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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Agree with that. He wasn't punished by the team after glassing that lad in Blu Bambu when he should've been IMO. He's going through a purple patch at the minute but I don't think he's as important as he or some others believe he is. Best has been very poor so far but Ameobi's record is surprisingly good and I still believe Ranger is the better footballer of the two. I still maintain that ameobi's bad points far outweigh the good. He can't hold the ball up, loses it to often and has more s*** games than good by far. Should have been dumped years ago. Ranger however I agree I think he has potential that far outstrips the other strikers we have he just has to realise it. His hold up play is quite good, seems to have pace and maybe a trick just need the goals and consistency that will hopefully come with age and games Carroll has to learn how to behave, and he won't change if he walks straight back in tomorrow. The sooner this bunch learn how to lead by example the better. I agree Ameobi is a shambles who should be cut loose but he can score goals in this league which makes Carroll slightly more expendable. Lets face it, until very recently Carroll's game was hideous and it's only recently he's looked more of a footballer and less of a lump
  2. Carroll has to learn how to behave, and he won't change if he walks straight back in tomorrow. The sooner this bunch learn how to lead by example the better. Agree with that. He wasn't punished by the team after glassing that lad in Blu Bambu when he should've been IMO. He's going through a purple patch at the minute but I don't think he's as important as he or some others believe he is. Best has been very poor so far but Ameobi's record is surprisingly good and I still believe Ranger is the better footballer of the two.
  3. He got cautioned for clipping a lass, got into a training ground fight with N'Zogbia, glassed a punter in Blu Bambu and got into a fight in Tup Tup not long after.
  4. Heard a rumour that Carroll/Taylor could be the new Bridge/Terry.
  5. Talent/potential - Taylor to go. Nutter - Carroll to go. Carroll could be a better striker than Taylor will be defender.
  6. It'll take us a fucking age to decipher the cunt if Dutty Custard is owt to go by.
  7. That was Abdoulaye Faye. It was both. Faye in the dressing room and Carroll on the training ground.
  8. Chances are he'll get chucked behind bars come May if he keeps this up. Weeren't there rumours of him getting a clip in Blu Bambu after the Watford game too?
  9. Talent/potential - Taylor to go. Nutter - Carroll to go.
  10. Chances are it's not broken, he's just went to ground and rolling around like it's broken.
  11. Big Dunc seemed like a genuine Scotch nutter, Carroll seems like a fucking charva.
  12. If it's true a stint in the reserves at best and Wormwood Scrubs at worst for Carroll beckons.
  13. Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them. That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time. Fuck off
  14. I'm glad we didn't bring him back. He looks past it.
  15. Nah, that's hardly correct. How? For it to be correct you're saying you would unequivocally trust the opinion of someone who watched the team live over someone who watched it on TV, regardless of who those two people actually are. If they were your grandma and Wenger, would it hold? Or an 8 year old and Mancini? Obviously not. So there are more factors involved in "knowing more" than the property of watching it live vs remote. I'm not questioning that it gives you the ability to make better judgments, but it does not bestow the realization of that potential upon you. Comparing world class managers and old biddys is pointless in this context. We're all football fans, we're all vaguely knowledgable about the game. If you showed me two opinions, one from someone who has a season ticket/was at the game and another based on what Mick Lowes said/Match of the Day highlights I know who I'd give more credence and respect to. Obviously that's not to say the latter is any less of a fan, just less well placed to comment. Highlights are all very well and good, you get a decent view of the key incidents and even match going fans will go home and watch late night BBC to get the goals, fouls, cards etc. but is it really enough to form strong opinions on players, tactics and a variety of other stuff? It's tantamount to reviewing a film from the trailer alone.
  16. Nah, that's hardly correct. How?
  17. Andrew Driver hasn't actually passed his test.
  18. He looks cool as fuck and rightly so, he's going to be some player in a few years time if he keeps this up.
  19. It goes without saying if you watch us week in, week out you know more than someone who listens to us on the radio and watches a few games on TV. Hardly rocket science.
  20. He went down feet first yesterday, I don't think I've ever seen a player do that when running at speed
  21. Harper 5 - Awful for their first and didn't fill me with confidence the one or two other chances they had. Looked like he'd rather have been in the tanning salon than on the pitch. Simpson 6 - Got bummed for their second, did alright otherwise. Colo 6 - Decent enough, Haynes gave him some food for thought mind. Hall 6 - Okay until he got crocked. Enrique 7 - He's still getting back up to speed after his injury. Started poorly (for him, anyway) but after about half an hour he looked close to his best. Routledge 7 - Always looks like he's on the verge of creating something, good ball for the second. Would really benefit from getting more games in front of Simpson so they develop a bit of an understanding. Guthrie 6 - Drifted in and out. Nolan 6 - Probably one of his better games away from home. Jonas 8 - Man of the match. Great awareness to get the first, ran all day long and just scared the shit out of their defenders when he got the ball. He's brimming with confidence, his crossing is ten times better than it was last year and he's shooting when he gets within range rather than running out of space. He needs to keep this up. Best 5 - In dire need of a goal to boost his confidence. After he missed a few chances his head dropped. Carroll 7 - He's looking more like a footballer than just a big lump now. The more he plays the better he looks.
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