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Boo Boy

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Everything posted by Boo Boy

  1. those that leave will be replaced by free ticket mags
  2. Boo Boy


    TWE at that. Assuming they don't blow the play-offs again
  3. Hebburn took four coaches to the match on Saturday and they're hoping for a bumper crowd! Favourites to win it now - I got 10s at the start of the season! February 29th! you might have 3 trips to wemberly this season kidda.
  4. difference is I suppose Gold and Sullivan sold west hams home and moved to the soulless olympic stadium with the promise of champions league competing for trophys etc and where are they? They're around where they usually are and the moving to a bigger stadium was obviously an attempt to grow the club and move it forward. If they stayed at limited capacity Upton Park they couldn't do that. Man City did the same exact thing for the same exact reasons. It doesn't always work out and every new stadium is soulless but they tried. Its the promise everybody has when moving to a new ground and its never panned out. mackems, boro, Millwall, Darlington, Spurs are no better now than before, Southampton are no better. Doesn't mean its the wrong thing to do. it is the wrong thing to do. same when we nearly moved to leazes park
  5. Let me tell you why they all failed. Mike Ashley. Next ask me one on Sport.
  6. Boo Boy

    St James' Park

    no it wasn't. it was a meccano set in the middle of a shithole. great 3 points though.
  7. We behead who we want, We behead who we want. We're Newcastle. We behead who we want. will be the new club anthemn
  8. this wins the thread. makes my wind up posts look miniscule in comparison.
  9. No, it's because its MY football club. no it isn't. you have boycotted and don't go.. you have no say. Fuck off man. It's our football club because we've supported it all our lives, that won't stop because we refuse to fund the man who is destroying the very fabric of the club. Like I said, I'm conflicted. I'd expect most people with a conscience to be, if you think you can deal with it then that's fine. To act as if it's virtue signalling or in some way contrived to feel uncomfortable about this, I'd be looking at myself if I were you. you would go and enjoy the matchday experience again like we all will. where the money comes from isn't our concern. The matchday experience is not what we are debating here. Of course I'd love to be back at the club, watching us win with a top class manager. That's what everyone here wants. Lots of people here also hold the view that the source of the money that makes us win has a bearing on how they feel about winning, about even supporting, by proxy, that source of money. It's really not that hard to understand. 14 million people at risk of starvation in Yemen and Saudi Arabia are blocking imports and bombing their schools and hospitals? Are they the people you want to own your beloved club? no I would love fan ownership and Mr Sandman dancing over the moon.
  10. Why not? why? most football clubs money comes from dubious sources. China, USA, Qatar etc but no Saudis ae the only bad guys and nufc fans should stand against it in a lone crusade.
  11. It’s not just about the fans you utter gimp, it’s about people, societies. Didn’t see Shepherd ordering someone to be torn apart while alive?? I agree Fat Fred was far worse
  12. No, it's because its MY football club. no it isn't. you have boycotted and don't go.. you have no say. Fuck off man. It's our football club because we've supported it all our lives, that won't stop because we refuse to fund the man who is destroying the very fabric of the club. Like I said, I'm conflicted. I'd expect most people with a conscience to be, if you think you can deal with it then that's fine. To act as if it's virtue signalling or in some way contrived to feel uncomfortable about this, I'd be looking at myself if I were you. you would go and enjoy the matchday experience again like we all will. where the money comes from isn't our concern. It obviously is or this thread wouldn't exist. if anyone is really that 'conflicted' then they shouldn't go. that is their right. but to pontificate and say other shouldn't go is wrong
  13. No, it's because its MY football club. no it isn't. you have boycotted and don't go.. you have no say. Fuck off man. It's our football club because we've supported it all our lives, that won't stop because we refuse to fund the man who is destroying the very fabric of the club. Like I said, I'm conflicted. I'd expect most people with a conscience to be, if you think you can deal with it then that's fine. To act as if it's virtue signalling or in some way contrived to feel uncomfortable about this, I'd be looking at myself if I were you. you would go and enjoy the matchday experience again like we all will. where the money comes from isn't our concern.
  14. we have had terrible owners do terrible things to us as fans: platinum club bond schemes forcing keegan out the first time by turning it into a plc mechandise made in sweat shops in china renting warehouses in gibralter that stay empty for cash reasons massive dividends being trousered by Fat Fred and Halls that is before we get on to the Ashley era. then (assuming we do) get taken over by someone who is going to put money in and run the club properly to try and compete and that is when people on here are protesting.
  15. No, it's because its MY football club. no it isn't. you have boycotted and don't go.. you have no say. Boycotters have far more say than those that are giving Ashley money. interesting theory. so how are they going to get back in when their seats now belong to someone else? Presumably you don’t want Ashley gone as you’re still actively supporting him? So logically those that did the most to remove him, deserve the success that might come from a diff owner? Or should you be rewarded because you trekked 20 mins on a metro into town and went to the match? supported worse regimes than Ashley since 1981. support the club through thick and thin should always be the mantra. the boycotters should be banned for life for turning their back on the club rather than turning up when it gets good again. so? Should wolves fans be banned for getting rid of their owner? I’d ban the blokes who love giving Ashley their money to dick our city all over the shop. You paint it like it’s some hardship to travel to a city centre stadium and watch a match for 90mins. It’s much harder to stay away. What have you done to facilitate Ashley leaving? Sat on your arse at the match? bought loads of merchandise at Sports Direct then shouted at shops. bought loads of pints and food at the ground then shouted at the owner. like everyone else basically
  16. unless we sign a left back and a forward then we could still end up relegated,. the takeover situation doesn't change that.
  17. No, it's because its MY football club. no it isn't. you have boycotted and don't go.. you have no say. Boycotters have far more say than those that are giving Ashley money. interesting theory. so how are they going to get back in when their seats now belong to someone else? Presumably you don’t want Ashley gone as you’re still actively supporting him? So logically those that did the most to remove him, deserve the success that might come from a diff owner? Or should you be rewarded because you trekked 20 mins on a metro into town and went to the match? supported worse regimes than Ashley since 1981. support the club through thick and thin should always be the mantra. the boycotters should be banned for life for turning their back on the club rather than turning up when it gets good again.
  18. fucking great isn't it. if you are that offended by Saudi's I take it you don't put oil or petrol/diesel in your car as that is where if comes from. people get offended over nowt. "nowt" :lol: I'm terribly curious where you draw the line if Saudi Arabia's gross disregard for human rights is "nowt" I draw the line in having mackems in charge. a consortium of pol pot,idie armin,pinochet & bobby sands is fine You're fucking disgusting. big tears for Jm. pulls yourself together. every owner has a degree of dodginess. where are you drawing the line? are you expecting to be taken over by monks and nuns? You voted Brexit didn’t you? no I didn't. biggest act of self harm in our lifetime. what that's got to do with wanting NUFC to be successful at any cost I don't know. some people literally are never happy. Because you’re coming across as one of those frothing at the mouth Brexit anti immigrant twats who are all over social media. well pleased I can clarify the situation for you then. i am not going to the Champions League final because we are owned by Saudis is weapons grade horseshit You are one of those twats, fucks sake man have a look at yourself not saying I am not. my point is valid though. people will forget very quickly where the money is coming from if we become successful. that is the uncomfortable truth this forum is refusing to face. Oh I’m sure there’ll be a few people like that. As others have mentioned, society today is like that. That doesn’t make it a valid point though. It’s more of an indictment on society we are agreeing there mind.
  19. game is about opinions. don't think mine is better or worse than anyone else's.
  20. No, it's because its MY football club. no it isn't. you have boycotted and don't go.. you have no say. Fuck me Sauna 52 12.30pm?
  21. everyone does in the real world.
  22. No, it's because its MY football club. no it isn't. you have boycotted and don't go.. you have no say. Boycotters have far more say than those that are giving Ashley money. interesting theory. so how are they going to get back in when their seats now belong to someone else?
  23. fucking great isn't it. if you are that offended by Saudi's I take it you don't put oil or petrol/diesel in your car as that is where if comes from. people get offended over nowt. "nowt" :lol: I'm terribly curious where you draw the line if Saudi Arabia's gross disregard for human rights is "nowt" I draw the line in having mackems in charge. a consortium of pol pot,idie armin,pinochet & bobby sands is fine You're fucking disgusting. big tears for Jm. pulls yourself together. every owner has a degree of dodginess. where are you drawing the line? are you expecting to be taken over by monks and nuns? You voted Brexit didn’t you? no I didn't. biggest act of self harm in our lifetime. what that's got to do with wanting NUFC to be successful at any cost I don't know. some people literally are never happy. Because you’re coming across as one of those frothing at the mouth Brexit anti immigrant twats who are all over social media. well pleased I can clarify the situation for you then. i am not going to the Champions League final because we are owned by Saudis is weapons grade horseshit You are one of those twats, fucks sake man have a look at yourself not saying I am not. my point is valid though. people will forget very quickly where the money is coming from if we become successful. that is the uncomfortable truth this forum is refusing to face.
  24. No, it's because its MY football club. no it isn't. you have boycotted and don't go.. you have no say.
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