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Posts posted by M4

  1. Trigger happy refs are idiots. That card he gave to Martins was stupid. At least he's consistent in giving them though I guess.

    if that was stupid after pushing the keeper and just laying hands on the ref.....why didnt you say the west ham bookings after milners goal were stupid?


    he was right on all occasions..if you want football to regain its dignity you'll back him on those decisions


    He was probably wrong also to go all trigger happy on the Hammer players too. You have to allow that heated reactions will happen. The kind of which I'm talking about are in no way dragging down the "dignity" in football ( rolleyes ) a ref can also use his talking ability to reason with players, not act like a little spoilt hitlerian brat.

  2. I hate players like Milner. Frustrating as hell and you never know where you stand. He'll alternate between the brilliant and the ridiculously shit. If he was just shite at least we could get rid and move on to the next.

  3. When Chelsea signed them two i thought they were going to be looking at this type of formation:




    Boularouz    Cavalho  Terry    Cole



              Lampard              Ballack

    Cole                                          Robben



    Fair enough Mourinho has had injuries to key players but it was his choice to fiddle around with the formation which in my eyes is what has cost them. If Mourinho decided to revert back to his old system he could still win the title but that would be like saying he was wrong and hes too stubborn for that.


    Do you seriously think he should drop Drogba?  He's been there best player this season and has saved them in games on many occasions.


    Right, who couldnt see that post coming a mile away? Who said he should drop Drogba now?? note this bit: "When Chelsea signed them two i thought they were going to be looking at this type of formation" So did I tbh back in the summer!

  4. I remember when I was 10-11, in training I nicked the ball in front of an opposing kid who was going to shoot and his follow through kick me right in the shin, and snapped the pad in two.


    Pretty much since then, I couldnt play without them. Used to feel weird if I didnt have them on, even in training.

  5. This is very weird all this saga... When was it he took over as Scotland boss? less than a year ago wasn't it?


    Surely all non Rangers Scottish fans will despise him for ditching the national side, probably even a few Rangers fans will feel glad yet unconfortable at Smith's decision.

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