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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. And how do you hire the right manager? You make it sound easy, which if it was, every club would "hire the right manager." The fact is, it's not that easy.
  2. It needs to be said because people make rash statements such as it being easy to turn this club into a success and other daft comments such as they don't want to see "son of fred" in charge (whatever that means). The fact is it is not easy to turn a football club into a success, implying it is easy does a disservice to a group of people who did a decent job for most of their time in charge. I realise I'm pissing against the wind because their work wasn't appreciated (and still isn't) by a lot of members of this forum. They even take large crowds for granted, as though we've always had large crowds. I don't think it's easy to make it a success as such, but I think it would be relatively easy to make it a moderate success (i.e. more than we'll achieve under Ashley). Only because of the improvement that happened under the last lot. They turned it around from sub 15,000 crowds ( I could stand in the Paddock and swing a cat and not hit anybody if I wanted to ) to the interest we see today. The irony is that Ashley is exactly what people thought Fred was. A clueless, inept nob. HTL could you point to or name one person who thought that the previous board were crap all the time ? as i've pointed out enough times the vast majority see fred and co as doing very well for a good long while, the best and most attractive and most succesful we'd seen in our lifetimes.....but then it went backewards with seemingly bloody obvious stuff going a miss and not seemingly capable of being able to turn it. would the right thing be to say "hey they done it a while a go so we should stick with them" (even though the total ethos had changed....ie spend what we've earned replaced by borrow,borrow,borrow and hope) Madras could you point to where I said people thought the previous board were crap all the time? I mean, now that you mention it, I think there are some who always hated FFS but I've never said that before. In any event, I'm not going to argue because: 1. I don't care who the individuals are/were 2. I can't be arsed 3. You know exactly what I'm on about Cheers
  3. It needs to be said because people make rash statements such as it being easy to turn this club into a success and other daft comments such as they don't want to see "son of fred" in charge (whatever that means). The fact is it is not easy to turn a football club into a success, implying it is easy does a disservice to a group of people who did a decent job for most of their time in charge. I realise I'm pissing against the wind because their work wasn't appreciated (and still isn't) by a lot of members of this forum. They even take large crowds for granted, as though we've always had large crowds. I don't think it's easy to make it a success as such, but I think it would be relatively easy to make it a moderate success (i.e. more than we'll achieve under Ashley). Only because of the improvement that happened under the last lot. They turned it around from sub 15,000 crowds ( I could stand in the Paddock and swing a cat and not hit anybody if I wanted to ) to the interest we see today. The irony is that Ashley is exactly what people thought Fred was. A clueless, inept nob.
  4. It needs to be said because people make rash statements such as it being easy to turn this club into a success and other daft comments such as they don't want to see "son of fred" in charge (whatever that means). The fact is it is not easy to turn a football club into a success, implying it is easy does a disservice to a group of people who did a decent job for most of their time in charge. I realise I'm pissing against the wind because their work wasn't appreciated (and still isn't) by a lot of members of this forum. They even take large crowds for granted, as though we've always had large crowds.
  5. And there it is. It really is f***ing easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as s***, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. tell me who they are. the vast majority think they done very well for a while then lost it in their last few years in charge. Unfortunately in some peoples world view opinions are immutable and indivisible by time period. Thinking a film started well means you have to stand by the whole film being good, even if it ended weakly. Conversely, expressing the opinion that it ended weakly means you think it was all s****. There is no way for them to reconcile having two opinions about the same thing at different time periods. Such a pretentious comment. Was that a team effort with your class-mates? A very valid point made by Thomas tbh. That's it! I'm telling my mummy about you It would be if there was any truth behind it. What if i tell you that it is? Does that make any difference? no? This argument have been up countless of times, you guys will never agree... I think the old board was mint, until Shep took full control at the end, he lost the plot. And strugle to get the ends to meet. I could with all honesty not see how he could get us out of it. Shoot me. You can tell me that if you like, but you'll be wrong. Do you seriously believe Fred was being slaughtered on this forum only toward the end?
  6. And there it is. It really is f***ing easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as s***, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. tell me who they are. the vast majority think they done very well for a while then lost it in their last few years in charge. Unfortunately in some peoples world view opinions are immutable and indivisible by time period. Thinking a film started well means you have to stand by the whole film being good, even if it ended weakly. Conversely, expressing the opinion that it ended weakly means you think it was all s****. There is no way for them to reconcile having two opinions about the same thing at different time periods. Such a pretentious comment. Was that a team effort with your class-mates? A very valid point made by Thomas tbh. That's it! I'm telling my mummy about you It would be if there was any truth behind it. Do you honestly believe "Fat Fred" was being slated on this forum only toward the end, because that's the rubbish Thomas seems to be spouting that you say is a valid point. It is obvious the period when "Fat Fred" was in charge ended weakly, everyone knows that, but that isn't what was going on from people posting on this forum. No, people were dripping on about FFS a very long time before that. I know these fools won't want to admit they were spouting shite, but that's the truth of it.
  7. Ashley was lambasted for not investing heavily. Pretty certain he did exactly what you've just asked for, until the Wise/Keegan situation. I'm pretty sure Ashley didn't do any of what I asked; run the club sensibly (allowed wage bill to bloat further and then refuse transfers - not that sensible) and with ambition (def not). A small amount of speculation (made a profit on transfers...nope, no speculation) and cut the dead wood (brought more in than he's shipped out). Get in a manager who you trust (didn't do that) and back them (def not). Wot he said. Exactly.
  8. And there it is. It really is f***ing easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as s***, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. tell me who they are. the vast majority think they done very well for a while then lost it in their last few years in charge. Unfortunately in some peoples world view opinions are immutable and indivisible by time period. Thinking a film started well means you have to stand by the whole film being good, even if it ended weakly. Conversely, expressing the opinion that it ended weakly means you think it was all s****. There is no way for them to reconcile having two opinions about the same thing at different time periods. Very true. And it is truly staggering that this point needs to be made time and time again. Some people feel the need to elevate their opinion of themselves by continually proving how 'stupid' everybody else is, over and over. Still posting on a forum of a club you don't support, I see. I don't care what you think of me or the club I support.
  9. And there it is. It really is f***ing easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as s***, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. tell me who they are. the vast majority think they done very well for a while then lost it in their last few years in charge. Unfortunately in some peoples world view opinions are immutable and indivisible by time period. Thinking a film started well means you have to stand by the whole film being good, even if it ended weakly. Conversely, expressing the opinion that it ended weakly means you think it was all shite. There is no way for them to reconcile having two opinions about the same thing at different time periods. Such a pretentious comment. Was that a team effort with your class-mates?
  10. And there it is. It really is fucking easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as shit, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. Because they also robbed the club of tens of millions of pounds. Having said that I doubt you'd find a Newcastle fan who thought they were shit until Shepherd took over himsellf. Robbed the club of tens of millions? You should be careful what you say, mate. Making allegations of criminal activity isn't a very wise thing to do on a public forum.
  11. And there it is. It really is f***ing easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as s***, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. tell me who they are. the vast majority think they done very well for a while then lost it in their last few years in charge. The majority of match goers, yes. Not certain members of this forum, as you well know.
  12. And there it is. It really is fucking easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as shit, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate.
  13. Didn't say I could, mate. I just don't see the point. Fed up of 'em all and couldn't care whether they all hate us or not, tbh.
  14. Can't see the point of the article, it's just a gist, a filler to keep things ticking over 'cos they've got nowt else to write about. Basically, a repeat of everything we already know, a total waste of space. Journalists are generally scum imo. Ashley must have been one in his last life andnow he's a leech, which is how journalists come back second time around.
  15. Oh, i never thought about it that way, eyeopening... That theory is over 500 pages old... And that makes it less likely to be true...? Eh, no.... omg
  16. Oh, i never thought about it that way, eyeopening... That theory is over 500 pages old... And that makes it less likely to be true...?
  17. This. We've played some of our toughest matches already and come through well. If the squad stays relatively fit I think we'll be top in January. Injuries to two or more of Taylor, Ameobi, Smith or Enrique would be a killer though. Leciester and Reading are both crap, the others won't be there at the end either imo.
  18. He is making a continuous cock-up by running the club into the dirt.
  19. Wot he said. Amazing how a few wins against shite teams has resulted in more than a few heeds gannin' up a few arses.
  20. I think he's being optimistic, tbh.
  21. Eh! Whatever for? Surely a complete delete would be better...? Where's Dave?
  22. :laugh: Blame Fat Ash. People wanted him, you know...
  23. I would never have started a thread like this under the last lot. Blame fat ash...
  24. Just trying to break the boredom of "you know what," lads.
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