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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. pedro111

    Ryan Fraser

    Was really impressive last season and on his day is excellent. Shame it hasn't worked for him this year he seems a great lad wish him all the best to be honest.
  2. pedro111

    Dan Burn

    I think it's class. Does it continue to the chorus or not?
  3. Re Longstaff, I think his passing has been better than normal, there were a few occasions where he made some accurate forward passes and I had to double check that it was actually him.
  4. Thanks. I want to take her to the shop to get the experience buying it as I am trying my best to get her hooked on Newcastle. She even says she hates Bruno. Probably because she gets no attention when he's on TV!
  5. Thanks. Guess there is only one way to find out!
  6. Quick question. Does the club shop sell stationary and pencil cases etc these days? My 5 year old girl would be over the moon if we could get her some on Saturday.
  7. pedro111


    Saw bus loads of them pissing aal ower the A66 earlier. Animals!
  8. pedro111

    Kieron Dyer

    I have the same thing with Jermaine Jenas. We are the same age and it feels like yesterday seeing him stroll through Newcastle airport and getting kissed on the head by that bloke. Where does the time go?
  9. Just bagged a ticket for this. Second game of the season. Games against these always felt like a big occasion in the Bobby days so really looking forward to it!
  10. It has always puzzled me as to why we seem incapable of incorporating any kind of intricate song into our songbook the way the likes of Man U and Liverpool do.
  11. Love Given like. Just full on openly being a fan whilst live doing punditry.
  12. This is the point where I wish we had a 70k capacity. Nee chance of a ticket!
  13. What I really loved was after Maxi and Murphy came on at about 88 minutes and they were pressing high with fresh legs, Bruno sprinted 30 yards to help out so their hard work wasn't for nothing. This at 3 nil up and game won. He is exceptional.
  14. The lads a class act. I certainly never thought we would ever see this level of human being playing for us. The match between him and us is just perfect in every way.
  15. Got the seal of approval from Bruno post match so who the fuck are we to give him any grief?
  16. The atmosphere issue with extending the gallowgate could be easily remedied with a singing area/section/stand whatever you want. 6 to 10k toon fans minimum who want to go mental all in the same area would be transformative. Even with no roof whatsoever. This has to be the way forward Shirley.
  17. pedro111

    Dele Alli

    I heard that he had a really tough upbringing. Whatever you want to make of that affecting him mentally.
  18. Pure championship manager cup draw that. Against your next opponents in the league.
  19. He is apologising for laughing at someone's dead dog now!
  20. Someone asked if he will be getting his penis out on the stream.
  21. I am watching the Adam P stream what the fuck is wrong with me?
  22. I hope any extension to the ground would facilitate the creation of a singing 'end' preferably. We certainly need it.
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