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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Very true. Don't expect many to believe it though.
  2. I disagree mate. Young players often have a dip in form in their second full season, it's one of reasons why Duff was a decent enough buy, had he not been injured, that is. Sniffer is right again imo. I'll be glad to see Zog back but if he performs as crap as he was then he won't justify a place in the team anyway. I think he'll come good though, perhaps the injury lay-off will have done him some good. Time will tell.
  3. Ok, just before I go I'll answer this. Nobody has said that, Dave. But the fact is many people were actually happy with Bellamy at the club until the souness propaganda machine kicked in. There is a connection. Nobody has said that apart from you and your other account always bringing up the "Souness propoganda machine" in every thread about Bellamy as if he was always the perfect little angel. Souness may have set him up but it wasn't exactly the hardest thing to do was it? irrelevant. As Dave said ..... "Of that there is no doubt. Football fans are fickle, it is proven after every game and result. People love to fight the corner of our players and slag off ones who leave on bad terms." Not all supporters are fickle, and love to fight the corner of our players. It depends how you view the situation and events. In my view, I saw Bellamy as having more to offer Newcastle United than Souness, and correctly - in my opinion - saw Souness as the person who was putting himself before the best interests of the club, and he was the manager....I don't put any of my views before such bias, a good player is a good player, full stop, whoever he plays for. nough to play for the team he supported as a boy - now - but he sure as hell was completely committed to playing for Newcastle united and didn't want to leave the clubCraig Bellamy may well be happy e. Chris Waddle, Peter Beardsley and Gazza left Newcastle United for far more "treacherous" reasons in my eyes, being local lads, because they WANTED to leave. However understandable their reasons were. the man who shouted "f*** off" to robson and ignored team orders,who said,"if rooney comes i'll have to consider my position" doesn't sound like the player you describe. He wanted to play for Newcastle. Would you prefer someone happy to sit on the bench ? Nowt wrong with wanting to play ....... they should all want to play ....... BTW mate, this is the same player who played for 18 months - 54 games - with a serious knee injury that could have finished his career, and was STILL the most committed player in the team for a lot of games. How committed is that ..... I can't take you seriously about Bellamy any more. I know for a FACT that as the chants of "Bellamy, what's the score?" died out at SJP recently, a lone, plaintive voice could be heard screaming "I wanna know what love isssssss........I want you to show meeeeee!". And it was YOU singing to Bellamy from the stands. FACTS! OMG. How embarrassing for you, Gemmill. After a few months of fairly sensible posts I see nothing has really changed. The fact that you don't like my posts has left me a wreck. I'm gonna do what you do now to add gravitas to your posts and stick a cheers on the end, ok? Cheers. Obviously in hindsight you are embarrassed by that ridiculous post I quoted from you, but I understand that you won't want to admit it, that would take balls and some humility. Cheers.
  4. I cringed immediately at the mention of "derby".
  5. Auld bugger? I'd like to see Bellamy here but not Barton tbh. For football reasons only.
  6. At least you're back to the open forum as opposed to threats via PM.
  7. There are some really daft posts in this thread as certain individuals continue to attempt to ruin it.
  8. Howaythelads


    Better off than you though.
  9. Ok, just before I go I'll answer this. Nobody has said that, Dave. But the fact is many people were actually happy with Bellamy at the club until the souness propaganda machine kicked in. There is a connection. Nobody has said that apart from you and your other account always bringing up the "Souness propoganda machine" in every thread about Bellamy as if he was always the perfect little angel. Souness may have set him up but it wasn't exactly the hardest thing to do was it? irrelevant. As Dave said ..... "Of that there is no doubt. Football fans are fickle, it is proven after every game and result. People love to fight the corner of our players and slag off ones who leave on bad terms." Not all supporters are fickle, and love to fight the corner of our players. It depends how you view the situation and events. In my view, I saw Bellamy as having more to offer Newcastle United than Souness, and correctly - in my opinion - saw Souness as the person who was putting himself before the best interests of the club, and he was the manager....I don't put any of my views before such bias, a good player is a good player, full stop, whoever he plays for. nough to play for the team he supported as a boy - now - but he sure as hell was completely committed to playing for Newcastle united and didn't want to leave the clubCraig Bellamy may well be happy e. Chris Waddle, Peter Beardsley and Gazza left Newcastle United for far more "treacherous" reasons in my eyes, being local lads, because they WANTED to leave. However understandable their reasons were. the man who shouted "f*** off" to robson and ignored team orders,who said,"if rooney comes i'll have to consider my position" doesn't sound like the player you describe. He wanted to play for Newcastle. Would you prefer someone happy to sit on the bench ? Nowt wrong with wanting to play ....... they should all want to play ....... BTW mate, this is the same player who played for 18 months - 54 games - with a serious knee injury that could have finished his career, and was STILL the most committed player in the team for a lot of games. How committed is that ..... I can't take you seriously about Bellamy any more. I know for a FACT that as the chants of "Bellamy, what's the score?" died out at SJP recently, a lone, plaintive voice could be heard screaming "I wanna know what love isssssss........I want you to show meeeeee!". And it was YOU singing to Bellamy from the stands. FACTS! OMG. How embarrassing for you, Gemmill. After a few months of fairly sensible posts I see nothing has really changed.
  10. If he DID take a golf club to Riise's legs, I'd very much hope he would be "committed"...to the nearest asylum. If he actually whacked him properly with a golf club he'd have broken his leg(s), so I'm guessing he didn't really do this. If he did I'd expect him to be the subject of legal action right now for GBH, or something.
  11. Ok, just before I go I'll answer this. Nobody has said that, Dave. But the fact is many people were actually happy with Bellamy at the club until the souness propaganda machine kicked in. There is a connection. Of that there is no doubt. Football fans are fickle, it is proven after every game and result. People love to fight the corner of our players and slag off ones who leave on bad terms. On the other hand, Bellamy was always trouble before Souness got here, and even though I agree he is a very good player, it's just not what we need in my opinion. Being out of the headlines this year makes a refreshing change, for me at least. It remains to be seen what a high-calibre manager like Benitez does with him if these latest allegations have substance. I think I should add more to my initial reply to Dave. From reputation I think Bellamy is probably a tosser of the highest order but I detest souness. The difference between me and various others on here is I'm not self righteous, I don't give a s*** whether he's a tossesr or a great bloke. What matters to me is whether he's a good footballer or not. A good manager will correctly manage difficult people, Souness couldn't manage him and wanted him out. The number of people who are so easily prepared to think Bellamy was excellent for us as a player then suddenly turn at the say-so of a proven egotistical w****** like souness actually makes me sick to the stomach.
  12. And booing somebody who still gave 100% effort out on the pitch despite being 'targeted for removal', and reportedly belittled in front of the entire 1st team squad by the idiot charge. Bellamy's performance level at the time, even when played out of position, imo overshadowed Shearer's showings and the subsequent body language & effort displayed out on the pitch during the final months of Gullit's tenureship. Both players', at their respective troubled periods at the club, days were numbered - ie. if both managers had their way - under two managers who had absolutely no confidence in the players in question whether it be for footballing or non-footballing reasons. So by comparing both Bellamy and Shearer's respective levels of effort & commitment during the aforementioned periods there's alot to be said in favour Bellamy's intestinal fortitude when faced with the environment of being targetted by an incumbent manger in charge. I know many supporters will obviously will take issue this point just because Bellamy and Shearer have mentioned in the same breath of air - as a point of comparison that is. On to another comparison, that being Bellamy's reception on the weekend & Owen's at Anfield last year. Owen, with the aid of his agent - by constantly stalling contract talks & essentially playing Houllier and the Liverpool for fools for about 18 months, engineered his way out of Anfield so his reception was to be expected. Many Liverpool supporters think ill of him and understandably so - he was developed & nurtured by the club before taking the piss. The reception afforded to Bellamy - ie. for a bloke who wanted to stay, contrary to Owen at Liverpool - was sad indeed. The same clowns, and they were probably the same type who were spouting s**** in the manner of "i hope somebody snaps the little Welsh f***ers legs off" in the week leading up to the game. I wonder if they also, and this refers to your point as to whether or not they'd shake the Scottish shitstain's hand, nodded in aknowlegement while shedding tears when Shearer dedicated his record breaking goal to the very same shitstain. that could be matched by the beardsley/waddle receptions at SJP after moving. strange for a player who gave 100%for us he told robson to "f*** off" and disobeyed match instructions,said if we bought rooney would have to /"consider his position"..even before this weekends shenanigans rumours were in hubcapland he was on his way this summer.as for body language blah blah,think of bellamys when played wide then think of taylors,solanos,milners,duffswhen played out of position...ffs man even steven carr!!!!!! More often than not talented players have an ego attached. In Bellamy's case there's a combustable personality to match, like Roy Keane. Robson's problem wasn't that he took s****/outbursts with a pinch of salt, afterall decent managers know that occasionally they have to let their players release a bit of steam on occasion. Roy Keane's frequent outbursts at training are an example. Ferguson took onboard Keane's personality, was prepared to live with it and the product was a decade or so worth of top football. That's decent man-management and i think Robson was handling Bellamy in a similar type fashion. IMO where Robson got it all wrong was the incessant need to blow hot air up the arses of the likes of Dyer, Jenas et al.... and Bellamy can be included to a lesser extent. By throwing out constant praise some of these blokes - ie. especially Dyer - thought they had become world-beaters and began to take the piss out of their careers. Another excellent post. It's all so clearly obvious when you write it down like that, who the hell can disagree but some will? It really beats me why others can't see that you're posting sound sense here.
  13. not having a go biggs but why is now different to other times in the past 30 when we were obviously going backwrads yet you renewed? Expectations are somewhat higher. Ironic, eh.
  14. Ok, just before I go I'll answer this. Nobody has said that, Dave. But the fact is many people were actually happy with Bellamy at the club until the souness propaganda machine kicked in. There is a connection.
  15. All of that has been said before. Personally I couldn't give a s*** about him calling souness a liar on TV, the whole bloody thing was engineered by souness and his band of 'yes' men. It's a disgrace that people who had been watching the commitment of Bellamy from the moment he joined the club were prepared then and are still prepared now to think ill of him based on the ramblings of a f****** egotistical maniac like Souness. I find it incredible that you cite the match against Charlton and use that particular match to get at Bellamy. That was the match after which souness should have been sacked because that was the match he sacrificed 3 valuable points to feed his ego. He put his ego ahead of the best interests of the club. Bellamy called him a w****** because he knew that too. Still, each to their own. For myself, I want to see top players playing for this club and I want to see a manager who can manage awkward personalities. I'm off now, end of thread for me. It's been difficult the last few pages through the ridiculous sniping by the usual suspects.
  16. Shite thread really. 1. Lots of people used to pick and choose their league games because they could pay at the turnstile, hence larger crowds for the matches against the "big clubs" of the day. Also we never had a hope in hells chance of winning the league anyway, our only chance was a cup competition so the glory seeker types would keep their cash but appear in force for cup ties hoping to see something special. We have a couple like that on this forum imo. 2. Generally, the cup competitions used to be more exciting than they are now, but the changes in format for European games and some clubs putting out below strength teams in domestic cup ties has eroded the value of the cup competitions. 3. Too much football on TV. 4. The average person in their teens and 20's isn't as fanatical as the average person of that age a couple of decades or more ago. That's because people today have more to grab their interest, they have to pay to have their hair dyed and their finger nails done, etc.
  17. Howaythelads

    Glenn Roeder

    Good organiser. exactly. not suggesting we keep him , but at least this term he's been a big miss. He has, yes. I'd keep him, tbh.
  18. Lets not defend your puppy for one moment. We may get somewhere. But you cant. End of. Glue? If not, wtf are you on about? There have been some decent points made in this thread with just a few people trying to throw it off the rails. I thought you may have a point of view but it seems you've fallen foul of being influenced again by who is posting. This is a shame, I'm sure you agree with that really.
  19. Howaythelads

    Glenn Roeder

    Decent player though not top class. Good organiser.
  20. TT Shame you really can't just address the point and leave the vitriol behind, you have some good ideas which is more than some people on here. I wonder if the laddie is taking notice.... http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=36377.msg715384#msg715384
  21. The last couple of years has nothing to do with it, but as it happens 2007 - 2005 = 2. If you really don't know about the bother he's been in off the field I suggest you do a google and start reading about him. As I said, you won't admit you're wrong no matter how much evidence I post so I'm not going to bother. Take some responsibility for yourself.
  22. I'm not. I did write the word "unless" in that sentence. Do you understand the meaning of the sentence or don't you, because it would seem from your reply above that you don't? I'm not on about him showing him his arse, by the way. So basically is wasnt at all relevant you just thought you would say it just in case. Yep thats the way to have an argument. Ok, you've done the rather feeble "aren't I hard done by" bit, which incidentally makes you look a right tit for accusing me of saying something I didn't. That's the difference the word "unless" made in that sentence. I phrased that sentence in the correct manner. I didn't know what attitude you'd taken toward Bowyer and that was crystal clear in my post. Anyway, I know you like to deflect things away from the point when you're a bit stuck, so I wasn't surprised you babbled on about that, but let's have another go at the main point which so far you haven't satisfactorily tackled. Tell me about your double standards regarding Barton, who has been involved in off the field trouble yet you'd sign him in place of (hush....) Our Captain?
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