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Posts posted by M4

  1. He did just fine. Nothing more nothing less, just a dependable defender doing his job. Which is ok no complaints.


    Yeap, did his job on the day. Him and Taylor should be automatic first choice at centre backs.

  2. Now, now ladies it's not a social club...




































    Joking, I'm not that twat-esque  ;)


    you sure


    Do you want me to start whinging about capital letters again?


    And question marks, if that was a question... or maybe the rest of his sentence is missing... we'll never know :(

  3. my post match thought is that everyone is overly anal on the txt speak complaints.


    Erm...because it's incredibly annoying?


    If you're using a a device ill-suited to communicating in written language (mobile), txt speak makes sense, insamuch as it's possible to make sense trying to use a voice device for text messaging.


    On this forum, with a keyboard in front of you, it makes no sense to use txt speak, must take more effort to type that way, and certainly takes a lot more effort to understand. 




    a little hypocritical don't you think if others are going to be picky then so will i


    No that's just you again. It's an accepted exception, by definition it's "txt" speak.

  4. The gooch will not achieve expectations. He is a good player but not a leader nor is he that great at anticipating attacks, but uinlike Carr he is fast and a massiev physical presense and will make up for most of his shortcomings with hard work. Unlike others this will be a huge step up for him and he knows it - he understands that he is lucky to be here and will try to make it work.


    Started reading that, and all I could think of was that it sounds like a direct quote from the gooch himself in an interview.... referring to himself in the 3rd person and all :lol:

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