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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Since when was there a Sports Direct on the first floor? I haven't been since it was JJB - how long ago was that?! I went shopping with the fella before Christmas for some trainers and we went in there, went upstairs, saw the Sports Direct logo and were like 'errr.. when the hell did that happen?!' Had a quick look anyway and it was full of tat as expected, so we moved on somewhere else. Does it still have that pointless fucking football court in the middle of the store?
  2. Hatem Ben Arfa - £5 million James Milner - £27 million Fantastic deal. As much as it pains me to say it hats off to Ashley, Llambias, Carr, Hughton, Pardew...basically everyone involved in this transfer from day one.
  3. If there was a bid for Carroll of £30 million we'd be mental to turn it down. Doubt there is anything in it though. EDIT: Sorry, that sounds like I'm disappointed there isn't. Obviously I hope we keep him at all costs but £30 million is a stupid fee that we couldn't turn down. The only issue would be whether the club sees that cash or whether Ashley takes it.
  4. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=74134&id=524505632#!/photo.php?fbid=98408955632&set=a.66242860632.74134.524505632 45 years old
  5. Ashley's running of the club from a financial angle Ashley's running of the club from a footballing angle
  6. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs388.snc3/23687_392409245632_524505632_4100937_4907678_n.jpg Enrique & Ranger could quickly become the new Ernie & Eric.
  7. They can shove their respect up their arse. I saw Andre Marriner referee at Goodison.
  8. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs181.ash2/44379_1495949633538_1078016820_31474426_3764026_n.jpg Leon in the background
  9. No point in having the store in the Monument when you've got the megastore next door to Shearer's.
  10. Long been my opinion. For my money he was our best player in the second half of last season, he was so important to the tonkings we dished out. I think his struggles at this level are mental rather than entirely down to a lack of ability.
  11. Wolves, Wigan and Blackburn.
  12. Eduardo's was complicated by his foot almost coming off completely.
  13. The Football Ramble is the only one I can be arsed to listen to. Very funny.
  14. The final paragraph sums the situation and I imagine the opinions of a lot of fans up quite well:
  15. Ashley saved us from the financial abyss left by Shepherd and Hall but still has no fucking idea how to run a club.
  16. The more you look at Carroll in that hat the better it gets.
  17. Somone has just called Carroll's glass of sherry a puff.
  18. He's back online http://plixi.com/p/62933312
  19. I know. More chance of Taylor signing a new deal.
  20. I hope Ashley realises if he avoids flogging Carroll and Ranger he'll save cash because wont need to buy another striker for about a decade.
  21. Oh aye, I was talking about that move for about 5 minutes afterwards. His movement after giving it to Barton and then charging into the box to meet the cross was absolutely sublime. Never for one moment did I think he'd be able to reach ball in time and meet it like that. Shame he couldn't put it away. I was in full Andy Gray mode after that. I think wor kid was sick of me "He said tae Joey 'I'll give you this, get into the box and all you have tae do is put it on ma head'. Joey says 'aye son, no worries, get yerself away' so he does just that and he's unlucky not ta score. Wow. And I mean that."
  22. I think he is. There comes a point when he's just bullying the lad
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