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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Agreed. If someone makes a bad decision in hindsight, it means that they have bad foresight. That's a very, very simplistic way of looking at it.
  2. Is this a serious question or are you playing dumb again? My question is a serious one, by the way.
  3. One of the many reasons why stats like these are an absolute load of crap and no way to judge a footballer. Even though I don't rate Milner that highly I would never beat him up over daft statistics like these.
  4. How can Smith get any sort of consistency if Allardyce picks our strongest 11? Smith wouldn't be playing. Thats debatable, Smith could partner Owen or Martins. Viduka is quite injury prone and doesnt have great mobility but he is a better goal scorer. Owen and Viduka wont work imo because both aint quick nor do they close defenders down, i bet defenders have the easiest game of their career if it was Owen and Viduka up front. A good point and I'm not surprised it's you making it. Course, the stats people wouldn't have thought about that one, either. All they can do is count goals and because Viduka scores more, Owen scores more, Martins scores more, they're all better players and Smith is absolute dogshit. Well, bollocks to the best front PAIRING for the TEAM. Exactly thats why i dont think Owen and Viduka will be good up front, They dont close the defenders down nor can either of them link up. When defenders aint closed down it gives that team time for the defender to pick his pass which is starting off an attacking move, when Smith plays up front and he closes the defenders down it means they cant happily pass the ball to their creative players but instead need to get rid of the ball so it has a good chance of going out of play or to 1 of our players meaning we get possession back. Also with Owen and Viduka up front i would bet the opposing defence would push up.
  5. How can Smith get any sort of consistency if Allardyce picks our strongest 11? Smith wouldn't be playing. Thats debatable, Smith could partner Owen or Martins. Viduka is quite injury prone and doesnt have great mobility but he is a better goal scorer. Owen and Viduka wont work imo because both aint quick nor do they close defenders down, i bet defenders have the easiest game of their career if it was Owen and Viduka up front. A good point and I'm not surprised it's you making it. Course, the stats people wouldn't have thought about that one, either. All they can do is count goals and because Viduka scores more, Owen scores more, Martins scores more, they're all better players and Smith is absolute dogshit. Well, bollocks to the best front PAIRING for the TEAM.
  6. Spot on. The moaners won't be bothered about any of that though. I kinda feel sorry for Smith because as a player he obviously wants to start every game but it must be hard for him knowing he aint playing well because he is out of position and then getting shit off the fans for his poor performances. I remember Smith up front for Leeds and he was good, he's as much of a midfielder as Martins is a RW yet when Martins was on the right SA was abused on here for playing him out of position but when Smith is played out of position he gets called shit and not good enough for Newcastle, some people on here have double standards. Well, I know it sounds odd because you wouldn't think anybody could be so pathetic, but some people hated Smith when he played for his other clubs so they aren't prepared to give him a chance now he's here. Being used out of position as Smith is suits the moaners very well. It's obvious he's no good in midfield, so although judging the player in this role has no credibility, the moaners will cling to it to justify their daft criticism.
  7. Spot on. The moaners won't be bothered about any of that though.
  8. Your judgement of Smith is based on him mainly being used out of position, of course. It's impossible for anybody to make a proper judgement of him as a striker because the simple fact of the matter is he's never yet played there for a long enough period of time. So you don't know and neither do I. We'll find out who is right if/when he ever gets an extended run and not before.
  9. Little end product in an attacking sense, you mean. Well that's his job isn't it? No. You think that's his only job as a wide player away from home when the opposition full-back is attacking down his flank? Where did I say that's his only job? Oh, piss off. Love you too. Is it worth giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you post tripe as some kind of juvenile wind-up? Or are you just thick?
  10. Yes, I understand your opinion and that's fine. Just so long as you finally understand mine....
  11. Which is being unfairly questioned due to it being based on him being used mainly out of position in midfield, as you know. That's rubbish. He wasn't the greatest up-front for Leeds either imo. Course, I don't think I've ever said he's great. In fact, I don't think I've even said he's good. What I have said is that I think he has the attributes to play as a striker and that I'd like to see him given an extended run in that role because I think he may be decent. Obviously you're replying to something in your imagination, but there you go. If you don't think he's good, we might as well play Ameobi. He also has the "attributes" to play as a striker, he's just not very good at it either... Is today bad at reading day, mate? Where did I say that I didn't think he's good? This is what I'm saying about Smith.... What I have said is that I think he has the attributes to play as a striker and that I'd like to see him given an extended run in that role because I think he may be decent.
  12. Which is being unfairly questioned due to it being based on him being used mainly out of position in midfield, as you know. That's rubbish. He wasn't the greatest up-front for Leeds either imo. Course, I don't think I've ever said he's great. In fact, I don't think I've even said he's good. What I have said is that I think he has the attributes to play as a striker and that I'd like to see him given an extended run in that role because I think he may be decent. Obviously you're replying to something in your imagination, but there you go.
  13. To be honest, I'm always optimistic that we'll win every match. The problem is right now that optimism is always shattered the moment I see the team this idiot sends out.
  14. Which is being unfairly questioned due to it being based on him being used mainly out of position in midfield, as you know.
  15. You stick with the RIGHT manager and you back him. This is obvious and nobody is saying otherwise as far as I can tell. 1. It's not easy to appoint the RIGHT manager. 2. It's not automatic that a Board will financially back the manager. 3. When you know you have the wrong man, or the current man can take you no further, you SACK him. The first 2 points are what many people on here very much don't want to acknowledge as being true.
  16. You started it. Thought you did....na na ni na na
  17. These ridiculous and childish snipes go a long way to ruining posts. Thought I'd mention it, like.
  18. Manure supporters are well known for their patronising opinions though, even when they come from Manchester. Exactly.
  19. Not that I'm really bothered about the view of a manure season ticket holder, but how exactly does this "mirror the current debate" given the claim he was a "fans favourite?" sorry Sunshine! Not got much tostesterone left. You'll have to use your imagintion and come up with the answer yourself. Thanks for confirming your earlier shite made no sense.
  20. Not that I'm really bothered about the view of a manure season ticket holder, but how exactly does this "mirror the current debate" given the claim he was a "fans favourite?"
  21. What's the squad? Whoever it takes at LB I want to see Zog on the left midfield and Duff on right midfield and a solid centre in a 4-4-2. They don't have Drogba and are clever around the box, I think we need footballers at CB not cloggers in this game, players who can read the game, so I'd go with Roz and Cacapa. I don't think Enrique is ready for this league right now and I wouldn't select him. If we're going to lose this game I want us to lose it while trying to win the bloody thing, it can be done. So, depending on the squad... Given Beye Rozenhal Cacapa (Taylor, Edgar or even bloody Carr if he's fit. I want to see Zog on the left of midfield attacking them) Duff Faye Butt Zog Smith Martins
  22. Scott Parker's limitations were obvious to me very early on and he never had the problem of being used badly out of position in the way Smith has been.
  23. Proving he is a lying, stupid wanker. Fat Souness, thats all he is. I defy anyone to honestly say Smith has been any good for us, up front or in midfield. He's hardly played up front. I think it's a good idea for you to stop moaning about everything and everyone and give the bloke a chance, he has good attributes. He needs a good run in the position, some confidence and a positive approach from the team in general before he can be judged properly. Obviously. We've seen him play up front. He was okay against arsenal, no more, for parts of the game. For other parts of the game, and every other time, he was gash. What does he need, time to settle into the Premiership?? Why don't you give the moaning a rest, man? Can't you write anything without a moan or sarcasm? The answer to your question is pretty obvious.
  24. Proving he is a lying, stupid w******. Fat Souness, thats all he is. I defy anyone to honestly say Smith has been any good for us, up front or in midfield. He's hardly played up front. I think it's a good idea for you to stop moaning about everything and everyone and give the bloke a chance, he has good attributes. He needs a good run in the position, some confidence and a positive approach from the team in general before he can be judged properly. Obviously. Would you start him ahead of Viduka up front? Think he's alright up front myself, links the play very well, but I reckon when fit Viduka gives you a lot more so I'd only be giving Smith games when Viduka needs a rest. Hard to see him getting enough of a run up front to get comfortable in the position tbh, so as much as it's apparent to the rest of us that he's not a good midfielder at all I'd expect that's the position we'll be seeing the most of him for the foreseeable future, unfortunately Yes. Also, I would NEVER select him in midfield.
  25. Proving he is a lying, stupid wanker. Fat Souness, thats all he is. I defy anyone to honestly say Smith has been any good for us, up front or in midfield. He's hardly played up front. I think it's a good idea for you to stop moaning about everything and everyone and give the bloke a chance, he has good attributes. He needs a good run in the position, some confidence and a positive approach from the team in general before he can be judged properly. Obviously.
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