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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. I wouldnt. Because comparing era's is totally flawed. Why ? Why should you lower your ambitions ? Maybe a case of looking at the opposition than lowering ambitions. Can you imagine any promoted team finishing third in the Premier League ever again? I can't. I don't think this has ever been a regular thing and when it has happened it's always been a big achievement. I'd say it was impossible now. Just saying the league is very different to how it once was. Plenty of clubs have mega-rich owners/shareholders now, for example. If NE5 simply compares league finishes over the years I'm not sure how fair it will be. Finishing lower doesn't necessarily mean you had lower ambition, and accepting those finishes doesn't mean you accept lower ambition. I wouldn't disagree that the league is different to how it once was. Regarding ambition, when I talk about previous league positions (rarely tbh) under previous Boards, I thought it was massively obvious that I'm looking at what was happening to achieve those positions? I didn't think that needed to be pointed out, to be honest. It's not just the league position that is the point. I basically agree with what you're saying.... You'll agree that finishing 14th under Souness doesn't mean the club had less ambition than it had the season before, obviously. Finishing 5th for the first time in a couple of decades in the 70's but not spending to strengthen the squad tells you a story for why we then nose-dived, doesn't it? Being promoted with the likes of Beardsley and Waddle in the side and then selling them tells you a story for why we then nose-dived, doesn't it? We can use the league positions when we highlight it, but it's the reason they happened that are indicators of the level of ambition. That's what I'm saying. I think that league positions is a convenient way of looking at things for those who know the background. Perhaps when I've gone about this I'm guilty of not explaining things properly but then I do find a lot of people on this forum aren't really interested in reading and understanding posts that do anything other than slag the previous Board.
  2. I wouldnt. Because comparing era's is totally flawed. Why ? Why should you lower your ambitions ? Because you can cherry pick what part of a era you want to compare it with & the environment that one era competed in compared may not be like for like. It is your method of what you class as success I dont understand it has nothing to do with ambition what so ever. I want us to win the league,FA cup, league cup, Champions League & win back the NewcastleGateshead plate for the record. Interesting. How do you measure success?
  3. I agree in hindsight, although I probably didn't at the time. If we could have got someone top class in for him after that season it really would have moved us up to the next level. Incidentally, what are your thoughts on the time he was sacked? Do you think, given the circumstance it would have been better to let him see out the year, whilst searching for a new manager to bring in, or did you agree with sacking him asap? Not trying to trap you in any way, just interested in your opinion. I was always a huge Bobby fan, which I guess blinded me to his faults a bit - and didn't want him to go at any point during his tenure, but was happy to accept it was his last season and that we were looking for a long term replacement. I think it was obvious Robson had lost the respect of the players and he needed to be replaced. I really do believe he should have gone after we finished 3rd and I said so at the time. Getting rid of Shearer and moving Robson out was the way forward but it didn't happen. A big mistake by the Board and probably bigger than appointing Souness. Once Robson's last season was underway it was so very obvious the players had no respect for Robson anymore, so despite it being ideal to change manager at the end of a season I think it became impossible and he had to go when he did. There are lots of people who can be "blamed" (if that's the right word) for the sacking of Robson and many have been discussed on here. What I don't think has ever really been discussed is the fact that some responsibility rests with Robson himself and his immediate staff. Ability on the football field is paramount, but research into the character of a person should also be a part of deciding whether or not to sign someone. After that, guiding young players properly is a part of the job. The club initiated a policy of signing young players, Robson and his immediate staff are in the firing line for their part in the way certain players became ill-disciplined and basically let the club down. This is what led to the sacking of Robson, not "only finishing 5th."
  4. I wouldnt. Because comparing era's is totally flawed. Why ? Why should you lower your ambitions ? Maybe a case of looking at the opposition than lowering ambitions. Can you imagine any promoted team finishing third in the Premier League ever again? I can't. I don't think this has ever been a regular thing and when it has happened it's always been a big achievement.
  5. Fair enough, and I wasn't a regular attendee then. In hindsight, we went backwards from there, it was a perfect opportunity to move on and push further. I've said to you before that I would have given him the next season myself, but done the same deed after the 5th finish. Just wanted to add that he wasn't sacked for "only finishing 5th." Anybody clinging to that doesn't know what they're talking about. It isn't hindsight that we started going backwards DURING the season we finished 3rd. Edit: Obviously meant "wasn't"
  6. Maybe you're right and I am. I have quite a large mental list in my mind of people I often disagree with but who post stuff worth reading. After all, it's a forum and we don't have to agree and that's ok. The rest are just a joke imo.
  7. By the way, sacking Robson when he was sacked was a mistake. He should have gone after we finished 3rd. Anybody who was going to the matches should at least understand why I'm saying that even IF they don't agree and wanted to stick by him. That would be a difference of opinion and that's ok. Anyone coming back with sarcastic shite about how we'd like to finish 5th now may as well not bother because they'll be contributing nothing to the point, so they can sod off in advance before they ruin this thread even further. Ta
  8. Jesus Christ!! I thought you just didn't agree over these past months, but it honestly looks like you have a head full of mud like some of the clowns on here that I laugh at while writing my posts. It really looks as though you just don't get it, you don't understand where people are coming from. I am actually stunned at your post above.
  9. Far be it from me to tell anybody what they can write, that's your bag. As far as I'm concerned everybody can post whatever they like, abuse included. You can't say the same, though. As you're probably the most prolific on here at picking up people for what you think they should and shouldn't post I think the comment is more than a bit weird coming from you. And before you moan, this is what I'm on about. You do stuff like this a hell of a lot: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=48170.msg1121059#msg1121059 You've lost me. No more than you lose me.
  10. But Fat Head's alleged 433 is worse. HE's too inflexible, and incapable of changing things correctly. We got him as manager because FFS was desperate. Now is the time to get an actually GOOD manager in, and THEN let the manager get the formation right. Great the way your bitterness makes you come out with this rubbish. I didn't want Allardyce, never did, but he wasn't an appointment out of desperation at all.
  11. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2007/12/27/emre-apologises-for-united-s-inept-display-72703-20289515/ The plank has to come out with this kind of stuff to justify his incompetent and defensive team selections. Or to keep Mike happy I hope you aren't suggesting there is interference from the club's owner going on? This surely can't be, after all, he's a super new owner. Even if Ashley wanted to interfere he wouldn't be allowed to by the Chairman, would he? The buck stops with the Chairman no matter what so it's all down to Mort.
  12. The plank has to come out with this kind of stuff to justify his incompetent and defensive team selections.
  13. You would have said the same about the SJP expansion 5 years ago And? 5 years ago no one could have predicted that we would be in the freefall that we were at the end of Fred's time. That's stunning, don't you think? 10 years ago I don't think many predicted that we'd be in financial trouble and our future would be looking seemingly bleak. That's the main thing I've been trying to say so far, though god knows I've tried my best to sound as confusing as possible. ??? And in 5 years time Wenger may have let and Arsenal may be struggling to get 8th place in the Premier league. You've said exactly what I was getting at, the Emirates looks sound now, SJP look sound 5 years ago Aye, the MANAGER makes a massive difference, which is where we went wrong with the appointment of Souness, obviously. .....or even the sacking of SBR? No. Yes. Cant understand why he was sacked and cant understand how after seeing all these years of hurt pre 1992 when "we were shit" you'd be happy to try and justify the sacking of a manager who's done extremly well for us, despite witnessing all these hard times. All said without even a hint of irony. I know you can't, which says something.....
  14. The reality is that nobody has been boasting of how great a fan they are, rather what's been pointed out is that some people are posting their opinions on specific players and on the team in general without seeing them play all that much. This isn't even a subtle difference between how you're misrepresenting things. Who? Now I know what your problem is. You can write but you can't read. Clever stuff, but a bit limiting for you all the same.
  15. Far be it from me to tell anybody what they can write, that's your bag. As far as I'm concerned everybody can post whatever they like, abuse included. You can't say the same, though. As you're probably the most prolific on here at picking up people for what you think they should and shouldn't post I think the comment is more than a bit weird coming from you. And before you moan, this is what I'm on about. You do stuff like this a hell of a lot: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=48170.msg1121059#msg1121059
  16. Eh? And you accuse me of being intentionally obtuse. I honestly don't have the foggiest what you're on about. Ta
  17. As you know, you're deliberately looking at things from the wrong angle due to your instant bias depending on the name you see attached to a post. That's very narrow-minded. The reality is that nobody has been boasting of how great a fan they are, rather what's been pointed out is that some people are posting their opinions on specific players and on the team in general without seeing them play all that much. This isn't even a subtle difference between how you're misrepresenting things.
  18. Smith is a player with the attributes to play up front, not as a midfielder. He needs time to get into it but the football retards on this forum had written him off before he even kicked a ball here for some reason, which kind of points toward it being a "dislike of the person" no matter how much people can protest otherwise. The same idiots have been writing off Duff. Some people need to step back and take a good look at themselves.
  19. Stupid tackle in a place where he could have simply shephered the player away from goal. Totally moronic and it was bloody obvious what was going to happen from there. The bloke seems to think his purpose on the field is to get booked. And aren't you happy to have yet another negative to highlight..... Do you sit in the Gallowgate at home matches by any chance?
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