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Everything posted by Menace

  1. Menace


    He's on 50k pw. I know the guy personally. If you know him personally, then do you have any idea why he hasn't been much cop since he's joined? By his words. He has been frozen out, sometimes doesn't even get told when to report to training etc.
  2. Menace


    He's on 50k pw. I know the guy personally.
  3. Menace

    Players in public

    Tiote's staying then.
  4. How so? We know of his quality. £12M is not that much in the grand scheme of things.
  5. Good player. Would have him back for £12M seeing as Fletcher cost £14M...
  6. http://assets1.lfcimages.com/uploads/players/henderson.jpg
  7. Menace

    Alan Smith

    Imagine getting paid £60k a week for being shit at your job. Fuck me.
  8. Menace

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Thanks. Glad that's officially cleared up now Mike.
  9. Pogbrebnyak is available on a free. I'd have him here.
  10. He's crap and on high wages
  11. Menace

    Players in public

    He started his A-Levels yesterday and passed them today. Easy.
  12. Menace

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's on twitter. http://twitter.com/#!/Benarfaofficial
  13. Menace

    Papiss Cissé

    Change thread title to Papiss Cisse - GOD.
  14. Different kind of players tbh.
  15. Pardew's lack of upper lip always frustrates me when I watch our interviews.
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