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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Stop whinging on like an auld fish wife.
  2. Benwell Lad in denial Pwned. Thanks go to UV for posting this earlier. Just had to repeat it. It's not to be missed. Thanks for that, I'm honoured that you and someone else even bothered to re-visit it. You were talking about your intelligence earlier, the level of which should be enough to recognise my post was a provocative one intended to create debate about what was a very emotive subject at the time. Yes my standpoint was somewhat for the defence against the masses but not really in a supportive way. I did it on purpose. I just wish there was a platform where such things could be debated rationally and not just hundreds of pages of childish insults, repeated "tripe" and profanity. For the record I was not besotted with Ashley's arrival in the way many on here were originally (where are they now ?) I prefer (maybe it's age) to take a more level headed view on anything good or bad which happens to our club. Personally I wish Ashley was gone and replaced by someone who can take the club forward in a stable way. His tenure has been a disaster, much the same as Keegan's return as manager was. Fair comment. I too wish there was less tripe and profanity, not that I'm posting any of either, so I guess it's upto others to help you with that. The bit you fail to grasp is that Keegans return was a disaster BECAUSE of Ashley. Had Ashley backed him as he should have done it is very unlikely we'd now be in the Championship. The club would be worth a damn sight more than he's overpriced it at today, meaning the bloke is simply an idiot when it comes to football. He's been trying to make money out of the club and supporters for doing nowt in return. Nobody should be supporting him. By the way, I wasn't talking about my intelligence earlier on, I was replying to someone else who mentioned it, as you just did too.
  3. I think you'll find it was number of factors which didn't see us past the post first. I would say lack of experience was the main one and secondly a few of our regulars ran out of steam. We were a hell of a lot closer to winning the league under KK then SBR and had a better team to boot. Can you remember Alex fergusons title challenge before the prem when his Man U team blew a 12 pt lead? I think keeping Venison may have made a difference, but as I now see from the replies to the tripe posted earlier, people have already mentioned the remarkable run by manure, for which they get no credit such is the eagerness to put the boot in to Newcastle United and Kevin Keegan. I did mention their run. Aye, that's what I meant when I said the bit in bold.
  4. To be fair Dave the SFO are fighting to keep there jobs as looks like they will be defunct soon or mergerd with another department & with massive fines they can now issue there have been tales of them going out with a bang & whacking Sports Direct with a fine of around £140 million & sending Mike to jail* *=if found guilty. Sounds like a dream, though it would be better if he's found guilty that he be fined every last penny he has.
  5. Re where are the Ashley supporters... Benwell Lad in denial Pwned. Thanks go to UV for posting this earlier. Just had to repeat it. It's not to be missed.
  6. I think you'll find it was number of factors which didn't see us past the post first. I would say lack of experience was the main one and secondly a few of our regulars ran out of steam. We were a hell of a lot closer to winning the league under KK then SBR and had a better team to boot. Can you remember Alex fergusons title challenge before the prem when his Man U team blew a 12 pt lead? I think keeping Venison may have made a difference, but as I now see from the replies to the tripe posted earlier, people have already mentioned the remarkable run by manure, for which they get no credit such is the eagerness to put the boot in to Newcastle United and Kevin Keegan.
  7. And here it is... More tripe. I won't bother going into why, just do some research for yourself to get your facts right before you gob off. You obviously have no first hand knowledge so try google if you don't want to ask any nufc supporter.
  8. I dont remember any fans saying bring back KK, I never heard anyone mention it. It was a suprise for everyone when it was annouced. Exactly right, mate. Exactly right. Where do some people get this stuff from? Shocking that the other aussie is complaining about me saying some posts are tripe, but honestly, where do these people get this stuff from? It is tripe, pure and simple. He'll be banging on about the fiction that is the 12 point lead next...
  9. I didn't realise Gosforth was in Yorkshire, but maybe you think so. Keegan is not thought of as a divine god, that is media talk. I am intelligent enough to understand what you meant earlier. Work that out for yourself, if you can. Hope this answer is interesting enough for you.
  10. Because a load of Ashley supporters desperately need to try and deflect at least some of the blame for the club's current state away from their beloved leader? If it wasn't for dastardly Keegan, the way Ashley was running the club would have worked & we'd now only be a couple of years from challenging for everything don't ya know. who are these ashley supporters ? most agreed when he came in we couldn't keep going as we were financially, haven't got a clue what happened with keegan and think ashley got it totally wrong with kinnear etc. or is it a case that some think if you have any criticism of keegan or the previous board then you must therefore think that ashley has done everything right ? Being on the defensive in this way EVERYTIME someone makes this kind of comment sends out a message, madras. Thought I'd mention it.
  11. More tripe. Your far flung location sees you detached from reality but really, there is no excuse given the power of the internet. When Keegan was appointed by fat ash the reality is that people saw him as a manager with some talent who may turn the team into a decent one and who may see us up near the top 6 or so and looking like challengers. Babbling on the way you do about Keegan being seen as a god or something merely goes to show your knowledge of the club and it's supporters is limited to what you read in the media. Love the reference to YOU SUPPORTERS by the way. That tells a story. I suggest you stick to stuff about australia and leave the Newcastle stuff to those more clued up. A rather angry and irrational response which rather confirms what macca was saying. Keegan has a status which, in many people's eyes, puts him beyond criticism. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen him described as a 'legend'. I've also found that when you criticise the man, the response is often one of moral outrage, as though you'd pissed on the steps of the Vatican rather than made an observation about a human being who is as flawed as the rest of us. Not his first though, is it? Anyone who doesn't agree with him is talking 'tripe' and anyone who lives in Australia (including myself), has to bow to his superior knowledge of all things NUFC. What a wonderful person to go for a pint before the match with Can't say I've ever noticed you. Who are you? You won't know this, but people who go to the match disagree, so disagreeing with someone is nowt to do with whether or not someone like you or your mate are in australia, it's more to do with the content of posts made, which exhibit a huge degree of ignorance....or tripe, about Newcastle United.
  12. More tripe. Your far flung location sees you detached from reality but really, there is no excuse given the power of the internet. When Keegan was appointed by fat ash the reality is that people saw him as a manager with some talent who may turn the team into a decent one and who may see us up near the top 6 or so and looking like challengers. Babbling on the way you do about Keegan being seen as a god or something merely goes to show your knowledge of the club and it's supporters is limited to what you read in the media. Love the reference to YOU SUPPORTERS by the way. That tells a story. I suggest you stick to stuff about australia and leave the Newcastle stuff to those more clued up. A rather angry and irrational response which rather confirms what macca was saying. Keegan has a status which, in many people's eyes, puts him beyond criticism. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen him described as a 'legend'. I've also found that when you criticise the man, the response is often one of moral outrage, as though you'd pissed on the steps of the Vatican rather than made an observation about a human being who is as flawed as the rest of us. Mate, my reply was neither angry nor irrational. I'm not all that bothered what some australian has to say about Newcastle United, why would I become angry? Keegan is not above criticism. He made mistakes when he was here as manager the first time, more than one. Does that make you feel better?
  13. A Newcastle United forum is no place to make a level headed critique about Keegan's role in the recent demise of the club - shame on you ! Contrary to what subsequent posters have stated about your post and geographical detatchment from Newcastle, as a Newcastle based, Newcastle fan for many decades, I agree with most of what you say. The Geordie obsession and love affair with Keegan ( who ultimately won nowt just like the rest of them ) is a source of amusement to most savvy football fans. A serial quitter and probably Ashley's biggest mistake. A Newcastle forum is the exact place to make a level headed AND INFORMED critique about Keegan's role. Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff I've been reading is tripe of the highest order. Where you are correct is in your understanding the mistake was Ashley's. Good spot, that.
  14. Strange that Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger both agreed with him though isn't it? Spot on. NONE of the leading managers would have stood for what was foisted upon Keegan. Never mind the left-back issue, look at where Xisco is now (will those previously in denial now finally admit the lad is shite beyond measure?). Imagine what Benitez's reaction would have been.... There aren't many previously in denial, most are still in denial and will never get it, but who cares? They post tripe and if nowt else it's good for a laugh.
  15. More tripe. Your far flung location sees you detached from reality but really, there is no excuse given the power of the internet. When Keegan was appointed by fat ash the reality is that people saw him as a manager with some talent who may turn the team into a decent one and who may see us up near the top 6 or so and looking like challengers. Babbling on the way you do about Keegan being seen as a god or something merely goes to show your knowledge of the club and it's supporters is limited to what you read in the media. Love the reference to YOU SUPPORTERS by the way. That tells a story. I suggest you stick to stuff about australia and leave the Newcastle stuff to those more clued up.
  16. Yes. I agree with that. It was a mistake appointing Keegan just as it would have been a mistake appointing any manager who wanted to be allowed to manage team affairs. Ashley could have appointed Alex Ferguson and it would have still gone tits up because the jumped up market stall lad had no intention of allowing that person to control team affairs. He apparently wanted Redknapp. Well if this was a genuine approach is there any wonder Redknapp turned it down, given the way he wants to bring players in and ship 'em out? Perhaps an approach was made and because Redknapp doesn't have the same connections with Newcastle (as Keegan) he was able to be detached and could see straight through the wide-boy, could guess what would really happen? Fact is, if Ashley had ideas of running the club in a certain fashion he needed to appoint people to certain roles who are willing and able to effectively operate under that model. He didn't do that and that's totally down to him. Nobody else. People who blame Keegan really do make me laugh. One dimensional thinking seems to be the name of the game. The state of the club is 100% down to Ashley.
  17. And there it is. It really is fucking easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as shit, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. Because they lost their touch many years before they relinquished control, and left the club in a godawful fucking mess. Obviously. Which as I said earlier to someone else, this would make sense if people like you hadn't been rubbishing the previous Board way before they "lost control" as you call it. You weren't happy with top 6 finishes. You said it was shit. You really should be quiet about this otherwise I'll have to remind everyone that you were one of the main whingers about the previous Board during the time we finished 4th, 3rd then 5th. I may go on to remind people that despite having signed Woodgate in January 2003, Darren Ambrose and also Lee Bowyer (England international at the time) on a free during summer 2003, you slagged the Board for not spending millions that summer. I might even remind people that you then amazingly backed the destruction of the team by Souness and the bankrolling of him by the Board to the tune of ~£50m, then you ironically slag the Board for spending despite your boring mantra of "judge him when he's built his own team." Mate, you're full of shit most of the time, almost everything you post is based on 20/20 hindsight and is still tripe. If you can't respond to a post without trying to shove words into someone else's mouth, perhaps you should acknowledge that talkboard discussions aren't really your strong point, chum. As for our failure to strengthen a demoralised squad in the summer of 2003 -- the absolute pivotal moment in the decline of this club, the moment where the old regime started pissing away everything that had been achieved by Sir Bobby Robson -- I still fail to see what the purchase of Woodgate six months earlier has to do with it. Chronology is obviously not your strongpoint either. But you score pretty high on selective memory. A weak response, tbh. And total bollocks as usual. If you could just for once leave aside the ad hominem blather, are you denying that the old lot lost their touch years before they relinquished control and left the club in a real mess? Just trying and failing to keep up with you. Fact is, nobody comes out with more personal insults than you do. You've been doing it since you first appeared here, which is why you attract it in return. If there was any point in debating anything with you I would answer your question honestly. Sadly, there's no point.
  18. More tripe. You should be careful what you post on an open forum. Do you have any evidence to support this allegation? I really do hope you have, or that KK and any of his representatives aren't reading it.
  19. If true, the bit about the Americans dealing direct with Ashley rather than through Seymour Pierce is interesting. Harris has said more than once that he thinks there should be a strong local presence in the ownership of the club. It's reasonable to surmise that he favours Moat. Personally, I think local ownership is a mixed blessing. You often hear that the club should be owned by someone who understands the place of the club in the region, but it's not clear exactly what decisions would be different in the case of a local owner. If anything, we need owners that can resist the pressure and not get sucked into decisions that are driven more by hope and emotion than common sense. A big problem with Shepherd was that, as a fan, he couldn't resist meddling in footballing decisions and showed favouritism to Shearer as the fans' hero. You could look at Ashley and say that he, as an outsider, hasn't done very well. My view is that his overall strategy was fine in the circumstances that the club were in, but his fatal blunder was appointing Keegan - a man whose motivation was suspect, who was unsuited to a long-term approach or working within a team, and whose chief asset was his standing with the fans. In that decision, Ashley was paying too much attention to local opinion, not too little. Of course, some may disagree. What a load of tripe.
  20. And there it is. It really is fucking easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as shit, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. Because they lost their touch many years before they relinquished control, and left the club in a godawful fucking mess. Obviously. Which as I said earlier to someone else, this would make sense if people like you hadn't been rubbishing the previous Board way before they "lost control" as you call it. You weren't happy with top 6 finishes. You said it was shit. You really should be quiet about this otherwise I'll have to remind everyone that you were one of the main whingers about the previous Board during the time we finished 4th, 3rd then 5th. I may go on to remind people that despite having signed Woodgate in January 2003, Darren Ambrose and also Lee Bowyer (England international at the time) on a free during summer 2003, you slagged the Board for not spending millions that summer. I might even remind people that you then amazingly backed the destruction of the team by Souness and the bankrolling of him by the Board to the tune of ~£50m, then you ironically slag the Board for spending despite your boring mantra of "judge him when he's built his own team." Mate, you're full of shit most of the time, almost everything you post is based on 20/20 hindsight and is still tripe. If you can't respond to a post without trying to shove words into someone else's mouth, perhaps you should acknowledge that talkboard discussions aren't really your strong point, chum. As for our failure to strengthen a demoralised squad in the summer of 2003 -- the absolute pivotal moment in the decline of this club, the moment where the old regime started pissing away everything that had been achieved by Sir Bobby Robson -- I still fail to see what the purchase of Woodgate six months earlier has to do with it. Chronology is obviously not your strongpoint either. But you score pretty high on selective memory. A weak response, tbh. And total bollocks as usual.
  21. The man's a prick. I hope it's true and he goes to jail.
  22. And how do you hire the right manager? You make it sound easy, which if it was, every club would "hire the right manager." The fact is, it's not that easy. I know it's not easy. That's why I said 'easy (sic) said than done.' Fair enough. I missed it, mate. Sorry 'bout that.
  23. And there it is. It really is fucking easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as shit, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. Because they lost their touch many years before they relinquished control, and left the club in a godawful fucking mess. Obviously. Which as I said earlier to someone else, this would make sense if people like you hadn't been rubbishing the previous Board way before they "lost control" as you call it. You weren't happy with top 6 finishes. You said it was shit. You really should be quiet about this otherwise I'll have to remind everyone that you were one of the main whingers about the previous Board during the time we finished 4th, 3rd then 5th. I may go on to remind people that despite having signed Woodgate in January 2003, Darren Ambrose and also Lee Bowyer (England international at the time) on a free during summer 2003, you slagged the Board for not spending millions that summer. I might even remind people that you then amazingly backed the destruction of the team by Souness and the bankrolling of him by the Board to the tune of ~£50m, then you ironically slag the Board for spending despite your boring mantra of "judge him when he's built his own team." Mate, you're full of shit most of the time, almost everything you post is based on 20/20 hindsight and is still tripe.
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