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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Yes, not sure about him myself. Doesn't seem composed enough to me to be the player we need. He was playing so deep today. That was always my complaint with Cabaye. Both players perform far better when they push up.
  2. Haven't been this nervous during a game in about 15 years. I spent the whole match alone in the bedroom on the verge of a heart attack. Had to consciously take deep breaths at one point. Didn't even celebrate the goal, just concentrated on not dying.
  3. Seems to be the only one in our team without a touch like a rapist so he is fine by me.
  4. Send Colback to space on a rocket, get Colo back and playing with Rafa discipline in him, play M'bemba at left back or even Sissoko after today and maybe we have a chance. With a settled back four I think we would have won that today.
  5. I think the whole '6 in a row' thing possibly had an even bigger mental grip on our players than we had thought. That draw might, MIGHT just be the catalyst for survival. Yes its not the result we wanted but I really believe stopping the rot against them cunts could be the tonic we need.
  6. Would have been gutted with a draw before the game but all things considered I will take that. The Mitro goal could be the turning point. We have to be positive, hopefully we will pick up a few unexpected wins along the way. We can still do this.
  7. Feel sick this morning, feels like my whole life depends on this result. urrgh.
  8. I am amazed at how easily I have been pulled back in from not giving a flying fuck and wanting them relegated to being absolutely sick with fear and panic about Sunday. I cannot remember the last time I wanted us to win a game more than this. It feels like the whole future of the club is at stake. Win and we probably survive relegation and get to keep Rafa, we march forward and progress to who knows what potentially positive outcomes. Lose, we go down, the best manager we ever could have hoped for leaves and that's it the club is fucked for at least another decade and or more. Fuck man, the gravity of this match is scary.
  9. Hopefully Rafa will find somewhere round Newcastle/Northumberland that he and his family love even more so than the Wirral and he will become our manager for the next 15 years! Let me dream.
  10. Nah, no way, he looks too happy its got to be uncal Joe in disguise.
  11. Its like a proper old school NUFC buzz this. Kind of expect Uncal Joe to rip off the Benitez face mask at the press conference.
  12. Well, this is good. Replace Colback and Riviere with two specs of dust and we would be immediately better.
  13. 10. The defence is so weak it is beyond a joke.
  14. Hilarious! So glad I don't work with loads of Mackems anymore.
  15. Great pic that. This might sound ridiculous but could we not extend the Strawberry corner and the Leazes/East stand corner to Level 7 height? What would that be an extra 3-4k seats? Would look class.
  16. For a small CB Woodgate never got bullied either. Had absolutely everything apart from the required professionalism. Small? He's 6"2. Used to see him out all the time when I had the misfortune of living in Boro. He's my height. 6' or just over. I'm 6'2" and I dont see it as being particularly tall either. Loads of people bigger than me about. Always thought of it being middle of the road when I used to play. Back to the topic, Ive always loved Colocinni, and he has generally been a good signing for us. He has been class lately but Woodgate was the best Ive seen. I always remember being in awe of him most of the time. He should have been one of Englands all time great defenders. Shame what happened to him.
  17. Hes just signed for NUFC, one of the worst clubs for getting your head right.
  18. pedro111

    Steve McClaren

    Colo was pretty good today I thought, especially first half. Was exposed later on though. Lascelles.
  19. Incredible close control, balance and movement on show from him today. It boggles the mind that we can have some cracking players but generally be so shit.
  20. Hard to take that. Janmaat, Sissoko and Wijnaldum all very good.
  21. Only thing with Tiote is his passing its always either a little too hard or too soft or too wide.
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