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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. I actually agree with that 100%. I've always got the feeling that he's just about to drop a bollock. That's what I mean. He's a mistake waiting to happen.
  2. No, I've never rated him. He's always been dodgy and has never inspired any confidence in me just sitting in the stand. God knows what he inspires in the defenders.
  3. Translated into a football related constructive comment means that you don't agree with me, right? So what are your constructive football related thoughts, mel? I've told you WHY I think he's not good enough and I'll expand on it. Do you dispute my opinion that he doesn't move the ball on quickly enough or do you think it doesn't matter anyway? Imo a DM of quality needs to do that. The ability to receive the ball and move it on quickly is essential, he's got to learn to take a look before he receives the pass but he doesn't do it, whichis why he then dwells on it and spins like a top half the time. Just watch him and you'll see, he never takes that look, he's never aware of what's on before he gets the ball. He also shouldn't need to throw himself into so many tackles, the reason he does is because he doesn't read the game well enough. Sometimes yes, and in every match yes, but not as often as Parker does. As an attacking/creative midfielder do you think he stands comparision even with Emre and Dyer, never mind the creative midfielders at the top clubs in the country? Just pick the top 4 clubs and look at their players who play those roles. In my opinion he's trying to do an all round job like Scholes does but a comparison like that is a joke really because Scoles is a world class footballer. Parker is a one season wonder. By the way, I've seen Saturday's match twice now. Over to your for your opinioin.....
  4. You don't nitpick at others' games... That's because people aren't constantly spurting over other players, claiming they're vastly better than they really are. Example: You must remember the brilliant Jeenarse surely? Someone else people spurted over and called me worse than shit over. Winning the Young Player of the Year award being one reason why Jeenarse was fantastic according to some. Now he's crap of course.
  5. I really can't see him leaving, we wont let our trophy signing leave on the cheap and I can't see anyone rushing to give us back what we paid.
  6. If he's fit this season then no. If he's not fit this season then yes.
  7. Wot? You're saying someone thinks Ramage is better than Bramble? mackems.gif
  8. Which have been FAR better than Duff, the only genuine contender for that position. hate glasses on there...duff and n'zogbia were equally as bad before charles injury. "hate glasses"? Wind it in. I thought Duff would be great (but not as needed as other players would have been had Roeder not been an arsehole) when he came. But he's been very poor overall. The Zog was our best outfield player last season. thought we were talking about this season before zog' injury ? I thought so too.
  9. Which have been FAR better than Duff, the only genuine contender for that position. hate glasses on there...duff and n'zogbia were equally as bad before charles injury. Agree again.
  10. I agree. a lot depends on the supply. True, so it'll hinge a lot on shifting Parker, especially if the team accomodates Owen, Martins, Dyer and Zog. They'll spend half the match being offside by the time he releases the ball. I noticed in another thread where people are picking their best team that there are still loads of Parker/Emre partnership supporters. Amazing really. Far from the best partnership, clearly. Best central partnership is currently Parker and Dyer, but ideally, Parker and A N Other. Don't agree at all, tbh.
  11. He was better on Saturday but he it still wasn't good enough because he still can't move the ball on quickly enough. I think Butt and Dyer is a good pairing too but Dyer is filling in quite well up front so I think anyone with any sense would go with Butt and Emre, so I agree with you.
  12. A lot of typical daft assumptions being made in this thread by people who should know better. Never mind. Parker was better on Saturday than usual but saying he was excellent is going well over the top, but he wasn't crap. He still commited himself too early too often. He still dwelled on the ball too much which was the worst thing, Dyer gesticulating at him in frustration at one point as he strolled back from offside when Parker eventually played the ball despite having plenty of time to play it earlier. He tries to do what he doesn't have the ability to do needing to recognise his limitations and adjust accordingly. If he did he might improve. If many of you think his performance was excellent then I think your expectations have been well and truly lowered because that was below what we should be aiming for, ie the likes of Speed and Rob Lee performance levels because that's what it'll take to get us back up near the top seriously challenging. Workmanlike is not enough to get us far enough and that is what Parker is...workmanlike. I won't bother listing the players who have had the odd game better than their norm', I'd be here all day. I'll now put the tin hat on as no doubt here comes a torrent of abuse.......
  13. I agree. a lot depends on the supply. True, so it'll hinge a lot on shifting Parker, especially if the team accomodates Owen, Martins, Dyer and Zog. They'll spend half the match being offside by the time he releases the ball. I noticed in another thread where people are picking their best team that there are still loads of Parker/Emre partnership supporters. Amazing really.
  14. Aye. Surely if I went around abusing people I'd have been banned by now, Alex? Thought I'd mention this regular and false impression of me you try to create shows you to have the bitchy mentality of a girl, Alex. mackems.gif Let's face it, Alex can be a girls name just as easily as a boys name. You could be either so I'll go with the evidence to date and assume you're a girl until it's clearer you're not. Cheers
  15. Is it worth the risk if Steadman says he is fit to play in the Uefa Cup quarter finals? Once he's fit to play he's fit to play. It can take some players upto a full season to gain total confidence in the 'repair' after an injury like this, so he needs to start playing as soon as possible once he's cleared to do so. That clearance to play is the key, as long as it's real and it's not too soon then he should get on with it.
  16. He's done more than Luque already.....
  17. I'm not. I wanted us to win instead of doing another Birmingham, which could easily have happened. We were torn to shreds by him at times and while he could have done better he was also unlucky. The referee also did us quite a few favours. Having Bellamy back here playing alongside Martins would be absolutely fantastic for this football club but I know it's not likely to happen. Let's hope Owen returns as good as he was and stays here.
  18. The same could be said about Parker. Except West Ham don't play better when Reo-Coker is out, unlike us who look far better as a team when Parker is missing. And how do you know west ham don't play better without NRC? They've been s*** all season! Remind me again.....Parker was playing yeasterday and against Arsenal at The Emirates, no? So because he played yesterday in a game we didn't deserve to win proves my point wrong? The best football we've played in the last 2 years has been when Parker has been out, at the end of last season when we went on our run to qualify for Europe and early December when we had Butt and Emre in midfiled. 100% true but you're wasting your time. The fan boys won't turn until he's gone, then they'll be saying how shite he was like they do about Jeenarse.
  19. Christ. Nothing like putting heart before head. I thought it was a WUM, either that or we know that "scotty" posts on the forum. In case he does.......sod off in the summer.
  20. Let me guess. Copyrights HTL? Indeed. Milner has always looked comfortable on either wing. Better on the right, yes, because of his crossing, but still very comfortable there. Alot more than good enough as a backup for that wing. How old are you? Why you feel the need to lie on the forum is beyond me, tbh. No need. Here is a link to what I actually said, which is different to what is said in your lie.... http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=35515.msg690722#msg690722 Which means, in simple terms for you to understand, that Milner on the left is like Taylor at RB, he can fill in but that's all. In my opinion. Youve merely changed your stance. No suprise there. Read this post of yours: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=35585.msg692363#msg692363 Let me repeat what you said: "Dyer and Milner arent good enough for the left. You can't just throw someone at a position and say 'hey presto', we've filled that gap on the left." Heres what I said: "Milner has always looked comfortable on either wing. Better on the right, yes, because of his crossing, but still very comfortable there. Alot more than good enough as a backup for that wing." Honestly, theres no arguements imo, Milner can play on the left as much as Owen can play up front or Given can play in goal. Two sensible posts from me that you've linked to there, neither of which say what you claimed I said. Just keep the lies coming. How old are you? What lie are you on about? You said Milner cant play left wing Let me guess. Copyrights HTL? Indeed. Milner has always looked comfortable on either wing. Better on the right, yes, because of his crossing, but still very comfortable there. Alot more than good enough as a backup for that wing. How old are you? Why you feel the need to lie on the forum is beyond me, tbh. No need. Here is a link to what I actually said, which is different to what is said in your lie.... http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=35515.msg690722#msg690722 Which means, in simple terms for you to understand, that Milner on the left is like Taylor at RB, he can fill in but that's all. In my opinion. Youve merely changed your stance. No suprise there. Read this post of yours: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=35585.msg692363#msg692363 Let me repeat what you said: "Dyer and Milner arent good enough for the left. You can't just throw someone at a position and say 'hey presto', we've filled that gap on the left." Heres what I said: "Milner has always looked comfortable on either wing. Better on the right, yes, because of his crossing, but still very comfortable there. Alot more than good enough as a backup for that wing." Honestly, theres no arguements imo, Milner can play on the left as much as Owen can play up front or Given can play in goal. Two sensible posts from me that you've linked to there, neither of which say what you claimed I said. Just keep the lies coming. How old are you? "Milner isnt good enough for the left. You can't just throw someone at a position and say 'hey presto', we've filled that gap on the left." Your words. Just because you no longer have anything to stand on, youre trying to divert the arguement away from the subject towards me being a "liar". mackems.gif I did not say Milner CAN'T play on the left, so you are lying, I'm not diverting anything. I lived near Leeds for 7 years and saw him play for them on the left so I expect I saw him well before you did, he did ok but he will always be limited on the left. He also played up front for them throughout most of his youth days, but he's not a natural striker either. Be mature about it and do the right thing then it's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. Somehow I doubt you will.
  21. Aye, I'm happy. My team won, Bellamy was plagued by bad luck otherwise he'd have scored 4. Imagine him in our team playing alongside Martins instead of Dyer, something Newcastle fans would be over the moon about if it happened. Owen for Bellamy this summer maybe? By the way, using doesn't make it any less abusive than using the words. No need. That would be a great piece of business, but hardly likely is it ? He was superb yesterday and showed he has lost none of his desire and passion, just glad he didn't round it off with goals. You're right Martins and Bellamy would terrify any premiership defence. The booing yesterday was pretty minimal - it's always gonna be audible - but no one around where I was sitting joined in which probably indicates the majority of NUFC fans still appreciate him. If only we could get him back in a B&W shirt ?? How would swapping some thats likely to score 15-20 goals a season for one that would struggle to score 10 be a good piece of business? Dont get me wrong bellamy is a great player but he isnt half the player owen is. Which we will see next season. Owen and Martins will be a much better partnership than Bellars and Martins IMO. The flack Owen gets on this board is ridiculous. Bellamy's overall contribution to the team would be a big plus imo, but I hope you're right and that if Owen stays it works well with Martins. I think it will, I see no reason why not. I'd prefer Bellamy though. Who is giving Owen flak?
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