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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Who would you prefer then, Corradi at Man City or Sibierski? Haven't seen enough of the Man City bloke to pass informed comment.
  2. Strikers most important task is to score goals I've seen strikers at Newcastle who scored plenty of goals but ultimately their team play wasn't upto it and it costs the team dearly. Obviously.
  3. We'll sell Luque too Correction, we'll try to sell Luque but the problem is will anyone want such a waster?
  4. good thread and interesting question when everybody is fit i think we have a strong first 11, strength the front 6 and 1 of the back five being the best in the Prem in his position ---------------------Given------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ---Solano----Taylor--Onyewu----Babayaro ---------------------------------------------- ---------------Parker----Emre------------- ---Milner---------------------------Duff---- ---------------Owen--Martins------------ with a good mixture of quality rotation/squad players Dyer, N'Zogbia, Emre, Bramble, in my opinion what and who Roeder needs to do to take us to the next level is to buy two big money signing of Jonathan Woodgate £5 million and Gareth Bale £7 million and 2 talented youngsters in the Right back position and Centre back -Jonathan Woodgate to play alongside Steven Taylor -Gareth Bale to give us one of the best left backs for years to come ------------------Given------------------- -------------------------------------------- --Solano---Taylor--Woodgate---Bale-- -------------------------------------------- --------------Parker---Emre------------- ---Milner-----------------------Duff----- -------------Owen---Martins------------ Subs Dyer, N'Zogbia, Butt, Onyewu, Harper Not being funny mate but do you still believe Parker and Emre works, despite all of the evidence to the contrary?
  5. Err, there are more than a few who claim to have known in advance this would be a failed appointment. The people who were right were those who saw early doors that the man was prepared to put his ego before what was best for the club.
  6. Spent ages this morning trying to push this point on to a few of my mates. Apparantly, Newcastle fans are 'delusional' because we think that Bellamy and Woodgate are top class players. Your mates sound thick, but so is the concept that it doesn't matter at all what a player does off the pitch as long as he does the business on it. If that player is a disruptive influence who takes a golf club to a team mate for the crime of not duetting with him on the karaoke, then I would say you'd have to factor that into your assessment of him. Good man management doesn't mean telling the rest of the squad that they have to put up with criminal behaviour because the lad does the business on a match day. What criminal behaviour is this then? When was Bellamy in jail for being a criminal? Course you know this STORY to be true, even down to the reasons it happened including all of the circumstances surrounding the entire incident, don't you mate? I suppose this is more disruptive than Shearer smacking Gillespie, is it? Of course I don't know that the story is true. But it's largely irrelevant to the point that I was making, which is that it is NOT acceptable for a player to do whatever he wants as long as he does it on the pitch. Setting aside whether or not you agree (I know you don't), that sort of attitude is only workable in the short term anyway - if you allow players to get away with whatever they want just because they play well on a weekend, eventually things are going to go tits up. Of course, and my point is that other than the spit and bile from those who hate Bellamy for some unknown reason that only appeared when Souness appeared, there is nothing he has done off the pitch that would make me not want to see him in our team.
  7. I'm not. I did write the word "unless" in that sentence. Do you understand the meaning of the sentence or don't you, because it would seem from your reply above that you don't? I'm not on about him showing him his arse, by the way.
  8. Yes, it was going backwards. Some don't believe the idea that Robson had lost the dressing room though, although I do. And yet, in your previous post you write "When Souness wasn't sacked I was further slagged by people like you for saying I'd give him nothing in the transfer window, people claiming Souness couldn't be judged until he'd built his own team having destroyed the one Robson built." Having it both ways and playing the martyr! But this is about you and people slagging you off. I have to admit that folks like you who were shouting "Souness out" very early on were right, and I, among others, was wrong. We gave Souness too much of a chance and we're paying for it now. That said, I don't remember the people who were willing to give Souness time to build a club being the one's who were slagging off other fans-- on the contrary. Any way, someone had to clear out the rot (Robson's rot). Witless Souness just did it with a match, that's all. And now someone has to clear out Souness's rot-- and Roeder is doing a decent job, with little money. Eh?
  9. Yes, it was going backwards. Some don't believe the idea that Robson had lost the dressing room though, although I do.
  10. No, soopafan, I haven't given up on the club and never will. The reality is I was slagged on here by people like you for saying Souness should be sacked after a couple of months, you were so worried about the club becoming a laughing stock. The same as you're more worried about what a footballer does off the pitch than on it. When Souness wasn't sacked I was further slagged by people like you for saying I'd give him nothing in the transfer window, people claiming Souness couldn't be judged until he'd built his own team having destroyed the one Robson built.
  11. Good searching? "Barton", "gejon". Took about 2 seconds and I didn't look any further. If you don't know the bother caused by Barton then I suggest you pull your finger out and do a google, I'm not going to bother myself educating you because I know it's a waste of time telling you anything. No matter how obvious you will never admit you are wrong. Also don't bother talking about "recently" unless you were one of the very, very few who didn't automatically hate Bowyer for something he did when he was 18.
  12. Howaythelads

    Glenn Roeder

    Chelsea already have their general play sorted. In the end you need top class players throughout a team to be good enough to challenge for the title, I don't see anybody saying that isn't the case. What is being discussed here though is the priority for improving the team with a finite budget. If we maintain possession better and offer a greater attacking threat to the opposition we will concede less goals as a result. If/when we then improve individuals at the back and improve our organisation throughout the team AND at the back we will in turn concede even fewer goals. This is what I mean, I'm not sure how anyone can argue with this particular post? Cheers. I think you're probably the only person who read it properly.
  13. Howaythelads

    Glenn Roeder

    That's what some of us are saying, tbh, although I'm saying we also need a quality central midfielder to replace Parker. Some don't agree because as well as an injury prone Owen, we have Sibierski, Ameobi and Dyer, you know.
  14. Spent ages this morning trying to push this point on to a few of my mates. Apparantly, Newcastle fans are 'delusional' because we think that Bellamy and Woodgate are top class players. Your mates sound thick, but so is the concept that it doesn't matter at all what a player does off the pitch as long as he does the business on it. If that player is a disruptive influence who takes a golf club to a team mate for the crime of not duetting with him on the karaoke, then I would say you'd have to factor that into your assessment of him. Good man management doesn't mean telling the rest of the squad that they have to put up with criminal behaviour because the lad does the business on a match day. What criminal behaviour is this then? When was Bellamy in jail for being a criminal? Course you know this STORY to be true, even down to the reasons it happened including all of the circumstances surrounding the entire incident, don't you mate? I suppose this is more disruptive than Shearer smacking Gillespie, is it?
  15. The only people shouting others down around here are the likes of you and some of your mates. The rest of us generally make a point backed up with a reason why we're making the point, even though it's generally ignored the attempt to justify an opinion is still made most of the time. If you think that way of writing is shouting people down then you need to read the posts again with the blinkers off. By the way, I suggest you take a look at this link and then you can explain your double standards about Joey Barton. I think the likely reason for your hatred of Bellamy is more to do with the fact you supported the destruction of the team by Souness and now can't face upto admitting you were wrong. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=34143.msg660004#msg660004
  16. Bellamy is a top class player, I don't give a toss what he does off the pitch as long as he does the business on it.
  17. Could be a chance to bring a top class player to the club in a cut price deal, if Liverpool decided "he'll never play for us anymore". He'd be the perfect partner for either Martins or Owen.
  18. Perhaps there's some forward thinking and planning going on here because Roeder already knows that Owen will be going.
  19. Counting goals is too simplistic, it is a team game, there are other things to consider. Obviously.
  20. i don't think ameobi is as bad as made out but only as a squad player. Agree for now. It would be good if he's 4th choice though eventually I'd prefer to see him on his way. as and when.........if we have him fit i'd rather concentrate cash elsewhere,and give him a year being fit to prove himself. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on Ameobi, mate. I think he's one-paced, commmits too many fouls and trips over the ball too much to ever make it as a genuine PL quality striker. Maybe after his op' his pace will improve a bit but I really can't put any faith in him over the longer term. I'd be happy enough in the short term if he's 4th choice but I don't want to see him as 3rd choice. However, as you say we'll see where the pressing priorities lie in the summer and the club doesn't have infinite cash so maybe it'll be wise to keep him for another season.
  21. People have forgotten how poor/average Distin was during his time here. I don't think he's any better now than he was then.
  22. i don't think ameobi is as bad as made out but only as a squad player. Agree for now. It would be good if he's 4th choice though eventually I'd prefer to see him on his way.
  23. Howaythelads

    Glenn Roeder

    Top post, T27. I could have highlighted all of it but picked just 3 points for differing reasons. The first bit highlighted because it's a shame certain people feel the need and can't just stick to football and debate the points properly. It's obvious who they are. The second point because it's the key to the whole thing and the third because it struck me as being a bit strange as well. I agree about Solano and Babayaro as well. For some reason it's currently the fashion to think Babayaro is totally crap. Well he's not the greatest but he's nowhere near as bad as some make him out to be.
  24. Good to see people are happy with just Martins and Owen as strikers, let's hope they aren't both injured at the same time otherwise it's a relegation dogfight coming up.
  25. Howaythelads

    Glenn Roeder

    That's a good idea, mate. I'm off, it's been more or less ruined by gejon and the bandwagon jumper. It's just so f****** childish.
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