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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. I've said it before, probably when he first arrived. It should never have been taken for granted by people that he would invest in the team in order to maintain a challenge and hopefully win something. Like everyone else he didn't see the downturn in the economy and thought he could buy a football club and that it would simply increase in value automatically over time. I think he just wanted to make a bit of money while doing nowt at all for it. When it comes to football he's a total know-nowt and he got lucky with his cheapo sports shop/market stall level stuff. Simple as that. I was in JJB yesterday. Different class of retailer completely. I think his intent now could well be to destroy the club and offset the losses against his market stall.
  2. The priority is getting promoted before we fall even further behind. As it is right now the present lot would be relegated from the PL, so we need to get promoted and invest in the first team squad and also in youth, bringing them through when we're on the up, not when things are desperate. Relying on Ranger and Carroll is madness. Course, we know there won't be much (if any) investment while the inept fat market trader is running the show.
  3. Ashley is a moron. I wouldn't be surprised if he's never heard of America.
  4. Schoolboy error. It was built up to that point by the last lot of idiots squandering money on trophy players and running the club as disastrously as they did to build up the fanbase and get them spending their cash on tickets, merchandise, TV packages, etc. Frightening that some (most?) still don't appreciate this fundamental point and take it for granted NUFC is an automatic money generating machine. Top post.
  5. And the point of that would be? other than allowing the makems screaming "where were you when you were shit" at us should we get promoted.. Leave the protests to the bastard tree huggers.. I've renewed my season ticket regardless of what the club does.. and will continue to support the squad regardless. So are you saying nobody should bother going to matches and supporting the team? Supporters support through thick and thin. That's all.
  6. People said anyone would be better than Fat Fred because making a challenge at the top was the only way to make money, so it was taken for granted a new owner would show ambition and invest in the football club. It hasn't happened, has it? The only thing different about what you're saying now is that you're on about promotion rather than challenging at the top of the PL. He can probably offset what he loses on one "business" against the other. Add to that the fact he doesn't give a shit about the football club and nothing he does (or doesn't do) should come as a surprise to anyone.
  7. The worst is yet to come from this shit. What he's doing to this football club is beyond belief, it has to be intentional.
  8. Well that's not exactly word for word tbf but yeah, it's like everything is perfectly fine. He even got in some cliché-tastic 'best fans in the world' bumlicking for good measure. To be fair he's not far off the mark with the fans comment. Thought the crowd on Wednesday was great considering the state of the club. People putting a brave face on and trying to group together in spite of Ashley. Nowt to do with the fact that people like watching football and even more so if we play well and are winning? No, you're right its a sub-conscious mass social phenomena of embattlement and defiance in the face of adversity. Of course. Chez Given in revelation that people go to a football ground to watch football. Earth shattering. They would even like to see the team they support win and play well too? I had taken it for granted that the people that "Support" a football team would turn up and probably do the above. You may have missed it. We have an owner called Mike Ashley who has upset a lot of people by making alot of stupid decisions, that have cost the club alot of money and its premiership status. During this time alot of fans ripped up season tickets, refused to renew, some people even protested, some during matches which affected players on and off the pitch. You might have missed that too. I might leave the NUSC out as you obviously have alot to catch up on. My opinion, which you might have also missed is that there are alot of fans, maybe the majority that are coming to games putting up with the present situation, holding on to the weekly hope the club will be sold and the mess will be sorted. I think there is a good chance you might see the attendence fall, season tickets ripped up and protests come the end of the window, if the sale isnt completed and players brought in. The fact remains we will always have supporters that will just continue to put a brave face on and try to group together in spite of Ashley. That might be pretty obvious though, unless you missed it. What on earth prompted that?
  9. Same as Shay Given, whose chance to go to a club going places came up and I don't blame him for grabbing it when he knew it might have gone by the summer. People mocked him "haha you're out the UEFA Cup, what a mug" well now we're in the Championship and Given will have a Premiership winners medal within three years so who's laughing? If we start to struggle in the CCC, and there's every chance, Taylor's stock will fall and he might not have a club as big as Everton come in for him again. Like Bassong, like Beye, I think he'd stay if the club wasn't being run into the ground but it is and why should he sacrifice his big opportunity to play for a club which is actively attempting to destroy itself? For years he's promoted himself as Mr Newcastle United, he now has a chance to prove it somewhat. If he believes he's good enough to play for England, surely he believes the top teams will still be in for him in a year when he's had an excellent season in the championship. Given was nearly 33 when he left, Taylor is 23. Disagree massively with the bit in bold btw, absolutely no chance whatsoever of that happening. He might well believe that - he doesn't know it though. He also doesn't know what else is going to happen between now and September 1st - if Ashley continues to asset strip, it might not matter how excellent Taylor is, if he's playing with the bairns and we're getting walloped every week, he's not going to be subject of bids from anyone in the Premiership. As for the bit in bold, that's a ludicrous comment to make. No chance whatsoever? They've got unlimited funds man! Did you say the same about Chelsea? Chelsea had an infintely better manager tbh and the spine of the team already in place. City need to find their Terry and Lampard, players with that ability and mentality don't grow on trees, no matter how much cash you chuck around. It's not that I don't think City have a chance to win the league btw, I just think that by the time they're in that position, Given will have been replaced by a better keeper. Ranieri infinitely better? If Hughes doesn't do the business, they'll just bin him and get someone from the continent on massive wedge exactly the same as Chelsea did. They won't replace Shay either, he's world class. Ranierri is a top class manager, tbh. Given isn't world class either. Never has been, doesn't command his box enough to be considered world class.
  10. I beg to differ. If Taylor goes and Campbell comes in we are better on the pitch. I understand why people are upset, I am too at the way this smug retard is destroying the club. But Taylor is not a world beater by any stretch, it's just that right now we've let enough players go and so shouldn't be letting him go too without a replacement.
  11. Mate, you're as deluded as the tossers who said it was impossible for anyone worse than Fat Fred to be running the show. There is every chance the club will be relegated. In fact, I still think the aim of Ashley is to totally destroy the club, writing off the losses against something related to his other "business."
  12. I just asked my son (aged 17) and daughter (aged 19) if they would "get" the significance of this t-shirt and both said no.
  13. Aye should just be Lovenkrands and Campbell in Yes. And about 3 more on top.
  14. But said club was supposed to still be a Top Division club. If you're referring to Maccas source that is. Yup, that's what I'm on about. Could swear he said years ago that he went to school with Nattrass. Back at the time Nattrass jumped ship for the nappy rippers they were in the top flight and we weren't. Problems at Board level, ironically.
  15. Ambition to manage a big club? Restoring a former giant to glory isn't a bad feather in your cap. Only if we are taken over and he is the choice. He won't come under Ashley is what I was getting at. Doubt he's alone in that, looking at the state of the bloke.
  16. Posted on here ages ago that I'd like to see Dave Jones as manager at Newcastle. Went down like a lead fart as usual and it will probably be the same again. No idea why, other than the fact he doesn't have a foreign name. He'd be a sound appointment imo.
  17. It's vital to go back up at the first attempt, tbh.
  18. Doesn't matter what she looks like. I laugh at EVERYTHING she writes about Newcastle United because it's all taken from this forum and others. She's a know-nowt and as such, not worth taking seriously.
  19. Obviously we have to bring players in, but there are a few players I'd find it hard to refuse decent offers for even with the current tiny squad. Duff is one of those players.
  20. Good post. A token protest will suffice, such as some boos (I'm sure boo boo and his hanger-on mates are experts at this) when he takes his seats is good enough, after that it's time to support the team properly. There needs to be an atmosphere to lift the players, not one to send them into some kind of shell and had the initiative to Reading.
  21. The average Geordie does 20 mins per pint, mate.
  22. This is almost exactly what people said when they wanted rid of Fat Fred in the first place. Fat Fred, "the worst person in the world who could be running the club" apparently. The only difference is you're now babbling on about winning promotion versus challenging to win the PL. It was said by many people that anyone taking over the club would do better than Fat boy Fred because a new owner would automatically invest in the team/squad and of course they wouldn't spout rubbish to the press like Fred did. Well, it didn't work out that way and it won't necessarily work out again. The point you're missing is that this bloke doesn't give a shit about the club, unlike the despised Fat Fred. Ashley doesn't have to do anything like what you describe because : 1. he can afford to lose more money, lots of it, I'd say. 2. he is a gambler 3. he is stupid when it comes to the "business" of football. His strength (or luck, really) appears to have been a one-off spot of a gap in the market for very cheap products. He can afford to lose everything he's put into the football club and still be a very, very, very rich man.
  23. Gutierrez was a liability most of the time on Saturday.
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