was working under those conditions. Only a spineless tw*t wouldn't and only a moron would expect someone to work under those conditions. Cheers is that why he went first time round then ? Which first time are you referring to ? The time when we were in the second division and SJH had promised him funds and lied to him or the time when we were floated on the stock exchange and the priorties of the board changed from team building to making cash for themselves? the time he actually walked when some restraints were put on him....every manager has some restraints,some are higher than others. Do u really think he wanted to leave? For f***s sake we had just came off a second place finish and looking good to win it. KK had to commit to 4 years with circumstational changes and didnt feel he could promise he would be there that long. In came Dalglish to do the job KK was expected to do - balance the books to keep the shareholders happy. looking good to win it ? oh no we weren't. have a check at how much dalglish spent. circumstances change all the time and managers leave before their contracts are up all the time. are you saying keegan left first time round because he wasn't going to be able to spend without hinderance. £7.65m. What's your point? the point is that he was given money to spend,very much like keegan at the start, little bits then (had they kept him)probably larger bits) when you look at it we've gone through spells of spend spend spend then scrimp scrimp scrimp as if we had no set plan. No. You seem to be claiming that nothing changed, that Keegan was wrong to believe he would be restricted in the transfer market. You cite the spending of Dalglish as evidence that this wasn't the case but that clearly doesn't stand up when you look at the deficit between buys and sales. You did advise to look at the spending of Dalglish so I've done that. Dalglish had to sell, simple as that. So things did change, Keegan was correct when he said he could take the club no further. I believe he was undermined by Ashley and that's why he left the last time. People can slag him all they like but they're basically wrong. He did the right thing and Shearer should do the same if Ashley refuses to back him. Ashley is 100% to blame for the present state of the club, nobody else, just him. I became bored in the past of people muttering on about directors of football, about plans and about how shite it was to finish in the top 5 for 3 seasons in a row, well, Ashley appears to have a plan and it looks like it's scrimp scrimp relegation scrimp scrimp. Are you happy with this plan? It is a plan, after all.
  16. Can't see how, like. Just add up what was spent on players during his time as manager and deduct the amount that came in from selling players during his time as manager. I've done it before (it's in my sig) but I just checked it again. £7.65m. Do you think he spent more, or less than that? 7 649 999.99p I'm sure that difference would be important to Fat Ash. Big difference really, 7649999.99p = £76499.9999 I thought it was 1p, like.
  17. Can't see how, like. Just add up what was spent on players during his time as manager and deduct the amount that came in from selling players during his time as manager. I've done it before (it's in my sig) but I just checked it again. £7.65m. Do you think he spent more, or less than that? 7 649 999.99p I'm sure that difference would be important to Fat Ash.
  18. Got you. My mistake, mate. It's been that long since I've been on here I hadn't even looked at my own signature!! When I first replied I just had a guess at it of around £8m to £10m or so. When I then spotted it in my own signature I changed it. I hadn't even had a drink either... I've now double-checked it and I'm pretty sure it's £7.65m, so I'm still sure what point Madras is trying to make by mentioning it, unless he's arguing with himself, like.
  19. Can't see how, like. Just add up what was spent on players during his time as manager and deduct the amount that came in from selling players during his time as manager. I've done it before (it's in my sig) but I just checked it again. £7.65m. Do you think he spent more, or less than that?
  20. Keegan didn't abandon the club, he was forced out by Ashley. Had this argument before, he walked out on us. Not for the first time either. Well, all your current effort means is you've failed to learn anything from this previous argument you had assuming someone of intelligence tried to get the obvious into your heed. Fact is, any manager worthy of the name is not going to be happy without control over which players come in and which players go out. The club is in my blood but I'd walk away if I was working under those conditions. Only a spineless tw*t wouldn't and only a moron would expect someone to work under those conditions. Cheers is that why he went first time round then ? Which first time are you referring to ? The time when we were in the second division and SJH had promised him funds and lied to him or the time when we were floated on the stock exchange and the priorties of the board changed from team building to making cash for themselves? the time he actually walked when some restraints were put on him....every manager has some restraints,some are higher than others. Do u really think he wanted to leave? For f***s sake we had just came off a second place finish and looking good to win it. KK had to commit to 4 years with circumstational changes and didnt feel he could promise he would be there that long. In came Dalglish to do the job KK was expected to do - balance the books to keep the shareholders happy. looking good to win it ? oh no we weren't. have a check at how much dalglish spent. circumstances change all the time and managers leave before their contracts are up all the time. are you saying keegan left first time round because he wasn't going to be able to spend without hinderance. £7.65m. What's your point?
  21. Keegan didn't abandon the club, he was forced out by Ashley. proof needed. So you believe Keegan made the decision regarding all of the players who were brought in?
  22. I agree, especially as there aren't any personal attacks going on. How about tackling the facts? Ashley failed to back his manager so the manager left. Fact. Can you dispute it?
  23. Keegan didn't abandon the club, he was forced out by Ashley. Had this argument before, he walked out on us. Not for the first time either. Well, all your current effort means is you've failed to learn anything from this previous argument you had assuming someone of intelligence tried to get the obvious into your heed. Fact is, any manager worthy of the name is not going to be happy without control over which players come in and which players go out. The club is in my blood but I'd walk away if I was working under those conditions. Only a spineless tw*t wouldn't and only a moron would expect someone to work under those conditions. Cheers is that why he went first time round then ? Some might argue that the club becoming a PLC was a turning point Keegan identified as tying his hands in his efforts to continue improving the team, so not quite the same but the same result at the end of the day, ie, he's unable to strengthen the team. He did say he couldn't take the club any further and that's a valid reason. What's your problem with that? I've answered your question but I'm not sure why you even asked it, given that it's irrelevant when it comes to Ashley failing to back Keegan, unless you back Ashley. I haven't been following the forum for quite a while now. Are you an Ashley fanboy, madras?
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